Am I A Pessimistic Person? 10 Tricks To End Your Dark Side

Are you constantly thinking negative? Do you think you can be a pessimistic person? Negativity has consequences! Discover the most effective method to leave pessimism behind.

Am I a pessimist? How to stop being a pessimistic person?

It is normal that in certain situations we have a more pessimistic than optimistic attitude. But when we end up using this negative view of life for everything and become a pessimistic person, we must remedy this type of thinking. Pessimists are not only harmful to themselves, but can also influence their immediate circle. If you are wanting to know why you have adopted philosophical pessimism for your life, here we will unravel all the secrets behind the pessimistic attitude.

What is it to be a pessimist?

He meaning of pessimist According to psychologists, it is defined as the persuasive attitude of a person in the face of the constant thought that everything that happens around them will go wrong. Pessimists see life with a dark filter full of negativity. What does it mean to be pessimistic? Precisely a pessimistic person usually expects negative results from everything he does and says. So much so that they can even become suspicious when things seem to be going well.

It is obvious to think that no one aspires to be pessimistic since it is a harmful attitude both for us and for our loved ones. Despite this, there are some pessimistic attitudes that at certain times can have a good result for us. When situations occur where we need this negativity to be practical, we refer to it as defensive pessimism. In fact, a little pessimism in certain situations can even be good for us. Therefore, we can see that being too pessimistic and optimistic can be negative on both sides. Balance, in the vast majority of cases, is the best version of this type of attitude.

Why are we pessimists?

Fortunately or unfortunately, we have a natural tendency to be pessimists This is because our biology is prepared to try to survive at all costs. Therefore, in a risk-filled environment, prevention is better than cure. In this way, our body tends to prefer a pessimistic attitude in the face of adversity since prudence prevails.

The problem arises when we are in an environment that is not only not very dangerous, but in which this type of survival is no longer a challenge for our species. Today a pessimistic person Not only does it have disadvantages in front of others, but this attitude can take a toll on your health.

Although we have this natural tendency to pessimism, the reality is that we can learn to leave catastrophic thoughts behind and replace them with a more positive attitude. With effort and especially through the help of a psychologist or psychology, you can change the philosophical pessimism that lives in you.

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Do you know if you are a pessimistic person?

How do you know if you are a pessimistic person?

There are a series of characteristics and attitudes that indicate that a person tends more to pessimism than to optimism. If you identify yourself in the following situations and thoughts, it is very likely that you are a pessimistic person.

  • You are surprised that things turn out well: You think that everything negative always happens to you. You always see that everything is going well for others, while only misfortunes happen to you. These types of thoughts reveal that you are a pessimistic person
  • You think you will fail: When when you start a task or set a goal you always tend to think that you will never achieve it, it is very likely that you are part of the pessimists
  • You focus your attention on the negative: One of the most common characteristics of pessimists It is precisely that they put the focus of their attention on everything that is negative. So much so that people with too much pessimism can experience a normal and ordinary situation as a catastrophe in their eyes.
  • You dislike the optimism of others: When a pessimistic person If you meet someone positive, it is very likely that they do not like you or do not like you because of their attitude. This happens because for pessimists, optimism means leaving their comfort zone.
  • You underestimate your own abilities: A pessimistic By definition you will always see your shortcomings instead of your virtues. Therefore, on many occasions, these people suffer from both low self-esteem and the so-called imposter syndrome.
  • They practice negative self-talk: He meaning of pessimist points out that the main cause of pessimism is precisely its negative perception of reality. So much so that pessimistic people have very negative self-talk and treat themselves very disrespectfully.

Everyone can experience times of pessimism and optimism. Despite this, when this balance is focused on pessimism, it is vital to try to put an end to this type of thinking. The best way to do this is by going to a psychologist and applying certain techniques to encourage a more positive attitude.

Why are we pessimists?

Causes of being a pessimistic person

Although our scale is naturally more aimed at having a pessimistic rather than optimistic attitude, the reality is that there are a series of factors that make a person more pessimistic than optimistic. Among the main causes of this negative attitude towards oneself are the following.

