Depression: 9 Phrases That Are A Warning Sign

How does someone who suffers from depression usually express themselves? What could their behaviors be? Discover how to detect depression and the phrases that can tell us that something is not right.

Depressive phrases that indicate that you suffer from depression

Having depression is much more than being sad. In order to talk about depression, a professional diagnosis is necessary. However, someone around us may be going through it and detecting depression through phrases or behaviors in a loved one can be very helpful in preventing the consequences of this disorder from being greater.

‘Depressive phrases’ that may indicate that something is not going well:

People who suffer from depression sometimes use phrases or words that reflect their discomfort. When you are emotional discouragement phrases or thought distortion tend to be repeated very frequently, it is likely that there is a mental health problem that needs to be treated. Among them, we can point out the following:

  1. Attribution of blame: ‘ I’m at fault‘ either ‘I have been the person responsible‘. Depression usually causes people to focus their attention on themselves. Are phrases of frustration or depression They indicate that the person who suffers from it feels the things that happen in an intense way, taking responsibility for all the problems that happen around them.
  2. Use of absolutist language: I always do this” either “I’ve never done this”. The use of absolutist language is very common (always-never; everything-nothing). People with this disorder often have a distortion in their thinking patterns that affects how they feel.
  3. The “shoulds”: I should do…”, “I should feel.” It refers to certain thoughts of personal self-hatred. In this way, one of the depressive phrases that is repeated most in the speech of someone who suffers from this disorder is the ‘I should…‘, since the person feels that they should be doing something or feeling different emotions.
  4. Inability: Can’t…”. This expression of disability is very common. This happens since people who suffer from depression feel impediments that do not allow them to carry out daily tasks. In fact, these phrases of a low mood are usually the most descriptive of this disorder, since literally the people who are suffering from it do not feel with the energy or the will to be able to carry out any activity.
  5. Blame. Everything is my fault”. Guilt is another sign that may indicate a depressive disorder. In this case, the depression and its phrases They usually indicate excess guilt in the face of events that the person cannot control. This happens because depression creates a negative thinking pattern, due to the alteration of the frontal lobe, the place where our reasoning and judgments arise. These expressions or thoughts can be dangerous if they are repeated often, since the person experiencing these feelings may come to think that they are a burden to others. The most common depressive phrases
  6. Fatigue, loss of energy: I’m tired. In depression, expressing physical exhaustion They are also very common. The reason for this is that in a depressive disorder, the physical and emotional symptoms often coincide. In fact, there is a tendency to highlight fatigue, pain and all the discomforts related to this disorder.
  7. Search for solitude: I want to be alone“. Wanting to isolate yourself from everything and everyone can tell us that something is not going well. Normally, people with this disorder tend to express certain phrases of demotivation when faced with social events or any type of activity that requires contact with others. This happens because negative feelings usually take their toll on the brain of the person suffering from depression, causing brain activity to reduce. When this happens, people tend to stay further away from those experiences that are more stimulating.
  8. Feeling of undervaluation: Nobody cared”. This feeling reflects the feeling of loneliness that people who suffer from this disorder often feel. Feeling that no one matters means perceiving that no one values ​​you and therefore you are not important to anyone.
  9. Apathy: I have no desire“. Apathy is closely linked to fatigue and loss of energy. People who suffer from depression usually lose interest in those activities or hobbies that they previously enjoyed. Some research has suggested that this sensation is due to the dysfunction of the ‘systems’. of reward’ that our brain has, that is, when suffering from depression, our brain releases fewer chemicals that make people feel good.
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If you have someone close to you who usually says one of these expressions or depressive phrases it is important that you suggest a visit to a professional psychologist.

How to encourage someone with depression?

Phrases to encourage a depressed person

It is important what we say to a person going through depression, but much more important than what we say is how we say it. We must give our support, listen actively and be available, without judgement.

  • “I’m here for you”. It’s simple, non-judgmental, and conveys everything you want to say: I care about you, I understand that you’re not okay, I may not know exactly how you feel but I support you and I want to be with you.
  • “Can I do something for you?” : Words will not be helpful to someone suffering from depression. For this reason, it is better to show than to tell a lot. phrases to help overcome sadness Thus, the best thing you can do is offer them your help.
  • What do you think could help you feel better?: Maybe the person does not feel enough energy to do anything, but they will like to know that you are there to help them.
  • “Can I take you somewhere?”: Depression can drain all the energies of those who suffer from it. Offering to take the person suffering from depression somewhere can help push them to do something they may not feel up to doing.
  • “Thank you for trusting me to support you”: People with depression feel very vulnerable. In fact, it takes a lot of courage to let someone you trust know that you suffer from this disorder. For someone who suffers from depression, these phrases will be a gift for them, as they will feel that they can really trust you.
  • “Can you think of something that helps improve what you are experiencing?”: Are phrases against depression They are the best way to try to help someone who suffers from it without judging or pressuring. In fact, it allows people to draw their own conclusions about it without making them feel bad about it. It would also be a good time to ask if they would like to see a mental health professional.
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The depression It is one of the most affecting disorders today. But this does not mean that it is ‘easy’ to confront these states. Therefore, both professional and personal help is a great tool to overcome it.