Close Doors To Open New Possibilities Of Life

If we take a quick look at our life and, for example, we go back 5 years, we can see if we are still in the same place, with the same complaining attitude or if we have changed something.

How to deal with changes in life

If we take a quick look at our life and, for example, we go back 5 years, we can see if we are still in the same place, with the same complaining attitude or, on the contrary, we have closed some doors that have allowed us to open new ones. It is clear that without daring to take responsibility for our lives, we will continue to be inundated with our eternal complaints; nothing new is going to happen. We must close doors to open new ones and discover new life scenarios to create from our authentic being what belongs to us. The new chapters of life You write them because, shame! if you are waiting for the writer to come from outside to write them.

Life is a continuous closing of doors to open new ones if we want to evolve and produce lasting changes in our lives. Many times we do not stop throwing balls out of the goal, with the aim of staying and playing on the same playing field, even knowing that everything that will occur will be more of the same. We don’t have time to think about the life we ​​want to lead, because we walk through life in autopilot of the inertia established from outside.

How to solve your problems?

No matter how much they show you another way, if you don’t want to change, you will continue playing the fronton of your complaints. Nobody around you has the solution to your problems. You will not find the magic potion to be happy unless the intention comes from your self-knowledge Walking through life distanced from your authentic self will make you vulnerable, cannon fodder, to external requests.

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Since when have you not taken a step for yourself and decided the direction you want to take in your life? To this question there will be answers of all kinds, in the complaint will be your immobilization to act. It doesn’t matter what type of responsibilities you have and whether you feel that they block you from deciding, from opening new doors. You only live once unique opportunity, an exclusive one-way trip with no return and it is not worth doing it in second class being a victim of your problems but without finding a solution. Surrounding yourself with new experiences in life will give you the learning you need to continue moving forward and discover your powerful potential.

How to change your life?

A proactive mind the one that opens doors, will not live from the past. She knows when to close a door without looking back, always moving in the direction of her life purpose.

How to change your life?

The person who is responsible for his Personal development is distinguished from those who do not dare to open new doors and spend their entire lives complaining, among other things in:

  • He is not frozen by fear of opening new doors in his life. He knows that it is part of his personal expansion and evolution.
  • It makes things happen. She gets busy, she doesn’t worry about what will happen
  • Trust in your potential
  • Build new possibilities in your life
  • He does not live on memories of the past that limit him to beating himself up for his mistakes.
  • Guilt is not present in his life, if he made a mistake, he does not throw things out but learns from what happened
  • You are in full contact with your inner voice that is showing you the path to follow.
  • Create healthy lifestyle habits that allow you to walk in coherence with your life purpose
  • Only his presence, without trying to convince anyone, gives LIGHT around him
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Do you dare to open a new door in your life? Come and pass, I’m waiting for you, to show you the incredible potential that you carry inside you but you don’t dare to discover