Difference Between Honesty And Integrity

Difference between honesty and integrity – What is honesty and its meaning

A person who has the potential for integrity and honesty shows himself authentically and coherently for who he is, and does so with awareness and a sense of responsibility towards his choices. When we talk about integrity and honesty, we talk about a strength of character that is embodied in always being true to themselves. Whoever is upright and honest, keeps his principles firm, expresses emotions and has the value of his own thoughts and actions.

Even when they are unpopular, he does not let himself be held back by the fear of not being liked or socially approved; Furthermore, they also avoid deception out of respect for others; speaks and behaves sincerely and coherently. But how do the two terms differ? In this PsychologyFor article we will deepen the topic, to understand precisely the difference between honesty and integrity

What is honesty and its meaning

The word “honesty” derives from the Latin noun honest with which it was indicated, and still is indicated, a loyal way of acting inspired by shared values, although not always practiced, thus avoiding carrying out reprehensible actions towards others.

What is an honest person like?

Who behaves with loyalty, righteousness and sincerity, according to moral principles considered universally valid. On the other hand, when it refers to something inanimate or abstract, honesty is being in accordance with the moral principles of honor and rectitude; In other words, honesty is the characteristic of that which has nothing morally criticizable.

Honest is the person who not only affirms the truth, but lives genuinely and authentically with himself, first of all, and consequently, also with others. Honesty, however, is not such an easy behavioral quality to find in people, even if it does good, first of all, to themselves.

A research from the University of California has shown that, when faced with a fair proposal, the same reaction is triggered in our brain that we have in front of a plate of our favorite food, or when we see a pretty face, or in the same way as an unexpected gain of money.

Difference between honesty and integrity – What is honesty and its meaning

What is integrity and how is a person of integrity defined?

The word integrity derives from the noun integritas which, as can be easily intuited, indicates being whole, whole, not corrupt. This is an ethical requirement of philosophical humanism for the maximum agreement between one’s own ideals and values ​​and the application of them in real life.

In psychology, neo-Freudian Erik Erikson uses the term “integrity” to describe the last phase of his psychosocial model: maturity phase and late adulthood is described as “integrity against despair and disgust”:

A so-called evolutionary task of man in his most advanced life is necessary, to relate to the inevitability of death; Only an authentic life, based on integrity, which corresponds to our values, which allows us to look back on our biography without bitterness, can then “take away the sting of death” and strive for true wisdom.

What is a person of integrity like?

Who lives and acts with the knowledge that their beliefs, norms and values ​​are expressed in their behavior; personal integrity has been characterized as loyalty to herself but the person of integrity also respects the integrity and dignity of others and strives not to violate them.

However, the term “integrity” is complex and multi-layered: on the one hand, integrity is something that a person it’s responsible and, on the other hand, it also depends on the behavior of others and the social conditions in which the person finds themselves. The term is used above all when it must be emphasized that the personality of an individual and his integrity are fragile assets and must be protected from external attacks.

In addition to this use, there is a second meaning: the statement that individual persons are “whole” means that they are “incorruptible” and They have deeply rooted values to those who are permanently anchored and from whom they cannot be dissuaded.

What is the difference between honesty and integrity

Now that you know what honesty is and its meaning, as well as what integrity is and how a person of integrity is defined; It will be easier for you to understand the difference between honesty and integrity, paying attention to the following items:

  • Integrity involves a consistent behavior, honest or not; Honesty involves being sincere (although incorrect) on a topic at hand.
  • Honesty, by definition, means tell the truth and be true; Integrity is having strong moral principles based on honesty and following these principles religiously.
  • Honesty refers to sincerity or truthfulness, while integrity has a much broader meaning, encompassing honesty and moral soundness.
  • Although a person of integrity can be honest, not all honest people can have integrity

If you liked this article about the difference between honesty and integrity, we recommend you read our post about the Difference between sincerity and honesty.

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  • Prometeo Coaching (2021). Potenzialità: Integrità e Onestà – Cos’èè e come funziona. Retrieved from: https://www.prometeocoaching.it/sviluppo-del-potenziale/potenzialita-integrita-onesta-cose-come-funziona/

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