Can A Person With A Mental Illness Work?

Can a person with a mental illness work?

The main diseases that prevent work are depressive disorders, bipolar disorder and psychotic disorders, since they make it difficult to concentrate and reduce productivity. Although it is true that each person is different, and experiences life processes in extremely varied ways, suffering from one of these mental disorders can make insertion and development in the workplace difficult.

They say that the act of working allows people to access opportunities and benefits in everyday life, but it is often overlooked that the characteristics of each person could make a difference. In this sense, what job possibilities does a person who has experienced situations of stress and/or high anxiety have? Are there resources so that anyone can join a work environment? What is the relationship of a human being diagnosed with a psychological disorder with his or her environment? In this PsychologyFor article, we will talk about Yeah can a person with a mental illness work.

How mental disorders affect work

First of all, we must keep in mind that mental disorders vary in their intensity and presentation. In this sense, while some people may see several areas of their lives affected and present great difficulties, others will be able to carry out activities without major complications. Factors such as age, genetic background, family history, social context, among others, come into play here.

Here’s how mental disorders can affect work:

  • Difficulty in achieving work goals: In some cases, work environments impose objectives that must be met within certain time periods. However, mental disorders can prevent this from being carried out under the expected parameters.
  • Lack of productivity: Clinical symptoms that involve considerable severity can have the effect of a decrease in the maintenance of concentration, attention and memory. Likewise, complications occur here in relationships with colleagues and work authorities.
  • Social problems: Many people who have diagnosed mental disorders are likely to have difficulties establishing lasting social relationships that are useful at work. This not only concerns colleagues and bosses, but also potential clients.

In this article you will find all the Types of mental disorders and their characteristics.

Mental illnesses that prevent work

Although we are talking about mental illnesses, it is necessary to make certain distinctions to avoid confusion. In this area, conceptual clarity is crucial to develop possibilities according to the areas of life that are affected. Next, we show you which are the main mental illnesses that prevent you from working:

Depressive disorders

People with depressive symptoms who are not treated they may be prone to showing great inability when it comes to working. This is generated as a consequence of a lack of will and desire, conditions typical of the clinical picture, as well as complications in the control of time, money and social relationships.

In the following article you will find information on How to help a person with depression.

Bipolar disorder

At a certain point, bipolarity constitutes another pathology that can cause serious difficulties in the work day as a consequence of the manic and depressive periods. These episodes can cause the person to experience moments of exaltation and euphoria typical of mania.

Likewise, difficulties in performing tasks could arise in both phases of this mental disorder. Therefore, as happens in depressive disorders, in these cases it would be necessary to establish professional follow-up.

Psychotic disorders

People who have alterations in the perception of reality may also have impediments when working. In these cases Delusions and hallucinations of paranoia and schizophrenia are common.

These delusions can generate major conflicts at work because the presence of these phenomena represents a decrease in work productivity. Here we explain how to act in the event of a psychotic break.

Can a person with a mental illness work? - Mental illnesses that prevent work

What rights do people with a mental illness have in the workplace?

Finally, it is necessary to mention that people with this type of difficulties should not be left out of the labor market, since they have resources to face specific situations. Therefore, in this section we show you what rights people with a mental illness have in the workplace:

  • Protection against physical and verbal abuse: No one should be harassed or harmed by insults, insults and blows from both employers and co-workers.
  • Protection against discrimination: Although mental disorders have a validity that lasts over time, no person can exercise power against people diagnosed with any clinical condition.
  • Protection against sexual degradation: Any type of illicit exercise of sexuality by a person with a mental illness is considered a crime since it violates their will.

Can a person with a mental illness work? - What rights do people with a mental illness have in the workplace?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can a person with a mental illness work? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Mingote Adán, JC, Del Pino Cuadrado, P., Sánchez Alaejos, R., Gálvez Herrer, M., Dolores Gutiérrez García, M. (2011). The worker with mental health problems. General guidelines for detection, intervention and prevention. Occupational Medicine and Safety Magazine, 57 (1), 188-205.

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