Am I A Sponge Person?

Sponge people are highly sensitive people who absorb the emotions of those around them.

Am I a sponge person?

The empathy It is a very positive affective capacity in people, as it allows you to understand those with whom you interact. However, in the case of “sponge people” this factor can be negative. We understand a sponge person as a highly sensitive person who unintentionally absorbs the pain, sadness and even fears of other people. On many occasions, it affects them in a negative way.

The psychiatrist Judith Orloff came to describe these people as those who assume or copy the feelings of others. In the case of good feelings, assimilating them and flourishing. Otherwise, it can lead to depression, physical fatigue and even panic attacks.

How to know if you are a sponge person

The psychiatrist wrote in her book a series of questions that we could ask ourselves to recognize if we are:

  • If a friend is distressed, do I feel that way?
  • Do I eat excessively to cope with the emotional stress I feel?
  • Do I like to be alone?
  • Does it bother me to be in places with too many people?
  • Do people around me say I’m too sensitive?

If most of these questions have been answered with yes, then you may be a sponge person.

Characteristics of sponge people

  • Intuitive: Even if no one tells them what is happening, they realize it.
  • Empathic: Maybe too much. Sometimes they understand other people’s positions so much that they come to feel like them.
  • They attract toxic people: Because they are so empathetic, many people take advantage of their sensitivity.
  • Responsible for other people’s problems: They suffer from problems of close people that should not affect them.
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Learn to manage it

When we realize that we are absorbing other people’s problems and sufferings and it is negatively affecting our emotions, it is time to confront ourselves and find solutions:

  1. Look for positive people: Surrounding yourself with people with good vibes and positive energy will benefit your self-esteem.
  2. Stay away from toxic people: Toxic people will seek your help at all times and take advantage of your sensitivity. Keeping them away will allow you to manage it and feel better.
  3. Set limits: Nobody is telling you not to help others and try to understand them. But when you prioritize other people before your own, it is time to establish limits to be able to deal with what you need and feel.

The important thing is that you can filter, meditate and understand what you are feeling and how other people’s emotions can affect you. Understand what is happening to you and establish solutions to deal with it as soon as possible so that it cannot affect you negatively. Being sensitive is not bad, but you must learn to work on it whenever you need it and you can feel better about yourself.