Chronic Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

We have all, at some point, felt tired, fatigued or lacking energy. The causes of this can be varied, for example, a busy day or a bad night. Generally, in these situations it is enough to get a good night’s sleep or recover your normal work rhythm.

However, some people feel tired all day and for most of the time, and are unmotivated, exhausted, weak, have difficulty concentrating… When this sensation is constant and lasts over time, then we are talking about chronic fatigue.

In this article we will delve into the most important aspects of this phenomenon and learn what its symptoms, causes and treatment are.

What is chronic fatigue

There are many individuals who would like to stay in bed a little longer before going to work in the office, or enjoy a nap for its physical and psychological benefits. However, there are people who spend the entire day in “off” mode, tired, unfocused, unmotivated… When this feeling of tiredness does not disappear and manifests itself for a long period of time, there may be a problem that is fueling it (depression, burnout, insomnia, etc.).

Chronic fatigue makes the person feel very tired throughout the day and has difficulty carrying out their daily tasks. It is similar to spring asthenia, which It usually appears together with a decrease or alteration in the immune system for different reasons, like the typical allergies of this time of year. However, chronic fatigue can occur at different times of the year, causing physical and mental weakening of the subject.

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In reality, chronic fatigue is considered a symptom of underlying problems, often due to physical but also psychological illnesses.

What are your symptoms

This phenomenon is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of symptoms related to fatigue and lack of motivation. At a general level it is observed:

Causes of this phenomenon

As I have mentioned, chronic fatigue is usually considered a set of symptoms that have their origin in other types of problems that may be physical or psychological. Among them, the following stand out.


Chronic fatigue is common when a person suffers from depression or is going through a difficult period in their life What a grieving process can be like. In addition to the symptoms of sadness, in this type of situation a person feels tired, unmotivated and has difficulty concentrating and paying attention.


Burnout is what is known as chronic stress and causes the person to feel burned out. After suffering a prolonged period of stress, the person exhausts their resources and then becomes demotivated and extremely tired.

Lack of motivation

Depression or burnout can cause a lack of motivation but demotivation can also occur because a person does not have realistic goals or does not see their future clearly, so they can enter into an existential crisis that ends up mentally exhausting them.


Sleep problems and poor sleeping habits cause the person to be tired throughout the day. In these cases, it is possible to follow a series of tips such as those that appear in this article: “Combating insomnia: 10 solutions to sleep better.”

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Different physical illnesses can cause chronic fatigue, including diabetes, allergies or a weakened immune system.

Bad nutrition

Poor nutrition or nutritional disorders such as anemia can cause a person to feel tired for long periods of time. The relationship between psychology and nutrition is a reality that is increasingly accepted. Although our emotional state affects how we eat, how we eat also affects how we feel.

Neurological disorders

Some neurological disorders or tumors may also be at the root of the problem. In our article “The 15 most common neurological disorders” we talk about the symptoms and consequences of the most common neurological disorders.

Medication use

The use of some medications as a side effect can cause symptoms of tiredness, for example, benzodiazepines or antipsychotics. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the doctor or psychiatrist if the symptoms appear after the start of pharmacological treatment to make replacement possible.


Since there are many causes that can cause chronic fatigue, this phenomenon requires different treatment options. In most cases, subjects go to the family doctor for a diagnosis, but the diagnosis should not focus only on physical illnesses (urine samples, blood tests) and the treatment should not always be the administration of drugs, but psychological therapy and, sometimes, Visiting a nutritionist dietitian can help treat chronic fatigue.

Logically, when the causes are of psychological origin, such as depression or stress, it is necessary to go to a psychology professional so that they can treat the underlying problem. There are different types of psychotherapy that can be effective, for example, cognitive behavioral therapy, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

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In cases where poor diet is poor or the individual suffers from anemia, it is appropriate to go to a nutritionist dietitian to solve the problem.