Computing For Children: 12 Tricks To Teach Them How To Use A PC

Computer science for children

We live in a highly computerized world, and although those of us who were born in the nineties or earlier have lived in a period in which these technologies were not yet widespread, today’s children practically enter the world with them under their arms.

These are digital natives, who from early childhood have access to a large number of possibilities derived from the use of new technologies (something that on the one hand has positive effects but at the same time also has not so favorable and even dangerous repercussions). .

But the truth is that although the use of computing is highly widespread, even those born today need someone to teach them how to use it responsibly: us. That is why throughout this article let’s talk about computing for children and various tricks or tips to help them learn to use a computer.

Some tips for teaching computer science to children

We’ll see now some tips to help you introduce children to computing, so that they can learn to use a PC. Of course, we must keep in mind that depending on the age, level of development or even the interests of the child, the way and pace of learning can vary enormously.

1. Start with the basics: introduce the computer and the different components

Perhaps this advice may seem obvious and even stupid, but many people assume that any child already knows and directly understands what a computer is. And just as with adults, there is great variability when it comes to prior knowledge.

Before proceeding to evaluate how to use it It is necessary for children to understand what a computer, a mouse, or a keyboard is Also what its usefulness is and what it allows us to do, and basic measures for handling and caring for the material (for example, not throwing water on it).

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2. Use language appropriate for their age and level of understanding

We must not fail to bear in mind that we are talking about children, so their ability to understand details and technical elements will generally be lower than that of an adult with computer knowledge. It is necessary to adjust the type of language: It may be necessary to use analogies and comparisons with elements that children know from their daily lives and gradually integrate the new knowledge.

3. Train them in the use of mouse and keyboard

Something very basic that children must begin to learn in order to successfully use a computer is to use the main instruments that we use to control it: mouse and keyboard.

It must be taken into account that depending on the age at which they are taught to handle them motor control can be more or less precise In this sense, we can show them how moving the mouse allows us to move the cursor around the screen, and then teach them how to click with it. It is possible that this can become, at least at first, a little game for the child.

Regarding the keyboard, knowing how to use it requires first understanding the alphabet and showing how each key generates a different letter, symbol or number. It is useful to start with the letters and/or numbers that the child knows, to gradually increase the use of the rest of the keyboard.

Other key keys to show you are space, Enter and Escape. Keep in mind that learning to use the keyboard is a process that is not carried out in a day: We should not saturate the child if we see that he is overwhelmed since although it may seem logical to an adult accustomed to using it, it can be quite a challenge for someone who has never used it.

4. Start using a program

Another of the first steps that someone starting out with computing must master is the concept of a program or application, as well as learning to open and close it. In this sense, first we will have to define the concept and teach the child to look for it on the computer

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Subsequently, we must make them understand that these programs can be opened and closed, and also that what they do can be saved. Little by little we are going to show them these operations and help them do them themselves.

5. Encourage drawing with Paint

Many children love to draw. In this sense, programs like Paint can be very useful to promote and increase the child’s ability to apply prior knowledge, while at the same time allows you to increase the skill with which you use the mouse and keyboard We can also download an image that the child can follow.

6. Install and use educational games

Learning to use a computer does not have to be boring and boring. It may be useful to install different types of games available on the Internet or purchased often with themes and characters from series known to them or generated with the purpose of promoting learning to use the computer.

It must be taken into account that there are also educational games that allow the child not only to have fun and learn how to use the PC but also to increase their level of knowledge or skill in areas such as detecting and monitoring specific stimuli, concentration, precision in motor control or the use of language or mathematics.

7. Use the word processor

One way in which children can learn to use the keyboard and at the same time to handle one of the most common uses that we give to a computer is to teach them to open and use a word processor, such as Microsoft Word or even Notepad

In this sense, we can suggest that you write down your name, a favorite object, color or animal, or that you tell us how your day went and try to write it down with our help. If he is a little older, we can suggest that he write a letter or congratulations.

8. Explore with them

Perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice is the fact that the learning that children do about computing will be of higher quality the more it is shared with the reference figure.

Helping them explore the field of computing will not only allow us to show them how to use a computer itself: we are showing them something new and unknown, in such a way that it can become a small adventure as well as generates an interaction that allows strengthening the interpersonal bond with them It also allows the child to see how the reference figure interacts with computing.

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9. Set limits

Computer science is a very useful tool, but as we all know it also has its risks and drawbacks. It is necessary to establish limits regarding what you can and cannot do with the computer, as well as how long you can spend with it. Beyond these limits it may be necessary to install some type of parental control to prevent them from accessing content that is inappropriate for their age, or from coming into contact with unknown people.

10. Use the Internet

Sooner or later minors are going to have to learn to use the Internet. In this sense, it is necessary to make them understand not only what it is but its potential uses and risks, and it is advisable to have some type of filter or parental control installed that prevents access to undesirable websites. To learn how to use it It may be useful to explain what a browser or search engine is and use some of your hobbies to be able to search for them on the Internet.

11. Explain the risks

Another aspect to take into account is the need to explain to children not only the advantages of using new technologies, but also their risks: if they do not know that their use has certain dangers, it will be difficult for them to use strategies to combat them on their own. prevent them. It is not about frightening them but rather making them see that caution must be exercised when using new technologies.

12. Make the experience fun

Finally, a fundamental piece of advice for a child to relate positively to computing is the fact that they consider learning how to use it as something desirable, fun and that involves positive contact with their references.

This will encourage the young person to learn while on the contrary, if we are critical of their abilities or try to force them to learn to do things at a specific pace and in a specific way, it will be quite likely that they will end up rejecting not only the use of the computer but also our instructions (and warnings). about.