Are You Self-conscious? 8 Psychological Complexes And Their Meaning

How to overcome our complexes? Why do complexes arise? Discover the most common psychological complexes and how to face them to overcome the insecurities associated with them.

How to overcome complexes?

Complexes are created at a specific moment with a great negative emotional charge for the person, for example a simple comment like: “You have gained weight”, “What a big nose” or “you have a receding hairline”. These simple comments create a continuous negative attention of the person on them, which leads to obsession with their correction. In this way, the self-conscious person ends up giving importance to facts that may not be so visible to others. That is why winning physical or mental complexes It must be one of our priorities.

What is a complex?

It is defined by complex: ““Combination of incorrect ideas, tendencies and emotions, which generally acquired after an emotional moment, have a negative impact on the person.”. According to the American Psychological Association, the meaning of complex It is defined as a related group or system of ideas that have a common emotional tone and influence our attitudes and behaviors. So much so that psychological complexes encompass a series of basic patterns of desires, emotions, memories and perceptions that, without the person being aware, end up influencing the way in which they behave and think about themselves and others.

On the other hand in the most common complexes A terrible human tool appears: comparison. In current times, comparison tends to be mainly about physical appearance, and especially through social networks where perfection in the sight of the world is the only norm to follow. Indeed this comparison always It is negative towards myself compared to the other, it is continuous and is created the vicious circle of continuing to compare that “alleged defect“with the rest of the people.

To break with the negative grievance of self-conscious or self-conscious it is vital to make ourselves the right questions to find the best solutionWill having more of that really make me happier?”, “If I had more of that would the problem go away or would I keep comparing myself and find more flaws?” Another good technique for any complex is to overcome the insecurity that is related to them. Despite this, before facing or knowing how to overcome complexes, we must know how to identify them.

“Be careful what you wish for, it can come true”

Oscar Wilde, writer

Most common psychological complexes

There are a series of complex They are the ones that affect our society the most. In this way, it is very likely that if you are self-conscious you will identify with one of them.

  1. Inferiority complex: It manifests itself in those people who, after going through different negative experiences and having created a multitude of complexes, have ended up accepting that they are inferior in all aspects to others. They feel like the ugly duckling that doesn’t fit in a world of swans. Having an inferiority complex is a very common feeling in the way of life we ​​have today. On many occasions, to overcome these complexes, people must overcome insecurity what they feel inside due to a negative perception towards themselves.
  2. Superiority complex: It manifests itself when there is a Inferiority complex poorly resolved, when the person, in order to cover up their complexes and internal experiences, creates an image of idiosyncrasy, know-it-all, aggressive or super-effective, etc. In general, these people usually try to lower the self-esteem of others to feel good in the comparison, on the other hand, that whole image is like a double-sided mirror, where on the one hand you see the reality of fear and inability and on the other the best expensive.Most common psychological complexes
  3. Efipo/Electra Complex: These complex They are due to a bad relationship with relatives. For example, the Oedipus complex is negative since it refers to having hostility or rivalry towards fathers and a loving obsession towards mothers. On the other hand, the Electra complex or the Agaripina complex consists of girls who have a bad relationship with their mothers and, on the contrary, too many feelings towards their fathers. Boys and girls have these psychological complexes during the phallic age of their development (around three years old).
  4. Pursuit complex: This is one of the psychological complexes most common today. This is caused by a fast and overly ambitious style. During this complex, the person with a complex or self-conscious believes that everyone is trying to harm him so that he does not achieve his goals. Having this complex, people tend to look at others with suspicious eyes.
  5. Madonna-Whore Complex: One of these physical and psychological complexes It normally occurs in men who are not capable of maintaining a committed sexual relationship with their partner. In this way, they tend to see their partner as pure, good or just the opposite, from bad, promiscuous and too seductive. In these cases, men begin to think of their partner in a repulsive way that makes them not attracted to them.
  6. God Complex: People who have a god complex They often think that they have divine powers, similar to those of a superior being. So much so that they believe they are above others and can take extreme risks to avoid some of the social rules.
  7. Guilt complex: Guilt complexes make the self-conscious or self-conscious feel like everything is going wrong for you because of your poor skills. In these cases, by having a guilt complex, the person ends up having an overly critical feeling towards themselves and assumes responsibility for events that they cannot control.
  8. Martyr complex: A person who has a martyr complex usually tries to capture the attention of others through their stories of suffering. These complexes usually make the self-conscious or self-conscious Try in every way to capture the attention of all the people around you through pity.
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Everyone can experience one of these complex at some point in their lives. Despite this, the problem can arise when insecurity cannot be overcome or it ends up transforming into more serious psychological pathologies. In these cases, going to see a professional is important.

How to overcome our complexes?

How to overcome psychological complexes?

There are a series of attitudes that we can take to put aside each of the physical and mental complexes that we have in our minds. According to psychologists we can take the following steps.

  • Develop self-confidence: Overcoming insecurity is key to leaving behind each of the complexes that we have mentioned. Self-esteem and self-confidence are essential to overcome the complexes we have in ourselves. Taking care of yourself inside and out is one of the keys to beginning to overcome the insecurity that covers our mind.
  • Surround yourself with people who lift you up: Sometimes our complex They may be due to people who keep comparing themselves to us or who try to make us look bad in front of others. This toxic behavior can end up in us developing a complex that affects us. That is why our environment is vital to overcome complexes.
  • Stop worrying about what other people think: Thinking about what they think of us not only limits us in many ways, but also ends up making us feel worse about ourselves. Leave aside what they think of you, at the end of the day you are the only one who knows yourself better than anyone else.

Keys to overcome complexes

  • Give up negative self-talk: On many occasions we speak to ourselves in a negative way. Negative thoughts often invade our minds but we must not let them affect us. In these cases we must rationalize the complexes and understand that they do not have a logical basis to support them.
  • Let go of perfectionism: We all have flaws and we must learn to live with them. To leave behind physical complexes or psychological complexes perfectionism taken to the extreme is not a good attitude. In this sense, it is better to accept what we are and fight to be the best version, without losing sight of the fact that we are all human.
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The complex They can end up being a hindrance in many aspects of our daily lives. In many cases, a self-conscious person may end up thinking that their complexes are completely real, when in reality they are usually an exaggeration that we only see in our head. That is why a professional psychologist will always be a good solution when these affect our lives too much. Living without complexes is the key to experiencing happiness in all aspects.