Anxiety As A Path To Self-knowledge And Freedom

Anxiety as a path to self-knowledge and freedom

When society tells you that the fast-paced world is the right one, that stress and anxiety in your daily life are normal and acceptable, and that living with continuous tension is a common and even reinforced trend; We have a huge conflict before us.

Biologically, human beings are prepared to be able to occasionally endure moments of stress in which flight or fight may be necessary to survive in our environment. But nowadays, the sustained stress that we undergo in our frenetic daily lives leads us to live in continuous anguish and nervousness, and this has very serious consequences for our physical, mental and energetic health.

At this point, we have several ways to address this type of problem. We can ignore the call toward change or we can head toward a more sustainable life connected to our inner essence

Learning to live at another pace

It is possible that the first call towards a transmutation will not be heard; Perhaps we are too young or perhaps we are not prepared, that we still have to learn about other vicissitudes that may be presented to us. But life, like the planet and its nature, is cyclical, and this implies that those experiences that we have not directly addressed with determination and awareness to learn fully from them, They are going to be repeated to us periodically and in an increasingly clear way and almost certainly, also in a more painful way.

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At this point, in which the person connects with this intense suffering, a dark well of shadows hangs over them. This is the moment I call “the dark night of the soul.” ; It is a period of maximum sadness, pain and loneliness, where we are given the opportunity, through the most terrible expression of our desolation, to transmute said situation by coming into contact with our being, our essence, and with the Energy of oneself. /o and at all, to connect with our intuition and purest consciousness.

How can we, in this moment of total despair and anguish, connect with this most authentic, spontaneous and brightest part of ourselves? Making an act of self-awareness and working on our shadows is one of the ways through which this is possible.

Getting back on our feet in the face of anxiety

Normally, we don’t want to face all this darkness; It is the part of our person that causes us the most discomfort. But by seeing them head-on and accepting them, as well as integrating them with love, we can feel more secure and free in relation to our daily choices and events

The awareness of oneself, the connection with our essence, is achieved with acts as simple and unique as:

These are some of the ways to start tuning into the healthier frequencies of yourself and our mother earth, which are not related to stress, anxiety, fast pace or rush, but rather with calm, the cycles of nature, patience and silence

Action and rest are in harmony and are in balance in our natural environment; This is not the case in our current work environments and cities. Let us take pauses to repair, heal and reconnect, and live our earthly experience with more love and consciousness, leaving a beautiful imprint of pure essence on our existence.

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