Body And Genital Diversity As A Value

Body and genital diversity as a value

When nudity is only part of our intimate sphere, we can feel vulnerable when showing our bodies and genitals in front of others, making us more sensitive to possible fears in relation to the evaluation that the person in front of us can make about them.

Depending on our social, cultural and/or historical framework, our experiences, or our own expectations or those placed by others, the bond we establish with and between our bodies is defined.

Social dynamics that feed complexes with our body

Society promotes rigid and unrealistic canons of beauty that identify as adequate and desirable only those bodies that fall within its margins. In this context, however, and despite all these demands, we can search and make our body references diverse in which we see ourselves reflected, that come out of these rigid structures.

These aesthetic canons also apply to the genitals; However, in this case there is an added complication, since… Where can we go to find various reference models?

Looking for new references

The nudity of the genitals remains in the realm of the intimate, little exposed at an audiovisual level or photographic, and reduced almost exclusively to pornography which, far from showing the wide and wonderful corporal and genital diversity of the human being, shows us very reduced and specific models of what these parts of the body should be like.

In this way, we grow up with hardly any references to this diversity, creating an imaginary of what is desirable and valid, making us believe that the genitals can only meet those parameters and that what does not correspond to them is not only not beautiful, but it is also not correct or adequate.

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Insecurity with one's own nudity

The few models with which we grow up show only a sliver of our great genital diversity. Human beings are characterized by their diversity and, as with other parts of the body, the genitals also reflect it.

Although sometimes references are made to majorities or trends in comparative terms, reality shows us that all bodies and genitals are prepared to give and experience pleasure: there are no sizes or shapes of genitals more appropriate than others when what is sought is enjoyment, in the same way that there are many other sources of pleasure in our bodies beyond these (exploring with the five senses you can discover that pleasure , enjoyment and eroticism do not depend solely on the genitals).

Beyond false homogeneity

In short, diversity is the very essence of the human being, which is reflected in each and every part of our body (ears, hands or fingers) and, of course, also in the genitals (diverse in size, shape , color, smell, etc.) We are the result of a sexualization process that will always result in a body prepared for pleasure and for interpersonal and erotic relationships.

Sometimes social frameworks lead us to think or feel that this diversity is not a positive thing: When they mark a single model as valid or only teach us one type of reality, we can experience that difference as a “deviation from what is normal.” However, this is the fundamental characteristic of the human being; It is what makes us unique.

What is normal is diversity, and it is precisely that difference, the strangeness of each of us, that attracts us from other people.

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In the same way that there are so many realities, experiences and experiences as human beings, There will be as many forms of bodies and genitals as there are people Our bodies are unrepeatable, so is our sexuality.