Can OCD Be Cured? 7 Keys To Knowing How To ‘get Out’ Of An Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

How is OCD cured? What can we do to overcome the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder? Discover some keys to dealing with the symptoms of OCD and everything that it entails.

Can OCD be cured?

He obsessive-compulsive disorder It is a condition in which the person experiences unwanted repetitive and distressing thoughts, images and impulses. To try to ‘neutralize’ these thoughts, as well as the anxiety associated with them, people end up adopting behaviors that make them feel certain ‘safety’, such as washing their hands, counting up to a certain number or avoiding situations that may cause these symptoms. .

People with OCD are aware that their thoughts and behaviors are excessive and even do not make much sense. In fact, on many occasions they may feel a certain shame about those signs that have to do with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even so, the symptoms related to this disorder feel compulsive, that is, impossible to resist for those who suffer from it. So,how to ‘get out’ of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

How is OCD cured?

It is important to keep in mind that the obsessive-compulsive disorder has no cure currently. Even so, with appropriate treatment, people who suffer from it can control their symptoms and stop suffering from many of the difficulties that this disorder can cause.

To find out what is the main treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, we must understand that the main cause of this disorder can be both genetic and suffering from a period of great stress. For example, in extreme situations, some people may develop OCD to deal with feelings of chaos or a lack of control. When OCD symptoms develop, people should see a professional psychologist for treatment based on the following:

  • Understanding the disorder: The first stage for ‘cure’ OCD It involves a general understanding of this disorder, as well as knowing the specific thoughts and compulsions of a person with this disorder.
  • Support to cope with situations: Once the patient has understood this disorder, the psychologist will provide strategies so that the person can face those moments where their symptoms are experienced.
  • Drug treatment: In those cases in which the severity of the thoughts associated with OCD is too uncontrollable, the psychologist may recommend going to the psychiatrist to receive treatment with drugs to complement the treatment.
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The majority of people who receive a treatment for OCD They find that their symptoms begin to decrease significantly and that thanks to this help they are better able to avoid obstacles to living their lives fully.

How to get out of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

face a obsessive-compulsive disorder It is a very difficult challenge for those who suffer from it. Even so, there are some realities that you should take into account to face this disorder and its symptoms:

  1. OCD is a chronic disorder: This implies that you can control it and recover from stages where its symptoms have caused more damage, but you must keep in mind that this disorder has no cure. Therefore, you must learn to control the impulses and thoughts related to this disorder. How to get out of obsessive-compulsive disorder
  2. You will experience doubts and guilt: Two of the main symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are feelings of doubt and guilt. In this way, for ‘overcome’ OCD It is important to keep in mind that you will have many doubts about your obsessive thoughts and you will feel guilty about the compulsions typical of this disorder.
  3. You can resist compulsions but not obsessive thinking: The obsessions that a person experiences person with OCD They are uncontrollable in the same way that we cannot control our thoughts. What we can exercise control over is how we react to them, that is, we can confront the compulsion generated by the thoughts typical of this disorder.
  4. You should not depend on others to control your anxiety: Although it is okay to ask for help from those closest to you, the reality is that people who want ‘overcome’ OCD They should keep in mind that in most cases they will not have anyone to ‘calm down’ the anxiety associated with this disorder. Since OCD is a chronic disorder, you must learn to manage it with your own tools.
  5. Don’t trust your own intuition: Using your ‘intuition’ to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a good idea, as it may be related to what your obsessions are telling you.
  6. Facing it will take you time: It will take you a while to learn to dealing with obsessive-compulsive disorder In fact, research shows that on average, it will take between six and twelve months for someone with OCD who receives treatment to manage their symptoms.
  7. You may experience relapses: You should keep in mind that being a chronic disorder, OCD can involve certain ‘relapses’ where you believe that not only are you not getting better, but you experience again symptoms that you had ‘overcome’. Therefore, it is a process that is not linear, but you can relapse into things that you already thought you had overcome.
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It is vital to remember that for overcome OCD That is, in order to deal with its symptoms, you must go to a professional psychologist. With the appropriate treatment you will be more aware of what this disorder can entail and you will learn the strategies to be able to deal with all its symptoms.