Dark Personalities: What Are They And How To Recognize Them?

dark-personalities-how-to-recognize them

I think that we all sometimes dream or long to find an ideal person “Prince Charming” or the “ideal woman” throughout our lives, but one day suddenly a being arrives just like you imagined, it is almost perfect, you feel a unique and incomparable chemistry in relation to your previous relationships because this person understands you, fills you with details, is attentive to your needs, treats you with a lot of love that even seems like a dream come true, is with you at all times, create plans together future of a very happy family.

Suddenly, some time passes and you realize that that beautiful Prince Charming or the ideal muse is transforming into a villainous, cruel, evil, inhuman being who will not hesitate to kill you You will want to get out and run away from them, but it will not be easy and you may give up and choose to stay there, even if they humiliate you or denigrate you, you will continue there because of the dependency created or because you feel that you will not be able to live without him/her. Dark personalities often use different types of manipulation strategies to create dependency and helplessness in their victims.

Dark personalities are usually characterized by pathological egocentrism, lack of empathy, mythomania, promiscuity, aggressiveness, perversion, among others. These personalities do not have respect or good feelings towards others, so they use them for their convenience and personal benefit. I invite you to continue reading this article where I share general information about the 4 dark personalities and I hope it helps you safeguard your lives.

What is dark personality?

Tintaya (2019) mentions Allport Gordon (1986) in his work on psychology and personality, who defines personality as a dynamic organization of the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his particularity and adjustment to the environment.

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From the moment the subject is conceived or from birth until death, it requires care, especially in the critical or developmental stages. Gonzales (2015), in his research called The personality triad, cites (Jonason, Lyons and Bethell, 2014), in which they refer that The low quality of maternal care leads to Machiavellianism and aspects of narcissism and this is due to the lack of secure attachment

Low-quality parental care leads to psychopathy, and high-quality parental care leads to narcissism. From the perspective of the theory of mind and attachment according to Riquelme, Henrique and Alvares, (2003) indicate that in childhood this ability to understand, predict and explain behavior in terms of internal mental states.

Therefore, it can be indicated that dark personalities have a lack or dissatisfaction in their emotional needs, which generates an alteration in the process of mentalization and internal mental states. Hence The behaviors of these people will always be in a dark or parasitic “perverse” mode, that is, they will always harm those around them and even themselves

On the other hand, there are also other factors such as genetics, damage or trauma at the neurological level “brain” whether in its physical structure or functionality, physical, sexual and psychological abuse at an early age, among others.


What are the characteristics of the dark personality?

Fariñas (2018) mentions in his work “The dark triad of personality” Pozueco and Moreno (2019) in their study “The dark triad of personality in intimate relationships” to Cleckley (1976) where he indicates the following characteristics:

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How do they choose their victims?

According to Black, Woodworth and Porter (2014) they report that dark personalities look for certain characteristics such as people with low self-esteem, very neurotic, depressed and anxious Other authors refer to people who are emotionally dependent, subjugated, with self-sacrifice schemes and people who have a certain power, fame, talent, brilliance, personal and professional success.

From my personal and professional experience, the first thing to be able to get out of the dark personality network is to nip any type of “Contact 0” connection in the bud. Then seek professional help so that: 1. Overcome the current trauma 2. Learn to heal your life traps or intrapersonal conflicts 3. Learn to psychoeducate yourself and acquire psychological techniques and strategies to nourish and strengthen your self-esteem and identify the “Red Flags” of the dark people All of this will allow us not to fall into the pervert’s trap again.

The three steps stated above belong to the Love Method, a therapeutic model that was designed specifically for victims of the dark triad The application of the three steps will depend on the case, in some cases step 1 can be applied, in others 1 and 3, in others 2 and 3.


How to protect yourself or prevent falling into the network?

The strategies that we can use against these people is through psycho-education because this allows you to identify the red flags, once these alarms are recognized, it is essential to stay away and if it is not possible to stay away from them, stay in gray mode during the interaction, which which is very difficult, but not impossible for your mental health and your life.

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Always try to take care of and strengthen your self-esteem as much as possible, have a positive support network that helps you have new perspectives, work and prioritize your personal development Do not immediately trust anyone, do not let yourself be dazzled by what it seems but by what it really is. Always observe your behavior and whether there is consistency between what you think, say and do. Don’t be fooled by their words, they are experts at lying.


Finally, it can be mentioned that Dark personalities are characterized by thoughts and beliefs of superiority, zero empathy, sweet and charming language, but it is full of falsehood and their behaviors are always demanding, antisocial and criminal

On the other hand, each type has characteristics that make them different and at the same time have the same characteristics. So it is difficult for a common person to differentiate them more when they have two or more types, for example a narcissist-psychopath, narcissist-Machiavellian or psychopath-sadist, etc.

The important thing here is that when identifying the first red flags, the person has to put up a barrier or move away completely, only in this way can they safeguard themselves. And if you have already had the misfortune of falling into their dark web, seek professional help so you can overcome the trauma.