Depression In Women: 7 Symptoms To Identify It

Is depression different in women than in men? Why is depression diagnosed more in women than in men? Discover how to identify this disorder in women.

Depression in women

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in everyday life. Although this disorder affects both men and women, some of its symptoms may look a little different in women. Additionally, studies show that many more women are diagnosed with a depressive disorder.

Symptoms of depression in women

The symptoms of depression vary from person to person, whether in duration, severity, cause, and even its effects. In general, we can say that the Depression has these common symptoms in women:

  1. Persistent low mood: A depressed woman You may feel sad most of your day. Additionally, these feelings of sadness can lead to feelings of hopelessness.
  2. Lack of motivation: Feeling unmotivated can prevent people from doing certain everyday tasks, from getting out of bed to attending obligations like work.
  3. Reduced interest in pleasure: The women with depression They may feel a lack of interest in those activities or hobbies that previously attracted them.
  4. Social isolation: By suffering the symptoms of depression, women They can distance themselves from others, even the people closest to them, such as family, partners or children.
  5. Constant fatigue: Depression can also affect the energy levels of those who suffer from it. Additionally, this fatigue can happen even though there are no changes in sleep patterns.
  6. Low self-esteem: Depression can affect the way you see yourself. In fact, women with depression often experience feelings of guilt or worthlessness.
  7. Thoughts related to death: Although this symptom is not always experienced with depression, it can occur in some cases. This can present as recurring thoughts towards death, as well as having overwhelming feelings around the idea that life would be better without your presence.
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Even though the Depression and its symptoms affect women and men Likewise, the reality is, according to research, that women are more likely to be diagnosed with this disorder. If you feel identified with the symptoms of a depressive disorder, it is important that you consult a mental health professional as soon as possible.

Causes of depression in women

Causes of depression in women

Studies show that depressive disorders are twice as likely to be diagnosed in women than men. In fact, there are indications that there are some factors that may contribute to this difference. Some of the factors that may explain this difference are the following:

  • Hormone fluctuation: Compared to men, women are more influenced by fluctuations in their hormones. Especially when they are facing childbirth or going through menopause. In fact, depression in menopause or postpartum are two common conditions in women’s mental health problems.
  • Tendency to ruminate: According to research, women are more ruminative than men. This implies that they tend to have a greater tendency to overthink things, which can predispose them to developing a depressive disorder. In contrast, men are more likely to respond to difficult times through alcohol, drug or gambling addiction.
  • Greater you are: Women tend to suffer more stress than men. The reason for this is that socially they are required not only to work in their professional field, but they are also expected to maintain a home, raise children, take care of elderly relatives, among others.
  • More longevity: Although longevity is an advantage, the reality is that living longer in old age is also associated with a greater likelihood of suffering from grief and loneliness. These two factors are also related to the development of a depressive disorder.
  • They seek a diagnosis: One of the factors that can cause women to be diagnosed with depression more often is that they tend to seek psychological care for the symptoms of this disorder.
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How is depression in women different from depression in men?

The depression in women It may be different from that of men in the following aspects:

  • Different duration: The depression and its symptoms in women It may occur sooner, last longer, and may even be more likely to return after treatment. The reason for this is that this disorder may be more linked to stressful life events or seasonal changes in the case of women.
  • Culpability: Women tend to be more likely to experience feelings of guilt, which can be a factor that promotes disorders such as depression.
  • Related to other disorders: In the case of the depression in women this disorder is more likely to be related to anxiety disorders or eating disorders.

Although these differences have been estimated through research, some studies suggest that there may not actually be a prevalence between men and women. In fact, it points to the idea that women tend to be more inclined to seek help than men, which can cause depressive disorder to be diagnosed more frequently in women than in men. On the other hand, studies also indicate that men may experience or describe depression in different ways than women.