Can A Person With OCD Go Crazy?

While OCD can be extremely difficult to deal with and can cause a lot of stress and anxiety, it is not classified as an illness that causes someone to “go crazy” in the sense of losing touch with reality or becoming psychotic.

OCD is treatable with therapy and, in some cases, medication, which can help people manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about whether a person with OCD can go crazy what consequences it can leave and how to help a person with OCD who thinks they are crazy.

Why is OCD related to the fear of going crazy?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is related to the fear of going crazy due to the nature of obsessions and compulsions that people who suffer from it experience. For many people with OCD, their obsessions revolve around the idea of ​​losing control or going crazy. These obsessive thoughts may include fear of harming others, fear of contamination, or fear of making serious mistakes. The intensity of these thoughts can lead the person to believe that they are losing their mind or that she could go crazy.

Additionally, compulsions performed by people with OCD, such as washing rituals, repetitive checking, or counting, may seem irrational to those without the disorder, which can increase feelings of losing control or going crazy.

Ultimately, the statement that “a person with OCD can go crazy” is not true. The fear of going crazy in OCD arises from obsessions related to losing control and the compulsions that the person performs to try to prevent those thoughts from becoming reality, but is associated with the term insanity.

Can the consequences left by OCD be associated with what we call

The consequences of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) cannot be considered “insanity” in the classical sense of the term. Insanity is a stigma-laden term that has historically been used imprecisely to describe a wide range of mental conditions, and is not an accurate way to describe psychiatric disorders.

Lack of adequate treatment for OCD can cause long-lasting consequences that cause discomfort repeated in many people, contributing to the widespread confusion between OCD and madness. Even so, there are clear differences that allow an accurate diagnosis, but social stigmatization that can exclude those who suffer from these consequences from work, educational and social opportunities. In this article we clarify if a person with OCD can work.

OCD itself is a recognized mental disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. People with OCD do not lose touch with reality, as is often the case in serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Instead, they are fully aware of their thoughts and behaviors, but experience significant anxiety and distress due to their obsessions and compulsions.

The after-effects of OCD may include difficulties in interpersonal relationships, interference in daily functioning, decreased quality of life, and possibly depression due to chronic stress. However, these consequences do not imply a total loss of contact with reality or “madness” in the traditional sense.

Can a person with OCD go crazy? - Can the consequences left by OCD be associated with what we call

How to help people with OCD who think they are crazy

Helping people with OCD who think they are crazy requires understanding, empathy, and support. Discover ways to provide relief for those suffering from the consequences of OCD below:

  • Educate about OCD – Provides accurate information about OCD and its symptoms so that the person understands that their thoughts and behaviors are part of a mental disorder and not indicative of “madness.” Look for reliable information in order to better understand the clinical picture and not confuse it with the fact that you are crazy.
  • Don’t judge their behavior: If you know each person’s obsessions, it is necessary that you avoid making any comments and/or actions that reinforce them even more.
  • Provides emotional support: Actively listens to their concerns and shows empathy towards their experiences. Let them know that they are not alone and that their feelings are valid.
  • Encourage seeking professional help – Encourages the person to speak with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, to obtain a proper diagnosis and begin effective treatment. Awareness about diagnoses, because although the presence of symptoms can be a cause for alarm, the truth is that the differences must be marked with other clinical conditions, so as not to jump to conclusions and receive the most appropriate treatment in each case.
  • Recommends cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is an effective therapeutic approach for OCD. It helps people identify and challenge their obsessive thoughts, as well as learn techniques to reduce compulsions. In addition, it allows you to cope with situations of fear, stress, anxiety and/or any other problem in a more enjoyable way.
  • Promotes a supportive environment: Creates a supportive, non-judgmental environment where the person feels safe to talk about their experiences and seek help without fear of stigma. The emotional support of both family members and significant people in the social environment is usually a valued help.
  • Be patient and understanding: Recovery from OCD can be a long and challenging process. Be patient with the person and acknowledge their efforts on their road to recovery.

First of all, remember that each individual is unique and may need a personalized approach to your recovery. The most important thing is to show them that there is hope and help available for people with OCD. If you need more advice, don’t miss this article on How to Help a Person with OCD.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can a person with OCD go crazy? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.
  • Toro Martínez, E. (2020). Psychotic forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Argentine Journal of Psychiatry, 10 (31), 88-95.
  • Villarroya Sanz, S. (2016). Obsessive-compulsive disorder and emotional regulation: a literature review. Jaume University.

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