Characteristics Of People With High Self-esteem

Characteristics of people with high self-esteem - Characteristics of People with High and Positive Self-Esteem

People who have high self-esteem are self-confident people who have the ability to live and enjoy their lives in a healthy and balanced way, maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges and the different challenges that are presented to them. Having high self-esteem means having a positive image of yourself, which is very important to face life with positivity, bring out the best in your personality and be totally independent. In the following PsicologíaOnline article, we are going to list What are the characteristics of people with high self-esteem.

Characteristics of People with High and Positive Self-Esteem

  • They know what things they can do well and what they can improve.
  • They feel good about themselves.
  • They express their opinion to others.
  • They are not afraid to talk to other people.
  • They know how to identify and express their emotions to other people.
  • They participate in the activities that take place in their environment, study center, work center…
  • They like challenges and are not afraid of them.
  • They fend for themselves in the situations that arise, it involves giving and asking for support.
  • They are interested in others with a sense of help and are willing to collaborate with other people, without negative criticism.
  • They are creative and original, they invent things, they are interested in performing unknown tasks, they learn new activities, they get involved in it.
  • They fight to achieve what they want.
  • They enjoy the fun things in life, both their own and those of others. They are happy that others are doing well.
  • They share their feelings with other people.
  • They venture into new objectives.
  • They are organized and orderly in their activities.
  • They ask when they don’t know something, they are not afraid to ask.
  • They defend their position before others, assertively.
  • They recognize their mistakes when they are wrong. They don’t mind being told about their qualities, but they don’t like being flattered.
  • They know their qualities and try to overcome their defects.
  • They are responsible for their actions.
  • They are natural leaders.

Characteristics of people with high self-esteem - Characteristics of People with High and Positive Self-Esteem

Benefits of high self-esteem

High self-esteem reinforces our mental stability, helps us make good decisions and prevents many disorders related to anxiety, strengthens and develops security and, in addition, we will feel more prepared to face the challenges that life proposes to us. Luckily for people with low self-esteem, there are exercises to strengthen self-esteem. It is very important to work thoroughly on this part of our personality since it is one of the pillars of our psychological well-being.

Thanks to self-love, we can achieve many of the goals we set for ourselves but for which we fear failure. If you want to know more, we recommend reading the following article about the healthy benefits of high self-esteem.

However, it is important to learn to distinguish high and healthy self-esteem from a person with narcissistic traits and inflated self-esteem egocentrism can be a sign of insecurity and, in addition, it has quite negative consequences for people who interact with narcissistic individuals.

How to strengthen your self-esteem

If when reading the characteristics of people with high self-esteem, we have not felt identified, perhaps we present signs of a problem in the image we have of ourselves. Low self-esteem can become a strong impediment on our path to personal development and, therefore, we present a series of tips to strengthen our self-esteem:

  • Practice positive psychology: If we change the focus of our reality and focus on the positive stimuli that surround us, we will avoid falling into negative thoughts and, as a consequence, our self-esteem will be strengthened.
  • Putting yourself as a priority is not selfish: It is very normal to make the mistake of thinking that, if we give importance to our well-being, that makes us selfish people. However, our mental health comes first, we cannot provide others with something we lack, therefore we must focus first on ensuring our well-being (without causing harm to other people).
  • Detect distortions: People with low self-esteem often suffer from certain cognitive distortions about what they think others think of them. Thoughts like “no one loves me” or “I feel like everyone hates me” are usually misconceptions and we must detect them in time.
  • Pamper yourself: Reserve one day a week to focus on yourself and provide the necessary care. We can develop our self-esteem through small moments of self-love.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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