CIWA: A Guide To Assessing Alcohol Withdrawal


Based on the statistics, Spain is the second country in the European Union in which alcohol consumption is present most frequently. It is true that many people are social drinkers, others do so moderately, but there is a percentage of the population that ends up falling into alcoholism. Although it is considered a legal and accepted drug, it is still a toxic substance full of risks. When a person begins to feel dependent on alcohol, this is when alarm bells go off and both their health and their environment are seriously harmed.

The decision to stop alcohol consumption completely to return to living fully is a great step for this group. However, it brings with it an avalanche of negative effects known as withdrawal syndrome. Basically it consists of the body that was used to receiving its daily dose of the drug, becoming “angry” and reacting. A series of completely unpleasant symptoms arise for the person such as nausea, tremor, headache, anxiety, insomnia, sweating, deep desire to drink, etc.

There are several professionals in charge of accompanying this group and in addition, there is a protocol in charge of providing more effective support to those people who are trying to recover. It is known as CIWA AR and is defined as a guide to evaluate and subsequently manage the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal appropriately.

Therefore, in today’s article we will analyze this clinical tool known as CIWA AR. If you are interested in finding out what this protocol is, its importance and how it is applied to patients, you have come to the right place. Below you will discover why this tool changes the way you deal with alcohol withdrawal.

What is CIWA-AR?

CIWA AR is the English acronym that refers to Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol. It is an effective tool to evaluate withdrawal symptoms and, at the same time, provide a comprehensive approach to help people who have decided to recover. To understand it, it is a scale where the score objectively measures the degree of severity of alcohol withdrawal and determines the steps to follow in the treatment. Of course, evaluate the symptoms mentioned above.

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The most characteristic thing about the CIWA AR protocol is the individualized attention that it is able to provide to patients to direct treatment appropriately. The scores obtained help the professional determine various issues surrounding the treatment, such as the need for mediation, monitoring during the process, among other things.

Now, what medications are used? Benzodiazepines, which turn out to be very effective due to their anxiolytic, hypnotic, muscle relaxing and antiepileptic effects, are the most suitable for alleviating the symptoms generated by the cessation of alcohol consumption. The dose depends on each person, depending on the severity of the case, the clinical history and the score obtained on the CIWA AR.

It is also worth noting that CIWA AR is supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This supports the importance of evaluating the severity of these patients’ symptoms in order to adequately accompany them during the complicated process of completely stopping this drug.


How is CIWA AR applied?

First of all, it is of utmost importance to clarify that the CIWA AR protocol is, in fact, a clinical tool, not a diagnosis in itself. That is to say, Its objective is to objectively evaluate the symptoms and thereby facilitate the treatment process. It is a way to ensure the safety and physical and mental well-being of patients during the process.

It is applied individually and conscientiously. The job of professionals is to look at a list of symptoms in order to conclude the severity of the withdrawal in each person. In short, each symptom has an assigned point and upon completing the protocol, a number appears that defines the patient’s condition and determines the therapeutic objectives necessary for each case. Likewise, the symptoms that the CIWA AR is able to measure and score are not only physical, but the emotional and mental symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome also play an important role. For this reason, it is said to be a comprehensive tool since it provides a complete report of the person’s situation.

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In order to ensure excellent care, the frequency with which this protocol must be applied is high and constant. In fact, During the first phases, it is advisable to pass the evaluation every 4 or 6 hours to be able to observe changes in symptoms early and thus be able to adjust the treatment if the case requires it.

As time goes by and as we get deeper into the detoxification process, the frequency decreases significantly. You must always keep in mind that each person is unique and some patients may require more frequent evaluations and others may not. The support and accompaniment that this protocol provides for patients makes them feel a positive and significant impact on their healing process. A circle of essential care and support is established for the patient.

Alcohol withdrawal brings with it a lot of insecurity since the symptoms are very severe and frequent. Therefore, having the CIWA AR gives a feeling of security knowing that the symptoms they suffer are being accurately evaluated on a regular basis. In addition to feeling supported, it also helps reduce serious complications that the syndrome can cause such as seizures or delirium.

As it is a comprehensive tool and does not leave aside the emotional area of ​​the person, this helps patients experience a feeling of validation that is extremely important for their process. With this you manage to reduce anxiety, stress, and even the fears that arise, thus having a smoother transition towards recovery.



The CIWA AR protocol has proven to be especially useful and essential when coping with the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Its comprehensive approach means that no part of the person is left unattended and generates a climate of trust, security, support and transparency between the professional and the patient. The bond that is created is just as important as passing the evaluation when dealing with these people. Likewise, it is essential to follow the guidelines and recommendations established by the professional team. With use and time, it is portrayed that CIWA AR is much more than an analysis tool.