Are You An Evening Or Morning Person? Psychological Differences Between These Two Types Of People

Is it hard to get up in the morning? Are you one of those who is active at night or in the afternoon? Find out what the difference is between morning and afternoon people.

What does it mean to be an evening person?

A evening or evening He usually prefers the afternoons and stays awake until late at night. In fact, it is very difficult for them to get up early in the morning. Although people with an evening tendency adapt completely to the eight-hour workday, they are likely to have more problems with sleep due to their preferences. But what makes a person evening or morning?

What does it mean to be an evening person? Meaning

He meaning of evening is a person who has a tendency to prefer to be active more in the afternoon and at night. So much so, that evening people often have difficulty getting ‘turned on’ in the morning. An evening person tends to become active as the day progresses and the afternoon or evening arrives.

Usually, the evening ones They tend to be more mentally active during the afternoon or evening. That is why these people have a tendency to stay awake until dawn, which makes it difficult for them to have a healthy sleep schedule. In this way, they may suffer different sleep or psychological problems due to adopting this schedule.

Is it bad to be an evening person?

Although there is nothing wrong with being more evening than morning, the reality is that unfortunately this can lead to some disadvantages for adopting the standard of living we currently have. Whether due to our work schedule, studies or any of our obligations, most evening people must adapt to getting up early in the morning, which translates into not sleeping enough hours. Altering our sleep pattern usually has consequences on our energy level, as well as other hidden effects on our physical and mental health.

  1. Stress: There is research that suggests that alterations in our sleep can increase people’s stress levels.
  2. Insomnia: Another of the effects typical of a evening or evening These people also have a greater tendency to suffer from insomnia due to their time preferences.
  3. Humor changes: Mood may also be affected due to tendency to be evening This is due to lack of sleep.
  4. Relational conflicts: A evening You may also experience problems with your family life or with your interpersonal relationships.
  5. Attention problems: Preferring the night or afternoon over the morning can lead to certain concentration problems due to experiencing greater drowsiness during these hours of the day.
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If you experience any of these problems, you need to try to work on it. In many cases, going to a professional psychologist can be a good method to alleviate the ‘negative effects’ of an evening or evening

The meaning of evening

Can an evening become a morning?

If you are a night owl or an evening person, it is obvious that you do not want to have the duty of waking up early but in most cases that usually happens. This is why many evening people often wonder if it is possible to change their preferences. According to research on the matter, wanting to change being an evening person for the habits of a morning or morning It is not usually very effective.

The reason for this is that studies show that our chronotype, that is, our internal clock, is mainly biological. In fact, researchers have discovered that circadian rhythms are inherited up to 47%, which implies that if you want to change your time preferences you should look to your parents.

Are you an evening or morning person?

Differences between a morning and an evening

There are a series of differences between those people who are evening and those who have a preference towards morning hours. Among the most common, we highlight the following.

  • More organized: The morning They tend to be more persistent people. Studies show that they set higher goals, plan more for their future, and have a better sense of well-being.
  • Healthier habits: According to research, the evening people They are more prone to unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking. In fact, they tend to be more likely to suffer from depression.
  • Higher academic performance: even though the morning They usually have better results at an academic level, the reality is that research shows that night owls or evening owls have better results in memory teas, processing speed and cognitive ability.
  • Greater coverage of experience: a evening or evening According to studies, people tend to have a more open mind to new experiences and, in fact, seek them out more.
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Research shows that moving away from these biological preferences can be harmful. In fact, it can lead to certain psychological consequences. For this reason, evening workers must take more care of their health due to the general habits of our society. If you think you are suffering from these consequences, consult with a psychology professional. Enjoy your day be evening or morning It’s in your hands.