Anxiety Tremors: Why Do They Happen And How Can We Control Them?

Do you feel like every time you are anxious you shake? Don’t know how to deal with body tremors due to anxiety? Discover how to deal with these symptoms of anxiety.

How to deal with tremors due to anxiety?

The tremors in the body They can be common physical symptoms associated with an anxiety disorder. This is a bodily reaction of the autonomic nervous system to a situation that we perceive as dangerous. But why can anxiety cause a tremor in the body?

Why do anxiety tremors happen?

Both anxiety and stress can end up causing different changes in our body. For example, the tremors and chills may be due to anxiety

Still, we must keep in mind that there are so many different types of tremors and causes of tremors in the world that only a doctor specialized in neurology can diagnose the cause of tremor. However, if you do not have medical conditions that could cause it and you suffer from anxiety, tremors in the body They may be part of this disorder. In addition, it must also be taken into account that movements caused by an organic problem may coexist with tremors linked to psychological problems.

Symptoms associated with body tremors due to anxiety

Typically, people who experience tremors and chills due to anxiety They usually suffer from other physical symptoms associated with this disorder, such as the following:

  • Muscle tension
  • Difficult to focus
  • Increased heart rate
  • Uncontrollable shaking or shaking
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These are some of the physical signs that may indicate that we are facing an anxiety disorder. Especially if the tremors in the body They are usually accompanied by intrusive and negative thoughts about topics that worry you; anxiety may be the explanation for these signs.

Furthermore, there are differences between organic movements and those that occur due to anxiety, since the latter are characterized by their acute onset and rapid progression, worsening with attention and spontaneous remission. It does not affect the fingers, tongue or face. It is important not to minimize the problem if these tremors They occur very frequently and intensely.

Why do my hands or legs shake from anxiety?

Experiencing anxiety can cause our mind and body to go into fight or flight mode, as it is an evolutionary response meant to keep us safe in moments when we perceive danger. This physiological response increases our state of alert and prepares your body to take immediate action.

When faced with anxiety, stress hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine end up flooding our body, which translates into an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and blood flow in the muscles. Additionally, muscles may also tense as they prepare to take quick action, which can lead to chills or tremors

In fact, research indicates that there is a high correlation between medical conditions related to Body tremors and social anxiety (among other types of anxiety disorders). Studies show some of the most common mechanisms that can trigger anxiety:

  1. Adrenalin: The anxiety and tremors It is usually closely related to adrenaline. In fact, anxiety is the activation of the ‘fight or flight’ response to danger, even when no danger is present. This response that occurs due to adrenaline causes our blood vessels to constrict, something that can trigger internal tremors and tachycardia.
  2. Muscle tension: Anxiety and stress are also related to muscle tension. This tension also puts great pressure on the muscles and, in some cases, these tensions can cause involuntary muscle contractions or even tremors in the legs, hands, or other parts of the body
  3. Vitamin deficiency: Although it is not a very common symptom, some people theorize that anxiety can create vitamin deficiencies that often affect the amount of magnesium in our body. Magnesium plays a role in the nervous regulation of our body, therefore, because people with anxiety are usually more likely to have low levels of magnesium, this can cause nervous spasms, dizziness and tremors in the body
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Why do my hands shake from anxiety?

When can you experience sudden whole body tremors due to anxiety?

The anxiety-related tremors They can be triggered by different circumstances. Even so, people with an anxiety disorder may have this response to the following events:

  • Anticipate a social event
  • Attend parties or other social gatherings
  • Eating or drinking in public
  • Go on a first date with a person
  • Join a group conversation
  • Make a phone call
  • Meet new people
  • Act on stage
  • speak at a meeting

In addition to experiencing a tremor in the body facing a triggering situation can cause sweating, increased heart rate, feelings of fear, nausea and difficulty breathing.

Clues indicative of tremors derived from anxiety or other psychogenic problems

  • Acute onset
  • Rapid progression
  • static course
  • Spontaneous remissions and paroxysmal exacerbations
  • Variability in amplitude and frequency
  • Attention dependency

It is usually accompanied by multiple somatic complaints of different kinds.

How to control tremors of hands, legs or body due to nerves?

Yes when you experience anxiety tremors in the body are too pronounced, it is important that you go to a doctor and/or a professional psychologist to learn how to stop these symptoms. Likewise, you can follow the following strategies to stop the anxiety attack or the symptoms associated with this disorder:

  1. Try not to pay attention: There are many occasions in which people concentrate so much on the movements that the condition worsens. In fact, many people tend to try to end the tremors in the body and this makes them intensify even more.
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing: It consists of taking air through the nose in three seconds, taking the air to the stomach as if we had a balloon, holding the breath for five seconds and expelling it slowly in at least eight seconds. This technique is recommended to be used if we see that the situation is beginning to get out of control.
  3. Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique focuses on contracting and then releasing different muscle groups. In addition, it is more effective if done together with deep breathing. This technique requires training, but once you practice it, it is easy to use in difficult moments.
  4. Mindfulness exercises: Mindfulness involves trying to focus all your attention on the present. For example, in the sensations and stimuli that you have around you.
  5. Talk about your concerns: Explaining the reason for your concern to a trusted person can help you deal with body tremors due to anxiety In fact, it is a way to relieve the irrational thoughts of anxiety.
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The best way to stop experimenting or face these tremors in the body It is precisely by going to treat anxiety with a professional psychologist. In addition, it is important to realize everything that can limit you from suffering from body tremors due to anxiety. Don’t let these symptoms control your life.