  • Genetics: In some cases there are certain genetic factors that increase the probability of having a tendency towards pessimism Among them, if a relative suffers or has suffered from an illness such as depression and anxiety.
  • Family dynamics: Childhood is a stage that greatly affects the personality that an adult will have. When a child lives in a conflictive family environment, it is very likely that he will end up developing more pessimists than optimists
  • Traumas: Having a bad experience that marks our memory can be one of the factors that make us tend more toward the negative side than the positive.
  • Poverty: Not being able to have economic security is also one of the main causes that can make a person more pessimistic How optimistic.
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Risks of being a pessimistic person

There are many easily visible drawbacks to having a pessimistic attitude Mainly pessimism has the following risks.

  • Depression and anxiety: It is obvious that a person who constantly resorts to negative thoughts will be more likely to suffer from both depression and anxiety. That is why it is vital to leave the pessimism for optimism
  • Development of bad habits: The pessimists They can leave aside their personal care. So much so that not only will they maintain an unhealthy attitude both in their meals and in sports, but they may also neglect check-ups or medical appointments.
  • Fewer strategies for coping with stress: When you see everything negative, you are more likely to suffer all the damage that stress can leave. Furthermore the pessimistic thinking It also means that we have fewer strategies to deal with the stressful situations in our lives.
  • Less chance of success: Leaving things half done, continually postponing tasks, among other types of pessimistic attitudes It is not helpful in achieving our goals. That is why pessimism often plays a kind of vicious circle where we are always the victim.

All these effects are just the tip of the iceberg of pessimism In this way, it is vital to leave pessimistic thoughts behind and go to a psychological health specialist to erase all the emotional stains that this attitude can leave in our minds.

How to stop being pessimistic?

How to stop being a pessimistic person?

Despite pessimism It is almost a way of being of the people who suffer from it, the reality is that we can change it with effort and a lot of determination. In addition to going to a mental health professional, we can rely on these psychological techniques.

  1. Replace your thoughts: A way to make pessimism does not invade you is precisely by replacing each of the negative thoughts that pass through your mind with more positive reasoning or ideas. The key is not to miss a single negative self-talk. Every negative word that passes through your mind must be converted into an optimistic version of it.
  2. Create a gratitude list: A good method to leave any act behind synonym of pessimist is by creating a list of everything we should be grateful for. For this technique to work you must do it before going to sleep and when you wake up. On a blank piece of paper or on your cell phone you will have to write every day what you are grateful for. Think about all the people around you and everything you have and have achieved with your efforts. Every time pessimism invades you, remember or look at the gratitude list.
  3. Stop seeing setbacks as failures: You can’t control everything. If something goes wrong, don’t focus on the result, look at what you can do. Every time an obstacle arises, treat it as if life were a video game: it’s a new mission you must overcome.
  4. Do good things for others: Kindness and empathy towards others is not only a good way to practice altruism, it also has benefits for both your self-esteem and your self-perception. That is why you should take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to offer selfless help to others. You will see that through small actions you will take a big step to end the problem. pessimism what’s in you
  5. Find an outlet for your negativity: Channel the negative thoughts It is also a good strategy to leave behind a pessimistic attitude. In this way, activities such as meditation, a new hobby or physical exercise can help you leave negativity behind.
  6. Talk to yourself as if you were a little child: Wouldn’t you treat a small child badly? Then remember what you were like as a child and visualize that every time you talk to yourself you are talking to your little self. This way, you will stop talking to yourself in a disrespectful way.
  7. Leave the tags behind: You are not a pessimistic person Or at least, you’re not anymore. Therefore, it is vital that you leave this label behind and stop thinking that you have this type of attitude. It is important that if others make you see that you are pessimistic, you tell them that you are changing and that you no longer feel identified with pessimism.
  8. Surround yourself with optimistic and positive people: When your surroundings are full of joy, it is normal that you end up incorporating positivity into your life. Therefore, it is essential that you leave aside the pessimists and to the toxic people in your circle.
  9. Find someone to lean on: As we have already mentioned, you will not always be able to have an optimistic attitude for everything. Plus it’s bad to be too positive in some situations. Therefore, you should always have someone to support you in bad times, whether it is a friend or a trusted psychologist.
  10. Add creativity to your life: Creativity, imagination and fantasy are not only things for children. Adults must not only incorporate art into our lives, but we must be as creative as possible to enjoy the art.

    The information published by MundoPsicologos does not replace in any case the relationship between the patient and his psychologist. MundoPsicologos does not endorse any specific treatment, commercial product or service.

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