Characteristics Of A Reflective Person

The ability to reflect is an increasingly less recognized virtue. This is because the rhythms to which we are normally subjected are based on quick responses and decisions made on impulse that sometimes seem too risky. Therefore, finding a thoughtful person today may be a rare opportunity, but how can we recognize it?

In this PsychologyFor article we will show you which are the main characteristics of a thoughtful person

What does it mean to be a reflective person?

Among the various meanings of the verb reflect is the one related to human mental actions, where the word assumes the meaning of paying attention to something carefully, rethinking and meditating.

In this way, the adjective “reflexive” therefore describes someone who has the habit of reflection, that is, it analyzes in depth everything you say, do or intend to do. These types of people do not usually act on instinct, but rather focus their actions on rationality.

Practice reflection

What are the characteristics of reflective people? First of all, reflective practice is the ability to reflect on your own actions to adopt a critical position or attitude towards their practice and that of their colleagues in a process of adaptation and continuous learning. Paying critical attention to practical values ​​leads to a vision of development.

A key motivation for reflective practice is that an experience alone does not necessarily lead to learning, but will require deliberate reflection on the experience to obtain it.


Introversion is another reflective behavior typical of this type of people, thoughtful and, generally, with a large amount of intellectual activity, but with great difficulties relating to others

If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article you will find the Characteristics of an introverted person.

Calm and analysis

The reflective person has analytical qualities and you need to have certain elements before making a decision, regardless of the time it requires. Therefore, they tend to be people with great concentration and observation skills. Likewise, they know how to listen to others very well to understand exactly what they want to say.

Therefore, the reflective person has considerable deductive skills and is never reckless in his choices. The reflective personality corresponds to rational and objective individuals who act almost exclusively on the basis of reason and who therefore consider true and certain only what is supported by sufficient evidentiary evidence.

Lack of expressive communication

thoughtful people They tend to be controlling and communicate coldly, gesturing little and leaning back to increase the distance from the interlocutor. At the same time, they do not usually look into the eyes of the person they are talking to and their expressions remain imperturbable, which makes them seem distant, even though deep down they are only afraid of making a mistake.

Likewise, the reflective person’s voice is moderate with little or no variety in tone. This type of person does not let her emotions be transparent because she is almost upset, tending to remain calm even under pressure, at least externally, and is little involved with anything that is carefree, sensual or playful.

It’s not easy to conquer

thoughtful people they are not easy to handle for someone oriented to human relations. It is necessary to communicate with them in reassuring terms, using a voice without peaks and maintaining control of mimicry, as well as constant, non-probing eye contact.

Therefore, to win over this type of people it will be necessary to be able to give adequate answers to their questions.

Small, harmonious and fluid graphics

Do you want to know another characteristic of thoughtful people? The writing of a thoughtful person is easy to spot. The handwriting of this type of people is harmonious, fluid and without pauses small caliber and with some angulations.

Characteristics of a reflective person - Small, harmonious and fluid writing

Search for stable relationships

In the love sphere, the thoughtful person leaves a lot of space for your partner and pay special attention to their doubts and needs, trying to analyze the situation in depth.

Likewise, emotional stability is very important for reflective people, which is why they avoid superficial interactions and relationships that are not the result of knowledge built over time.

Need for a secure job

In the workplace, the main objective of people with reflective thinking is achieve stability that protects you from anxieties and uncertainties about the future.

If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article we will talk about Fear of the future: symptoms, causes and consequences.

Characteristics of a reflective person - Need for a secure job


People with a reflective personality they spend a lot of time analyzing what is happening in their lives, trying to find the mistakes they have made, or reflecting on themselves to improve in the future.

Likewise, they are perfectionists and spend a lot of time thinking about the most diverse problems and concepts. However, they are people who generally have a privileged mind and see the world from a very characteristic and personal point of view.


Finally, the behavior of reflective people can be associated with the typical characteristics of intellectuals, since they also have a very complex, analytical and rational emotional personality

In fact, an intellectual’s place of peace or their comfort zone is reflective thinking and the reality that surrounds them is highly filtered by rationality.

Characteristics of a reflective person - Intellectuality

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Characteristics of a reflective person we recommend that you enter our Personality category.


  • Boz, F. (2015). 4 tipi of emotive personality. Retrieved from:
  • Livatino, C. (2016). Write with the heart. Milan: Sperling & Kupfer
  • Talent Lab (2021). Interlocutor riflessive, active, attore or amico? Retrieved from:

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