Connect With Personal Power

We are all born with power.

Connect with personal power

Even though the temperament, way of responding and acting is different in each individual, each and every person is born with a potential to live Life expressing our own power.

Different circumstances and life experiences can cause us to disconnect from this potential. This disconnection has several effects:

  1. It leads us to rebellious behaviors that have no effective results.
  2. We can have repetitive and ineffective problems with authority (Parents, bosses, teachers, etc.)
  3. Other people, on the contrary, feel as if they were invisible and to earn a place, they live in the shadow of another, or others.

However, at any time we can develop and nourish the connection with Personal Power, which gives us leadership capacity, strength and strength.

“What does it mean to move into a leadership position? Frankly, it means that we now have the authority to serve people in a special way.” Van Ekeren.

How to reconnect with your own personal power?

The 4 fundamental pillars

1. Initial opening

It is important to show respect for each individual, as it can help you see something that you do not see.

The more options you can consider as possible, the more you update your own ideas and mental structures, the more effectively you will be able to deal with any situation.

Remain flexible and open with yourself and others.

2. Effective communication

The coherence between your words and your actions is what makes others respect and value your criteria.

If you say something you don’t mean, or don’t do what you said, you lose power and effectiveness. Others can no longer trust you, you have not proven yourself worthy of trust.

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Your Personal Power is strengthened when you align your word and your action.

3. Set healthy boundaries

When we say “No” we are establishing our limits, we are marking where the border is between what we do want or see ourselves prepared to do and what we do not. By putting your milites, we are expressing your respect for yourself.

If you have difficulties or feel guilty when you say “no”, that means that you still do not have your own clear boundaries, and that makes you lose presence in front of others.

Honor and respect your own limits and those of others.

4. Be responsible

Responsibility has to do with the ability to pay attention to what you do, as well as the ability to respond to the different situations that life throws at you. By taking responsibility for your own actions, you adopt an adult, mature posture that radiates strength.

Become a disciple of yourself, respect your rhythm and respond.

These 4 skills can be worked on through practice. Becoming aware and realizing what difficulties we encounter when implementing them.

The fair use of Power is a capacity that enriches the person themselves, those close to them, and the entire world.

“When you express who you are fully, you are full of Power”