Conversion Disorder: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Conversion disorder: signs, symptoms and treatment

Conversion disorder, formerly known as hysteria or conversion hysteria, is a mental condition that is mainly characterized by suffering from physical symptoms (motor or sensory) whose origin cannot be explained or resolved with a study or physical analysis, that is, For this reason, it is difficult to diagnose these patients. These symptoms normally appear after having experienced a traumatic event or as a consequence of suffering from other mental disorders, and their psychological explanation is believed to be related to an inability to resolve and confront internal intrapsychic conflicts that, as a consequence, manifest themselves in a negative way. physical form. In addition, its symptoms can range from paralysis of a body member, seizures to speech and swallowing disorders, making it a dangerous disorder for the health of those who suffer from it. It is for this reason that, in this PsychologyFor article, we will tell you What exactly is conversion disorder, its signs, symptoms and treatment.

What is conversion disorder according to DSM and ICD?

He conversion disorder is a specific form that is classified within somatoform disorders or somatic symptom disorders, which affects the voluntary central nervous system. This disorder is characterized by the appearance of symptoms that affect motor or sensory functions and that suggest a neurological or medical disease.

The symptom It is not intentionally produced or simulated and causes significant discomfort or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of the patient’s life.

It is a disorder that appears more frequently in women than in men and the onset tends to be in adolescents and young adults.

Signs and symptoms of conversion disorder

Below, we detail the most common symptoms in patients suffering from a conversion crisis:

  • Paralysis of a member of the body, usually an arm or leg.
  • Loss of sensitivity in a part of the body.
  • Swallowing difficulties.
  • Speech difficulties.
  • Lack or difficulty of coordination and balance.
  • Loss of a sense, such as blindness or deafness.
  • Tingling or tingling in some part of the body.
  • Convulsive episodes.

It is very important to highlight that the symptoms tend to be brief and involuntary, that is, the person who suffers from it he does not act consciously nor does he pretend. Conversion disorder can appear punctually, with a single episode throughout life, or it can recur sporadically.

Difference between conversion disorder and somatization disorder

These two disorders are within the same DSM-V classification, somatic symptom disorders and related disorders. Although both have in common that they are unconscious physical expressions of a conflict or an internal psychological problem, they are two different disorders that can sometimes be confused or not know exactly how to make a differential diagnosis.

He somatization disorder It is characterized by physical symptoms that cause discomfort and pain and that they are persistent over time, unlike conversion disorder, which tends to be shorter. Furthermore, in somatization, recurring thoughts regarding the severity of the symptoms and, as a consequence, the anxiety that cause them, are very important characteristics when it comes to differentiating them.

In it disorder conversionthese thoughts are not present and is characterized by a loss or change in physical functioning, such as immobility of a body part or a temporary loss of speech or hearing, among other symptoms.

If you want to know more about what somatization is, in this article we explain what somatization is and how to cure it.

Difference between dissociative and conversion disorder

We can find some similarities between these two disorders, but we have to clarify that they are two independent disorders that differ from each other for certain reasons.

The dissociative disorders imply a disconnection, loss of contact with reality, lack of continuity between thoughts, which appear as a reaction to having suffered a severe trauma. These patients, faced with this painful situation with great emotional impact, repress these memories using resources such as amnesia or, in other cases, creating various alternative personalities.

Instead, in the conversion disorder although the cause of the appearance of both disorders is usually similar, the symptoms are mainly physical unlike dissociative, which are mostly psychological or mental.

Causes of conversion disorder

As mentioned above, the main cause of the appearance of the symptoms of this disorder is the fact of having experienced a traumatic or very stressful event. The defense against these situations of great emotional impact is formed unconsciously and manifests itself symptomatically as a specific neurological impairment. Furthermore, it has also been observed that patients with depression, personality disorders and dissociative disorders are more likely to develop this disorder. It can also appear in apparently healthy people because they are suffering from high levels of stress, have a family history with a relative with conversion disorder, or have suffered sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood or another very traumatic event in the past or having received a very overprotective upbringing. In this article we talk about parenting styles and their consequences.

Treatment of conversion disorder

There are cases in which patients recover naturally and spontaneously, the symptoms begin to improve and everything returns to normal. Even so, a large majority of cases of conversion crisis require different treatments for the symptoms to disappear. Next, we will detail the most used treatments for conversion disorder:

  • Psychological treatment: It is very effective as it can help you adopt new ways of managing and perceiving stress and avoiding new episodes. Additionally, through psychotherapy you can work on the main cause or internal reason that is causing the physical symptoms.
  • Pharmacotherapy: Different studies have concluded that antidepressant drugs tend to be very effective with patients with a conversion disorder; they are basically used to improve and speed up the recovery of those who suffer from it.
  • Rehabilitation treatment: Physical therapy turns out to be very important in certain patients to improve and recover mobility in the affected limb.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Conversion disorder: signs, symptoms and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013:181-183.

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