Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Do you know Sheldon Cooper from the television series Big Bang Theory? Nowadays, many more people know what Asperger syndrome is. and what difficulties this problem entails thanks to this character in the series.

Next February 18th marks the International Day of Asperger Syndrome, a common developmental disorder in the population (present in 3-7 out of every 1,000 births) that entails difficulties in the emotional, social and behavioral areas.

What is Asperger’s syndrome?

Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder that falls into the category of autism spectrum disorders. Although it has in common with the rest of the forms of autism the difficulties with communication and interaction social and repetitive behavior, Asperger’s is considered a mild variant and has several peculiarities.

Far from what you might believe, people with Asperger’s They have a normal level of intelligence. In fact, they can demonstrate surprising abilities when it comes to those topics that are part of their restricted core of interests: flags, trains, numbers, etc.

However, they also have great difficulties in other areas, problems that are often present in each of us but to a much more controllable and less threatening degree.

    Symptoms of the disorder

    People with Asperger syndrome often feel emotionally overwhelmed and unable to identify their own feelings. This occurs due to a lack of awareness of one’s own emotions and feelings and a deficit of resources and strategies to manage them properly: situations that they do not control, and that therefore stress them, will make them feel easily overwhelmed.

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    But not only do they have difficulties identifying and managing their own emotional state, but they also They have a hard time “reading” others and understanding how they feel or what their intentions are. This means that they are sometimes described as insensitive or uncaring, or that they do not know how to properly interpret ironies or double meanings, generating frequent misunderstandings.

    Some of the compensatory strategies that people with Asperger syndrome implement to compensate for their lack of resources to emotionally self-regulate and regain a sense of security are stereotyped behaviors and movements (swaying, running, jumping, “flapping”) or restriction of movement. interests in two or three themes.

    Strategies to manage anxiety

    Understanding these behaviors as strategies – although maladaptive – to manage the anxiety or discomfort they experience in certain situations, it is understandable that any change in routine or unforeseen event that can destabilize to a person with Asperger’s if they are not offered the educational resources to manage it.

    For example, people with Asperger’s, and autism in general, are greatly helped by anticipating possible modifications to their plans. If a plan has been previously established and it changes suddenly, they may feel intense anxiety.

    These consequences are not surprising if we take into account that for many people the fact that others take them out of their routine or the normal occurrence of setbacks already creates a certain nervousness, although it is usually more manageable than for people with spectrum disorders. autistic.

      Asperger’s in childhood and adulthood

      Understanding the main characteristics of the problem is not only important to facilitate its early detection and for the development and implementation of educational and support measures for the child; It also promotes greater awareness, promoting a more understanding attitude and greater respect towards people with Asperger’s on the part of those around them.

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      It is common to focus on the manifestations of the disorder during childhood and adolescence, since these are the times when the first warning signs appear. However, if we do not work at an individual and collective level, It is easy for them to continue having difficulties when they reach adulthood. and even that these are exacerbated by also increasing the social and labor demands of the environment.

      On a social level, for example, it is common for people with Asperger syndrome to have little success in their relationships due to their resistance to advancing to a level of greater intimacy in them. In the workplace, the emphasis that is currently being given to teamwork could be an impediment for them due to their difficulty considering oneself part of a group and to understand the points of view of the other members.


      Currently the causes of Asperger Syndrome are, to a large extent, unknown. However, It is believed that its origin is largely geneticand therefore relatively independent of past experiences and the way in which one interacts with the environment (although these factors could trigger or aggravate symptoms).

      In addition, some research suggests that the root of the syndrome may be related to the origin of disorders such as depression or bipolarity.

      Associations and groups of affected people

      As with other problems, Asperger’s has various associations and groups of people affected throughout the world.

      These groups fulfill the fundamental mission of giving visibility to the disorder, but they also constitute enriching spaces where people with Asperger’s and their families share concerns, problems and solutions to the difficulties they encounter in their daily lives. The participation of the child or adult with Asperger’s in these communities is positive for several reasons.

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      Firstly, because in them you receive information about your problem, which favors understanding of your experience and reduces distress levels. Secondly, because they are contexts in which, as there are individuals with similar difficulties, people with Asperger’s can feel especially understood and integrated; In other words, they stop being “the weirdo.”

      And thirdly, because they constitute a natural environment in which the person can learn. Important skills and strategies for managing obstacles everyday tasks: how to start a conversation, how to resolve conflicts, etc. Teaching skills is especially effective when the association promotes the person’s participation in training or recreational activities related to their interests, such as outings or camps.