Between Being, Or Not Being, I Am!

Between Being, or not Being, I am!

Self-love allows us to say with determination that we are different unique and unrepeatable and that we accept ourselves as we are…

However, since talking about self-love can be very extensive and diverse, we are going to break down these words so that we understand a little more in depth about the topic and thus we can identify ourselves much better. Let’s get started!

What is self love?

Taking the above into account, we could define self-love as: living, affective and emotional feeling, which belongs to me and is responsible for

Now yes!; Starting from a good concept of what self-love is, it is necessary to identify if we possess it.

And… How do I know that I have self-love?

When there is self-love, decisions are made more clearly, you do not seek approval, you do not need to hurt or excel in any aspect of your existence, because you know who you are and what you want, you know where you are going and what things you do not allow in your life ; You give yourself the place that belongs to you and it is not necessary for someone to give it to you; When you truly love yourself you have the ability to recognize your mistakes and ask for forgiveness, you are happy with the triumph of the other, envy and jealousy are not part of your vocabulary and much less of your life. Can you identify yourself?

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Likewise, you know that you love yourself enough when you achieve:

When you really love yourself, you radiate so much love that you even have the ability to transform the lives of the people around you being a living example for every person who has the joy of knowing you.

What would be some problems that could arise when there is no self-love?

Some problems that a lack of self-love can lead to are imbalances in interpersonal relationships; that is to say, Many people with this problem can become very introverted and others may seek refuge in extroversion to get closer to people and be able to fit into the environment, which leads to a lot of anxiety and depression.

Constant insecurity in relationships, especially as a couple; Fear, pessimism, negativity and self-reproach are also part of this problem.

How can I work on my self-love?

First, you must get to work on intrinsic issues, changing your thoughts (the internal world), and healing your past; In this way, you will achieve an adequate transformation. Decision making is important; decide, clearly, to be your priority to promote your self-love

Between Be and not to be, you can choose! When you stop Be, the person becomes the puppet of whoever is around him; call it a partner, friends, parents, family and even co-workers and bosses; these people who choose the not to be They have the capacity to produce much more in the workplace than others; but also, they tend to have more toxic friendships that they cannot leave, because they generate the security they need to be able to continue, and even live; Since, when people do not have self-love, they seek to fill voids with people, work and many material things.

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Now, you can’t expect your self-love to depend on others; because, you can have a thousand people around you providing you with love in every possible way; But still, you will not feel it sincerely or deeply, since that external love of the other cannot fill the void that exists in you; you and only you are responsible for filling it out.

How to define my self-love?

Self-love is a set of meanings that occur in psychology, called self-schemas, which is only commonly known as self-esteem; but by recognizing and developing all the elements you will be able to define yourself clearly.

The five self-schemas are:

Now, it is necessary to identify them and work on them in the most effective way possible in order to achieve that self-love that we are talking so much about.

What is the key to managing my self-love?

Think for a moment: what is the best and most good thing you have ever wished for yourself? Self-love is a discovery of oneself and a decision between Beeither not to be; a dedication of time and space that you will not regret because it is an investment in you.

Let me explain, many times we buy a gift and the value does not matter because it is for a special person; but it is difficult for us to invest money and time in ourselves.

Today with this article I invite you to give yourself your place; Discover how important and special you are to yourself and decide to say: Between Being, or not Being; I am!

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If you notice that you have problems with your self-love that are eroding your quality of life, I’ll wait for you in therapy so we can work on this issue.