Change The Foundations Of Your Lifestyle And Manage Anxiety

Change the foundations of your lifestyle and manage anxiety

Do you want to manage anxiety so that it is not an impediment in your daily life? Do you feel like the hours of the day are slipping away? Fear of the future or that it won’t turn out the way you expect? By observing and adjusting your lifestyle, as well as daily rhythms, you can reduce anxiety.

The influence of anxiety – lifestyle

The answer is yes, and a lot. Many factors influence the course of an anxious mood and determine its decrease or increase. This increase can sometimes lead to panic attacks, which is why it is important to observe yourself understand what has triggered overstimulation of my nervous system.

When we feel sensations linked to anxiety, our thoughts automatically lead us to suffer an anxiety attack. All of this happens automatically and unconsciously many times, as if it were a slide; Once you’ve started going down it, you can’t stop until you reach the end. The reality is that there are many ways to control that “slide” fall, i.e. the process from when we start to feel nervous until we enter the anxious loop.

Relate to anxiety

To start making changes to our lifestyle and daily rhythms, we first have to know our anxiety. Everyone experiences the anxiety process differently and for different reasons, which is why it is important that you start a relationship with your anxiety. Don’t try to run away from it, as it is there to inform you that we are not processing something adaptively.

When there is a disorder or symptom in the person, it shows us that there is some deep discomfort, a conflict that is so painful that we prefer to avoid and experience anxiety instead of facing and uncovering the fear or lack. The opportunity in anxiety begins by accepting that something is not in coherence with my being, to later listen to our anxiety, ask ourselves why it is there, what message it brings us to make our life more satisfactory and finally understand what changes to undertake focused on working on our deep discomfort and reach well-being.

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Relaxation and anxiety

Here are some questions to help you connect and deal with the feeling of anxiety and understand you better. What scares me so much that I don’t want to move forward? Am I so incapable of not knowing how to manage what the future holds? Who made me feel inadequate? Remind yourself of some words to reinforce your self-esteem. “Whatever happens in life, I am capable and skilled at overcoming it” “The fear of… is only in my thoughts, reality is fun and full of love” “There is no point in worrying about something that has not happened and “It probably won’t happen.”

Remember that our mind is capable of creating images and thoughts that are much crueler than what happens later in reality, and fears are the driving force. Thinking about the future, in people with a tendency to anxiety, involves activating it, so try to focus as much as you can on the present moment, without mental noise; feeling.


Lifestyle is defined by the small decisions we make every day, these decisions are marked by each person’s priorities which are linked to our values.

Therefore, our values ​​will mark our lifestyle. Take a few minutes to think about what your values ​​are; family, social recognition, personal growth, living experiences, solidarity, creativity, etc.

Your values, which change throughout the stages of life, will determine your priorities in life and therefore your decisions. Review your values ​​since it is possible that in the present stage, you are living from the values ​​of old stages, and therefore your actions are not in coherence with your values ​​and therefore priorities. This inconsistent value dynamics It can bring a lot of anxiety, putting energy and efforts into everyday life without obtaining the desired results.

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daily rhythms

Another very important aspect when managing anxiety is daily rhythms. We are used to living on “autopilot”, that is, automatically; We always go the same way to our destinations and many times we don’t even remember how we got there. This example defines the “autopilot” mode, which makes us live from rationality, without feeling or observing which leads us to mental noise, to being without being.

To break this dynamic, start by asking yourself why I do what I do, if the things I do make sense and If I do them how I like to do them. Furthermore, the feeling of surprise and novelty feeds our curiosity, and keeps us in the present moment. Start by choosing different paths to reach your destinations, you will stay awake and aware in the present moment.

Opening and closing routine

Lastly, daily routines will also help us connect with ourselves and understand each other better. The beginning and end of the day It is an opportunity to take time for ourselves. Taking some time, as much time as we can, even if it is little, when we wake up and before going to sleep, will help us manage our mood in general.

In the mornings you can do some expression and body and mental care, so that throughout the day you can enjoy everything that happens to you with a smile on your face. It is advisable to meditate, exercise, stretch, dance, etc. with the aim of stimulating and preparing to be active.

At night it is advisable to meditate, bathe your feet, watch a sunset, write, etc. with the aim of relaxing and preparing to rest.

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Remember that your body has circadian rhythms that are closely linked to nature, and especially to sunlight, just like animals. Go according to the hours of sunlight reconnects our physical body with our natural biological rhythms.

Slow down time

All these tips should go hand in hand with slow time That is, if you suffer from anxiety, stress or speed or time limits are not going to contribute to your daily life, but on the contrary, they will make you go into “autopilot” and lose your center; living and feeling every second focused on the present.


You may feel like you’ve been dealing with anxiety for a long time but you’re not getting positive results. Many times we focus on a solution and put efforts into it thinking that it will solve everything, but we realize that this is not the case. An outside perspective such as that of a professional psychologist, with their knowledge and skills, can help you manage anxiety. You don’t have to feel bad, much less let the situation get worse.

I will be happy to receive you in my online consultation and start setting goals to work on the anxiety you suffer from. Stop suffering and contact a psychologist!