Anxiety Headache: Why Does It Happen And What To Do About These Symptoms?

Do you think your headache is due to anxiety? Can a headache really be due to an anxiety disorder? Discover the reasons behind this symptom and how to relieve it.

How to deal with an anxiety headache

He headache and anxiety they can be linked. This is because anxiety can cause excessive worry, as well as irritability and restlessness, symptoms that can lead to experiencing a headache due to the tension this entails. So, how is headache related to anxiety?

What is an anxiety headache?

Anxiety is closely related to obsessive thoughts as well as experiencing excessive restlessness. But this disorder can also cause physical symptoms such as an upset stomach, fatigue, or shallow breathing. In addition to all these symptoms, headaches They can also appear with anxiety. This is because if you are stressed or worried about something, you are likely to experience tension headaches.

What are the symptoms of anxiety headaches?

The two types of headaches most associated with anxiety are those that are caused by tension and anxiety attacks.

Symptoms of a tension headache

People who experience a tension headache Although this can affect the quality of life of people who suffer from it, the reality is that this type of headache does not usually interrupt your daily routine and can improve quite quickly. Among the most common symptoms of a tension headache, we find the following:

  • Tight muscles around the neck, head and face
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders and scalp
  • Head pressure
  • Feel a mild to moderate headache
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Symptoms of an anxiety migraine

On the other hand, people who experience migraine attacks may experience pain severe enough to disrupt their daily activities. Mainly, the symptoms involve the following:

  • Severe pain, usually only on one side of the head
  • Severe pain that lasts from a few hours to days
  • Throbbing pain
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, or odors
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Migraine aura, which involve distortions of vision and may occur before or during a migraine attack

Causes of anxiety headaches

Anxiety and headache: What are their main causes?

Despite all the research on the anxiety and headache Related, experts are still unsure about the exact cause of tension headaches. Still, there are some common triggers:

  1. Stress: Research indicates that the headache due to tension or anxiety It is triggered by stress. Therefore, this anxiety pain or tingling in your head may occur as a physical response to the emotional distress you may be experiencing.
  2. Pain sensitivity: There is evidence that shows that people who experience more regularly tension headaches and anxiety They may be more sensitive to pain.
  3. Muscle tension: Muscle tension is closely related to anxiety. This is because when you feel anxious your body responds by preparing to deal with danger. When people have long-term anxiety, their body tends to remain in a state of alert most of the time. This means that our muscles are constantly tense, something that can contribute to anxiety headache and muscle pain.
  4. Lack of sleep: Many people with anxiety have difficulty sleeping properly. Thus, lack of sleep can cause people to suffer from punctures in the head and even suffer from tension pain.
  5. Serotonin levels: Changes in serotonin levels in the brain can also influence experiencing a feeling of pressure in the head or headaches. The reason for this is that serotonin is a chemical substance in our brain that has many important functions in our body. Having too much or too little serotonin in the brain can affect both our physical and mental health.
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What to do when you have a headache due to anxiety?

There are many ways to control a anxiety headache, since its treatment varies depending on the causes and the person. Even so, you can use the following to relieve the pain:

  • Medicines: Pain relievers can help you reduce head punctures or head pressure that you experience due to anxiety.
  • Go to therapy: Therapy is the best option to relieve the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Thanks to this treatment together with a professional psychologist you will be able to reduce a headache due to tension or anxiety.
  • Regulate sleep pattern: As we have said, lack of sleep can cause you to experience strange sensations in the head or tension. Therefore, a good solution is to try to sleep correctly by improving your sleeping habits.
  • Get more exercise: Exercise can be a great method for managing anxiety headaches. As a result, doing regular physical exercise will help you combat the symptoms of anxiety and muscle pain associated with it.
  • Muscle relaxation techniques: Progressive muscle relaxation can be a good tool to help you control head pressure and pain that you may experience due to anxiety. These techniques focus on focusing, contracting and relaxing muscle groups to increase both our awareness and their relaxation.
  • Grounding techniques: These types of techniques involve connecting more with the present and letting go of obsessive thoughts that can contribute to experiencing anxiety. There are many ways to achieve this goal, including taking a walk in nature, playing a game or watching a series that you love, sharing time with your pet or friends, among others.
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Life is unpredictable, so it is impossible to avoid all situations that could lead us to suffer from a anxiety headache. Still, you can take steps to control anxiety and avoid its physical and psychological symptoms.