Can A Schizophrenic Live Alone?

Can a schizophrenic live alone?

Mental illnesses are serious pathologies that require considerable care and attention on a daily basis. In relation to this, you may wonder if a person with a serious clinical condition could live alone. Living autonomously is one of the most important moments in the development of a person’s life, since they begin to make their own decisions without the need to consult third parties. However, does this happen in all cases? How does the relationship develop between someone with a mental pathology and their decisions? Within the spectrum of mental illnesses, schizophrenia is one of the most important. This condition is characterized by the presence of serious difficulties that affect the perception of reality.

Can a schizophrenic live alone? In this PsychologyFor article we will answer all your doubts in this regard.

How schizophrenia affects a person’s daily life

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects the quality of life of the person who suffers from it. For this reason, it is pertinent that psychological and psychiatric treatment be carried out in order to avoid further deterioration.

Below we explain how schizophrenia affects a person’s daily life:

  • Difficulty establishing social relationships: There may be serious difficulties in developing lasting social ties. This is because emotional and behavioral instability are part of many people who have been diagnosed with this clinical condition, which is why they can present obstacles when creating fruitful relationships.
  • Complexity in decision making: Schizophrenia produces an alteration in the perception of reality through frequent hallucinations and delusions. This can lead to making erroneous decisions that are influenced by the presence of this type of symptomatology.
  • Disorganization of time and space: The lack of customs and habits are part of this mental illness. Likewise, the person may present a disorganization both in the time he uses for certain tasks and in the spaces he frequents.

In the following article you will find other Types of mental disorders and their characteristics.

Can a schizophrenic live alone? - How schizophrenia affects a person's daily life

Can a person with schizophrenia live alone?

Although it is difficult to provide a single answer to this question, since the intensity of each clinical condition will be directly related to the living conditions of a person according to their characteristics, it is possible to mention that a person with schizophrenia could live alone. However, some clarifications are necessary in this regard.

First of all, It is essential that the patient undergoes both psychological and psychiatric treatment specialized because they represent emotional containment devices. On the other hand, the presence of a close family and social environment that adapts to their needs will also be crucial so that they do not experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, among others.

Implicitly, it is often the case that people with schizophrenia have a guardian who makes important decisions in their life. Having said all this, although it may be possible, in most cases It is not recommended that people with schizophrenia live alone because of the risk that this would entail. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule.

How to improve the quality of life of a person with schizophrenia

Despite the difficulties involved in the development of this pathology, schizophrenia should not be an impediment for a person to have a good quality of life. Therefore, here are some strategies that can help improve the quality of life of a person with schizophrenia:

  • Involve her in group activities: There is a great social stigma about schizophrenia. In general, a large part of the world’s population thinks that they are people who cause harm to themselves and others and would not collaborate with any place they live in. However, this is not true, since they can be functional people in the group activities in which they participate.
  • Allow me to help: The contribution of tools, ideas and conclusions is an extremely valuable factor for these people to help them improve self-esteem on a daily basis. In turn, it shows that they can feel useful and considered.
  • Show possibilities: The development of life projects works as elements that improve the state of mind and provide meaning to the life they have. This may include areas such as working independently, studying for a university degree, collaborating with an organization, among others.

Can a schizophrenic live alone? - How to improve the quality of life of a person with schizophrenia

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can a schizophrenic live alone? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.
  • Montaño, L., Nieto, T., Mayorga, N. (2013). Schizophrenia and psychological treatments: A theoretical review. Vanguardia Psicología Magazine, 4 (1), 86-107.

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