Adjustment Disorder: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The constant changes and conflicts in our current lives, whether in the work, personal or family sphere, can cause emotional imbalances. In these cases, as a consequence, people who suffer from it usually feel anxiety, stress or sadness. If we do not have the necessary tools to manage these changes and adapt, the situation can lead to an adaptation disorder.

In this PsychologyFor article we will talk in depth about the adjustment disorder: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment< We will also explain what types of adjustment disorders exist and how to differentiate them from depression.

What is an adjustment disorder

Adaptive disorder or adaptation disorder is an alteration in the adaptation process and, as a consequence, causes excessive and maladaptive emotional reactions< To diagnose adjustment disorder, the reaction must appear during the first three months after the stressor. Normally it does not extend more than six.

Furthermore, an adjustment disorder is characterized by a alteration of well-being, mood and a deterioration in work and student effectiveness, as well as in social relationships.

Causes of an adjustment disorder

Symptoms of adjustment disorder may appear immediately or appear later. The main causes of this disorder are:

  • Country change<
  • Job change<
  • Workplace Harassment: where the person may suffer from anxiety, stress or simply feel out of place.
  • Sum of a series of stressors – In these cases, the effects may take a little longer to appear. An example could be excessive workload adding few hours of sleep. The person maintains a frenetic pace until he can’t take it anymore.

Symptoms of adjustment disorder

The main symptoms of adjustment disorder are the following:

  • Stress.
  • Insomnia.
  • Apathy. In this article you will find more information about apathy: meaning, symptoms and how to overcome it.
  • Less attention span.
  • Headache.
  • Irritability.
  • Frustration.
  • Pessimism.
  • Constant stage of rumination: mulling over the problem all day long.
  • Constant desire to cry.
  • Anxiety and depressed feeling, pressure in the chest and difficulty breathing.
  • Mental and physical fatigue.
  • Loss or increase in appetite.
  • Loss of interest in activities.
  • Isolation.

Diagnosis of adjustment disorder

There is no method or test that allows us to accurately see and diagnose adjustment disorder. It is diagnosed if the criteria established in the DSM5 and ICD 10 are met. To do this, professionals mainly use the interview with the patient as a diagnostic tool. Through a conversation and observation, the professional will be able to determine if what you are presenting is an adjustment disorder.

Adjustment disorder or depression

In disorders in which there is no exact method to diagnose a disorder, it is easy for them to be confused or associated with others. It is common for the symptoms of depression to be associated with those of an adjustment disorder.

  1. In a adjustment disorder There is always a reason for the appearance of the disorder: a separation, job change, motherhood, financial problems, job loss, etc. In a depression There may not be any triggering factor for the appearance, it just appears. There are some tips to avoid depression.
  2. In an adjustment disorder there is usually not the same intensity of symptoms as in depression, just as not all symptoms may occur.
  3. The depression It is a mood disorder, unlike adjustment disorder, which is classified within disorders related to trauma and stress factors.

We leave you a test below where you can find out if you have symptoms of depression.

Types of adjustment disorder

Adjustment disorder can manifest itself in different ways. Next, we will see the different types of adjustment disorder:

  • Adjustment disorder with anxiety: characterized by increased anxiety during adjustment disorder. The person presenting it recognizes the stressor as the cause of her anxiety. This anxiety hinders or limits the person’s normal day-to-day functioning, such as at work or school.
  • Adjustment disorder with depressed mood: People who suffer from this disorder experience feelings of sadness, crying, and despair. If these feelings do not disappear or we do not try to make them disappear with the help of third parties, it could trigger depression.
  • Mixed anxious-depressive adjustment disorder: People who present this disorder due to a stressor, apart from the general symptoms of an adjustment disorder, feel depressed and anxious at the same time. Psychological therapy is recommended and, if necessary, the use of drugs for the treatment of this disorder.
  • Adjustment disorder with emotional disturbance and behavioral disturbance: When there is stress and anxiety, and one does not learn to manage, problematic behaviors can be triggered in the person. There is always a certain amount of stress in a person’s daily life; the problem comes when we do not know how to manage this stress or when we are not aware of the burden we can bear.
  • Adjustment disorder with behavioral alteration: This disorder is very common in children because when a stressor occurs that they do not know how to manage, they also appear depressed, but they face the problem through negative behavior since sadness transforms into anger. They may start fights or steal.
  • adjustment disorder nonspecific: People whose symptoms come from various types of disorders are categorized into this disorder. They can present a mixture of several symptoms and cannot be categorized into a single disorder.

Treatment of adjustment disorder

As we have mentioned previously, adjustment disorder usually appears during the first three months after the stressor and rarely lasts more than six. As with all disorders, there are different degrees and, depending on the person, they will have more or fewer resources to face the situation. It is recommended go to a specialist since poor treatment could trigger depression.

How is adjustment disorder cured? You should try to eliminate the stress factor. Some of the therapies for adjustment disorder may be emotional management techniques, relaxation techniques.. etc. The treatment that has the greatest demonstrated efficiency is cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Sometimes it is necessary to use of pharmacological treatment for an adjustment disorder. In these cases, it is necessary and vital to go to a professional to prescribe what we really need. We must avoid self-medicating or being advised by people who are not professionals in the field.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Adjustment disorder: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2014). DSM-5. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana, SA

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