Are Bipolar People Manipulative?

Are bipolar people manipulative?

On a general level, the fact that a person presents changing behaviors in short periods of time can be striking, despite the fact that there are no mental health problems that affect the type of relationship that can be established. In this sense, some clinical conditions have the quality that the patient carries out actions to the detriment of his or her environment. In this way, acts occur in which someone wants to obtain a personal benefit beyond the complications that it can generate for their social environment, as in the case of bipolar disorder. This condition could cause serious problems in the social bond.

Are bipolar people manipulative? In this PsychologyFor article we will answer your questions in this regard.

Are people with bipolar manipulative?

Do bipolar people make things up? First of all, it is necessary to make a specific definition of the concept of manipulation to avoid further confusion. In general terms, manipulation consists of carrying out actions aimed at exercising control over a situation in which other people are involved. When this happens, the purpose of the manipulation lies in obtaining some personal benefit that arises from the act carried out.

Taking this as a point of reference, we must know that people with bipolar personalities have a lack of control over their impulses as a result of a lack of reflection. This produces behaviors that can be harmful in various situations in everyday life, such as taking control of a situation because of a set goal.

However, it is necessary to distinguish that these are not intentional acts since the person with bipolarity has no notion of what they are doing. That is, it could be said that people with bipolar They are manipulative, but they do not have an express will of causing any damage to the social environment.

Are bipolar people manipulative? - Are people with bipolarity manipulative?

How to know if a bipolar person is manipulating you

To detect the intentionality that a person with bipolar disorder has when he or she performs some action, it is important to locate the signals he or she emits. Next, we will talk about how to know if a bipolar person is manipulating you:

1. Dialogue without limits

Bipolar people tend to have the tendency to talk uninterruptedly due to a phenomenon called “flight of ideas.”

In short, it consists of the appearance of a considerable amount of interconnected themes without any limit. When dialogue is presented in this way and represents the possibility of another person being harmed, it is a red flag.

2. Sources of distraction

Bipolar people who try to manage a situation for personal gain They may resort to distractions to prevent the purpose from being interrupted. For example, someone might have the idea of ​​stealing food from a house and mention that there is an important event to watch outside. In this way, distraction occurs and the person achieves their goal.

3. Wake-up calls

The fact of wanting to be the center of attention at a certain moment It represents another of the qualities typical of bipolar people. This can be achieved in many different ways, among which exaggerated crying, prolonged laughter, excessive anger, etc. stand out.

In this article you will find more information about Things Bipolar People Do.

Are bipolar people manipulative? - How to know if a bipolar person is manipulating you

How to treat a manipulative and bipolar person

Having information about this condition will allow us to act appropriately to avoid unpleasant moments that could be caused by people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In this section, we will explain how to treat a manipulative and bipolar person:

  • Suggest seeking professional help: Bipolar people have no idea of ​​their actions. Therefore, it is important to provide emotional support that comes from both the family nucleus and mental health professionals. In this way, the person will be able to have a space in which to develop tools to move forward. On the other hand, it can represent a relief for the immediate environment and avoid both manipulations and moments of euphoria and depression, the latter typical of the clinical picture.
  • Appeal to a third party: When we are in contact with a manipulative and bipolar person, one of the most viable strategies is to make a third party present to avoid a confrontation. In this way, it is possible to refuse to carry out a harmful act without generating a conflict.
  • Promote a healthy life: Manipulative people tend to be extremely destructive in their behaviors. Therefore, it is preferable to emphasize the need to lead a healthy lifestyle in terms of eating habits, sports practices, among others. However, it is essential not to force the person since this could trigger a crisis that is difficult to manage.

In this article you will find more information about How to beat a manipulator.

Are bipolar people manipulative? - How to treat a manipulative and bipolar person

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Are bipolar people manipulative? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Martínez Hernández, O., Montalván Martínez, O., Betancourt Izquierdo, Y. (2019). Bipolar disorder. Clinical and epidemiological considerations. Electronic Medical Journal, 41 (2), 467-482.
  • Ramírez Vargas, X., Arias Leal, M., Madrigal Zamora, S. (2020). Bipolar affective disorder update. Sinergia Medical Magazine, 5 (9), 572-587.

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