Are Bipolar People More Intelligent?

Are bipolar people more intelligent?

Intelligence is a variable that is not directly linked to bipolar people. In other words, there is no scientific evidence that supports a type of intelligence higher than the average of the population of human beings who have not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Despite this, various research has proven that the development of certain cognitive abilities could influence the emergence of mental health problems such as bipolarity. In this sense, it is necessary to carry out a clear review of the physiological processes that intervene in the processing of information from external stimuli. Currently, there is great confusion surrounding this issue and doubts persist about the incidence of this diagnosis.

But, Are bipolar people more intelligent? In this PsychologyFor article we will answer all your doubts in this regard.

Does bipolar disorder increase IQ?

The truth is there is no scientific evidence and/or empirical evidence that maintains that bipolar disorder increases IQ. However, some episodes of mania can be confused with increased associative, reflective and intuitive abilities.

However, this does not imply that the person has higher levels of intelligence. For this reason, the passage through periods of recurring thoughts and innovative ideas only represents a particular moment of the disease.

Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder corresponds to a defined clinical picture according to the DSM-V(1), which must meet a series of diagnostic criteria. Next, we will talk about them in detail:

  • Alternating episodes of mania and depression.
  • mania presents flight of ideas, increased distraction and participation of risky activities.
  • Depression causes a decreased interest due to activities that are pleasurable for the person, fatigue and thoughts of death or suicide.
  • The duration ranges between 3 and 6 months.
  • The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of other mental disorders or the ingestion of toxic substances and/or medications.

The diagnosis must always be made by a mental health professional, who will be in charge of evaluating the clinical status of the person who has these difficulties. In this article you will find more information about How to know if a person is bipolar.

How bipolar disorder affects intelligence

Bipolar disorder affects the intelligence of those who suffer from this problem through a series of physiological processes that occur. In this section we will show you the modifications that are presented:

  • Size of cortical areas minor: the size of the cortical areas of the parietal, frontal and temporal lobes are smaller than those of people who do not have this type of alterations.
  • Elevated dopamine levels: During periods of mania, the increase in dopamine has been seen to be even greater than usual. Consequently, this generates a higher speed in the neuronal communication that takes place in the central nervous system.
  • Decreased serotonin levels: During stages of depression, it has been proven that serotonin functioning decreases considerably. Given this, it is common to observe that the maintenance of intelligence as a function declines.
  • Affectation of concentration levels: Concentration, attention and memory levels are affected both during mania and depression. Mainly, this is due to a decline in the mode of processing external information due to a difficulty in synaptic connections. Here we explain how to improve concentration.

Are bipolar people more intelligent? - How bipolar disorder affects intelligence

How to enhance my intelligence if I am bipolar

Although IQ does not have a direct relationship with bipolarity, there are strategies aimed at developing specific skills. Next, we explain how you can enhance your intelligence if you are bipolar:

  • Perform psychological therapy: Going to a mental health professional helps implement strategies to cope with situations of stress, anxiety and/or in a more enjoyable way. It is worth highlighting the univocal relationship between mania, depression and intelligence.
  • brain stimulation: Carrying out activities that involve cognitive effort results in greater production of chemical substances. This may include practices such as reading, solving logical mathematical problems, acquiring new skills, among others.
  • Stress domain: Mood variability is one of the big problems of this disorder. For this reason, it is essential to learn to master the stress that is generated in various situations. Given this, the use of progressive muscle relaxation techniques and meditation will provide great relief. Mastering nervous tension will provide the person with the necessary support to enhance intelligence.
  • Physical health care: Maintaining a healthy diet and a physical exercise routine helps maintain both body and mind balance. This balance will provide the necessary conditions to have mental energy and thus develop intelligence.

Are bipolar people more intelligent? - How to enhance my intelligence if I am bipolar

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Are bipolar people more intelligent? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing House.


  • Bertieri Arcila, H., De la Rosa, A., Lemos Buitrago, R. (2020). Cognitive functions in the offspring of patients with bipolar I disorder. Risaralda Medical Magazine, 26 (2), 110-122.
  • Romero, E. (2012). Review of neurocognitive aspects of bipolar disorder. Subjectivity and Cognitive Processes Magazine, 16 (2), 146-164.

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