Can I Suffer From Depression Due To A Breakup? 7 Symptoms To Identify It

Could I be suffering from depression due to a breakup? How can I know if I am suffering from a depressive disorder after the breakup? Discover the symptoms and what to do about it

Depression due to breakup

The end of a relationship can be hard for both parties. It is completely normal for people to feel sad, heartbroken or even anxious at these moments. But, when these feelings end up being constant over time, this may mean that there may be a depression due to breakup

How do I know if I suffer from depression due to a breakup?

When faced with a breakup, people can experience different feelings. Sometimes these can be very intense for a relatively short period of time. Because of this, it can be difficult to know if what you’re feeling is a natural response to the end of a relationship or something more serious. You may be experiencing depression when the following symptoms exist:

  1. Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness: At the beginning of the breakup, people may feel some helplessness or hopelessness. But, if these feelings persist over the months, this could indicate that we are facing a depressive disorder.
  2. Changes in appetite: Changes in diet can also be caused by a breakup. Instead, it is depression when losing or gaining weight extends over months.
  3. Sleeping too much or little: Sleep patterns are also affected by a depressive disorder.
  4. Loss of pleasure or interest: People with depression may feel less interest in activities they previously enjoyed. Furthermore, this is linked to the fact that they tend to experience less pleasure.
  5. Feelings of worthlessness: When a person experiences depression due to a breakup, they may feel worthless because they feel that they are not productive or that they are not doing enough to overcome this situation.
  6. sadness and emptiness: Sadness is one of the best-known symptoms of depression. These feelings are usually accompanied by a feeling of emptiness.
  7. Fatigue and lack of energy: Lack of energy is often recurrent in people who suffer from depression. This sensation is not only felt during the first hours of the morning, which on certain occasions could be considered normal, but extends throughout the day.
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Both grief and sadness are normal reactions after a stressful life event, such as a breakup. In fact, research has found that breakups can influence people in different ways. Normally, at the end of a relationship, people can feel anxious, alone and this can even affect their self-esteem.

When you experience a breakup, it is important to give yourself enough time to grieve the loss. A healthy response to grief can include periods of sadness, crying, frustration, and regret. Although these feelings are often very upsetting, in most cases they tend to diminish over time as you recover from this breakup.

If your symptoms seem more severe than the last described, this may indicate that you are facing a depression due to breakup of a couple In this case, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist to receive treatment to help you overcome it.

Causes of depression after breakup

This type of depression is usually described as situational, because it is the end of the relationship that ends up triggering these feelings. suffer from a depression due to breakup It can be understandable because it is not only about a person important to you disappearing from your life, but it also involves many changes.

For example, many times in relationships friends are shared, and in the event of a breakup this can lead to the end of these ties as well. Additionally, in some cases it can lead to financial problems or challenges due to shared parenting.

On the other hand, breakups can also influence how we see ourselves. In fact, research indicates that breakups end up altering our self-concept, and in fact, we may be more likely to experience more heartbreak after a breakup All of these adjustments can be quite a challenge. That is, they can make people feel insecure, confused, and obviously sad. All of this can end up triggering the symptoms of depression.

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Breakup depression

How to deal with breakup depression?

Even though you are experiencing depressive symptoms due to your breakup, you should know that these usually improve on their own six months after the event. That is, as time passes, the situation usually improves and most tend to recover after the breakup.

If these symptoms do not improve over time, you need to see a professional psychologist to receive treatment for depression. Additionally, we recommend that you take the following into account:

  • Talk to friends and family: When faced with a breakup, it is understandable that you need to talk about your feelings in order to heal the ‘wound’. Therefore, it is vital that you try not to close yourself off due to sadness, but rather share these thoughts with others.
  • Focus on your physical and mental health: When facing a breakup, our self-esteem and confidence are diminished. It is for this reason that perhaps it is necessary that, faced with these feelings, you try to focus on your health. For example, you can focus on exercising more or taking more time for yourself.
  • Set small goals: In order to be able to deal with these feelings, a good way to deal with this situation is precisely to set small goals for yourself. One of them may be to spend a moment a day meditating, or simply thinking about what you want for your future.
  • Avoid social networks: When you are facing a breakup, it is vital that you try to leave social media aside. In many cases, you are likely to be tempted to ‘control’ your ex through them and this will only make you feel worse about it.
  • Set thinking limits: You are more likely to become depressed if you reflect on your relationship. But, these types of thoughts are inevitable. Given them, you can try to establish a few hours a day to fully dedicate yourself to them. After these moments, you should not dedicate any more time and energy to these thoughts.
  • Write your feelings: Studies have shown that writing about what you feel or positive experiences can improve the way you cope with a traumatic event. Therefore, keeping a journal about your emotions and feelings will allow you to analyze what you feel and how to learn to cope better.
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Breakups are moments that are very challenging for both parties. Still, this is a process that in the long run can help you focus on what you really want for your life.