Cultural Diversity In Mexico: This Is The Plurality Of This Country

Cultural diversity in Mexico

Cultural diversity has gained special relevance in recent years due to different phenomena such as internal and external migrations, as well as globalization processes around the world. In this context Mexico has been recognized as one of the countries with the greatest cultural diversity ethnic and linguistic at an international level.

In this article we will take a brief tour of the cultural diversity in Mexico, going through some characteristics of the ethnic, linguistic and material diversity that are part of the same country. Finally we will see what is the legal framework that has been generated as a measure to promote and protect cultural diversity.

Cultural diversity in Mexico

The recognition and protection of cultural diversity has been one of the international priorities promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO itself has defined “cultural diversity” as the multiplicity of ways in which the cultures of groups and societies are expressed and, when manifested, transmit the heritage of humanity.

While it is a multiplicity of forms, cultural diversity includes historical plurality, ethnic groups, languages, customs, traditions gastronomy, art, crafts, etc.

All of the above has started from considering that Each group and each society has a particular way of seeing the world and to relate to it. That is, in each group there is a specific way of perceiving and solving problems, assigning values, qualities, roles, etc.; which ultimately generates a particular cultural identity that must be respected.

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Some representative elements

Although cultural diversity has initially been thought of in terms of ethnic diversity, plurality and the different manifestations of culture also include linguistic diversity and material heritage, among others. Following this, we will briefly look at some representative elements.

1. Ethnic diversity

The National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Mexico explains that There are currently 68 indigenous peoples which represents approximately 11 million of the country’s 132,562 inhabitants.

Likewise, in 2015, the National Institute of Geography and Informatics censused almost 1,400,000 African Americans, a figure that corresponds to 1.4% of the national population and represents an important, although frequently invisible, part of ethnic and cultural diversity. from the country.

On the other hand, ethnic diversity can be expressed, for example, in gastronomy, crafts or artistic creations that are specific to each region of the country.

Likewise, it can be expressed through manifestations that are not necessarily material, such as parties, ceremonies, theatrical or musical performances. This is also related to a cultural identity forged by the conservation of different knowledge, beliefs, rituals, traditions and stories transmitted generationally.

2. Linguistic diversity

The linguistic heritage of Mexico is made up of 11 linguistic families, 68 own languages ​​and 364 variants These languages ​​are spoken by approximately 7 million inhabitants, which makes Mexico the country with the largest population speaking indigenous languages ​​in America. The problem is that, given the growing pressure of the use of Spanish, there is a high risk of disappearance for the majority of these languages.

On the other hand, chronicles, legends and literary heritage in general are also considered intangible but linguistic goods.

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3. Material heritage

Another aspect where cultural diversity is visible are material expressions such as historical monuments and documentary assets.

Perhaps one of the most representative questions in this sense is the archaeological heritage which can include cities such as Chichen Itzá, Monte Albán or Teotihuacan, to remains of utensils and tools, or different forms of rock art.

The legal framework for the protection of cultural diversity

In short, Mexico has been recognized as a multi-ethnic and multicultural country. However, in the face of constant socioeconomic changes and modernization processes, indigenous peoples and the cultural wealth that is representative of the country have been constantly threatened.

In some sectors and contexts, cultural diversity has been seen as a delaying factor or an impediment to modernization; the reason why it has been necessary to create protection strategies In fact, currently, cultural diversity has gone from being a concept that refers to the plurality of cultural manifestations present in a given society, to being recognized as a human right.

Specifically, Mexico has signed both the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001 and the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, in 2005.

In 2001, with the reform of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the cultural diversity of the Mexican nation was recognized (in article 2), whose focus of attention was centered on indigenous peoples.

Two years later, in 2003, the General Law on Linguistic Rights of Indigenous Peoples came into force, allowing the creation of the National Institute of Indigenous Languages ​​and the reform of the General Education Law. promoting the teaching of the linguistic plurality of the nation and respect for linguistic rights.

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A year later, the National Council to Prevent Discrimination and a federal law that supports it was created, so that it is possible to guarantee the right to equality and combat social exclusion based on ethnic origin.

In the health framework, the General Health Law was also reformed, trying to promote respect for indigenous uses and customs, the use of traditional medicine and intercultural medical care. In the center and south of the country, several federal entities also reformed their laws to support the legal framework that preceded them.