Delirium Of Ruin: What It Is, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Delirium of ruin: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

Have you already heard of the delusion of ruin? It is a type of delusion in which the individual believes that he is going to lose a large amount of money, property or social position. If you want to know more about delusions, what they are like and why they occur, keep reading. In this PsychologyFor article we are going to explain to you What is delirium of ruin, its symptoms, causes and possible treatments

What is a delirium

Delirium is understood as a serious alteration in mental abilities of the individual that generates confused thoughts and a decrease in awareness of the environment.

Delusions are different from mistaken beliefs, because delusional beliefs remain unchanged due to clear and reasonable evidence to the contrary, that distinction is sometimes difficult to make when beliefs are closer to reality. That is, if an individual delusionally thinks something that may actually be possible, it is more difficult to differentiate that thought from a delusion, for example. While if an individual delusionally thinks something more absurd, it becomes easier to notice that it is a delusional thought.

In this article, we talk in depth about what a delusion is and in this article we explain the difference between delirium and hallucination.

Symptoms of delusions of ruin

The delirium of ruin is a delirium in which The individual believes he has lost his possessions, his money, his properties, his social position or thinks he is about to lose them Their belief is that this will have catastrophic consequences.

The delusional belief of the individual with this delusion is that material possessions have been lost, that he and his family are ruined and in absolute poverty.

It is a type of delusion that leads the individual to think that the future is full of misfortunes and fatalities. And based on that idea, the individual wishes not to want to live, and believes that it makes no sense to enjoy something or be happy.

This delirium is characterized by feelings of fear, worry, fear, sometimes guilt for having left their families in ruin.

There are many types of delusions, such as delusions of persecution or delusions of grandeur.

Causes of delusion of ruin

Delirium occurs when the process of sending and receiving signals in the brain is affected. This deterioration is usually caused by a combination of factors that make the brain more vulnerable and trigger inadequate functioning of brain activities.

Delirium can be caused by one or many factors, such as a combination of a mental disorder and the drug toxicity. It is difficult to identify a cause.

The delusion of ruin may be inserted in a psychotic depression, which is a type of depression that is usually accompanied by delusional ideation. Psychotic depression is sometimes confused with other disorders. It is characterized by being episodic, occurring over a defined period of time, but in some cases it can be chronic. In this type of depression, the individual usually has his or her mood consistent with the situation, so feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, nihilism or imminent disaster are common.

It can also be a symptom of a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia, or a dementia.

Delirium of ruin: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of delirium of ruin

Treatments for delusions of ruin

Treatment for delusions of ruin is usually psychiatric and pharmacological.


The drugs to be used would be atypical antipsychotics but requires attention in the choice of medication, due to the side effects of some, which can cause increased delirium.

Like many types of delusions, delusions of ruin cause high levels of anxiety and are quite commonly prescribed. anxiolytics also.

In this way, it is always very important to mention that the drugs must be prescribed by a specialist, since only the doctor will be able to evaluate which drugs should be indicated and if there is the possibility of combining them.

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy may be indicated as treatment, since We will work with the patient on their thoughts irrational and a way to combat them, as well as a way of accept your illness and even social skills training.

Therapy may also aim to adherence to treatment pharmacological since many patients are resistant and in this way the person would be more willing to use the indicated medication.

Psychiatric admission

Depending on the severity of the delirium and above all its consequences for the individual and everyone around him, psychiatric internalization can be one of the treatments, as previously stated, only in more serious cases can the individual require internalization.

On the other hand, some specialists assume that there is a general lack of quality information about truly effective treatments for delusional disorders, nor is there sufficient evidence to establish recommendations about any type of treatment.

In the meantime, treatment for delusional disorders will likely be based on those considered effective for other types of psychotic disorders and other mental health problems.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Delirium of ruin: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Palomo, SM, (2020). Obsessive crises in Alzheimer’s. Retrieved from:
  • Mayo Clinic. (2020). Delirium. Retrieved from:
  • Cochrane. (2015). Treatments for delusional disorder. Retrieved from:
  • (2020). All about delirium of ruin. Recovered from:

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