Differences Between Dopamine And Serotonin

Differences between dopamine and serotonin - What is dopamine?

Have you never stopped to think how our brain works? Is awesome observe that the small substances found in our brain are responsible for our actions and our well-being.

Dopamine and serotonin are two of the many neurotransmitters found in our nervous system. Dopamine has been recognized as the neurotransmitter of pleasure, while serotonin is associated with the happiness hormone.

These two small neurotransmitters have numerous functions in our body. Do you want to know what they are? So, keep reading this PsychologyFor article, where we will explain the differences between dopamine and serotonin, what they are and what functions they have

What is dopamine?

Dopamine is a chemical transporter in our central nervous system, i.e. a neurotransmitter Neurotransmitters have the function of connecting neurons each other, so that electrical signals can be transmitted. Dopamine is released by dopaminergic neurons, being synthesized by the amino acid tyrosine. It is found mainly in the substantia nigra of the brain and, from this starting point, it is released through different pathways that will activate certain functions.

This neurotransmitter activates five cellular receptors (D1 to D5) and its activation gives rise to the different functions of dopamine in our body. Although it is generally known as the neurotransmitter linked to sensations of pleasure and as an activator of reward systems, it has been implicated to a large extent in the global functioning of the brain, having an implication in the emotional, cognitive and affective processes In addition to being linked to the sensation of pleasure, among its functions we also find involvement in motivation, coordination of movements, decision making, learning, emotionality and affectivity.

Differences between dopamine and serotonin - What is dopamine?

What functions does dopamine have?

Dopamine is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the brain and, therefore, is involved in several functions. Its involvement in multiple functions is due to the fact that this neurotransmitter is distributed throughout the different brain regions, allowing its action in multiple functions with very different activities, such as:

  1. The movement: Dopamine is involved in the production of motor movements and therefore, optimal levels of this substance are necessary for motor functioning. A deficit of dopamine in the basal ganglia, which allows movement, would reveal Parkinson’s disease, and hyperactivity of dopamine could produce hyperkinetic disorders, such as nervous tics.
  2. Cognitive processes (memory, attention and learning): the presence of this substance in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex produces an implication in memory, attention and learning. This is why, faced with a dopamine deficiency in our body, the person can experience a deterioration in memory, attention and learning processes. It is known that people with attention deficit disorder maintain lower levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex.
  3. Feeling of pleasure: obtaining pleasure or reward is perhaps the most commonly known function of this substance. Dopamine is also secreted by the limbic system, which allows sensations of pleasure to be experienced. When we do an activity that we like, there is an increase in the release of dopamine, which causes us to obtain sensations of pleasure and reward. In the same way, there are substances such as drugs or food and actions such as sex, which increase the secretion of dopamine and therefore, they are abused. Some drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines inhibit the body’s function of re-absorbing dopamine, thereby leading to a higher concentration of dopamine in our body, causing a greater sensation of pleasure and a growing possibility of addiction.
  4. decision making: High amounts of dopamine are found in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for executive functions For this reason, a substance deficit in this region produces cognitive flattening, as happens in schizophrenia, where the person loses the ability to react to external inputs, generating great difficulties in decision-making.
  5. Sleep regulation: Dopamine is responsible for telling us that we are sleepy when we have not slept for hours, due to its involvement in the circadian rhythm, with the release of melatonin. For this reason, it is involved in the regulation of sleep.

What is serotonin?

Serotonin, like dopamine, is a neurotransmitter of our nervous system chemically known as 5-HT, which is mainly found in the brain, intestines and blood platelets.

This hormone is commonly known as happiness hormone, due to its involvement in emotions and mood, so that together with other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and adrenaline, it regulates our mood. However, it has also been implicated in the control of appetite, as a precursor of melatonin, it contributes to regulating the sleep-wake cycle and intervenes in libido and sexual desire, among other functions.

Differences between dopamine and serotonin - What is serotonin?

Serotonin functions

Like dopamine, serotonin is found in different regions of our brain, thereby causing its involvement in different, very different actions. For this reason, it is very important to maintain adequate and balanced levels of this hormone in our body. Let’s see what its most representative functions are:

  1. Implication in digestion: High amounts of serotonin are found in the stomach and intestine, which means that it is involved in the control of the function of the intestine and its movements. High levels of this hormone in the intestine are related to the appearance of diarrhea, while its deficiency is linked to constipation. Its activity in this region of the body is also related to the increase or decrease in appetite.
  2. Mood regulation: Serotonin is known as the happiness hormone because it affects mood, the appearance of anxiety and happiness. For this reason, low levels of serotonin have been related to the onset of depression and illegal drugs that increase its levels, such as ecstasy or LSD, produce an alteration in mood. In this article you can see the relationship between serotonin and depression.
  3. Sexual function: Serotonin has a great implication in sexual desire. Low levels of serotonin produce an increase in desire, while high levels are associated with its inhibition.
  4. Sleep regulation: Like dopamine, this hormone plays its role in regulating sleep, due to its involvement in the circadian rhythm and the control over the secretion of melatonin.
  5. Body temperature: Serotonin helps regulate our body temperature, performing temperature maintenance functions. This function is very important because a variation of a few degrees in our body temperature can lead to the death of many cellular tissues in our body.

Dopamine and serotonin: differences

Serotonin and dopamine, as neurotransmitters found in our body, play a very important role in our well-being and although they may maintain similar functions, there are several differences that are found between the two:

1. Production

The first difference that must be established between both neurotransmitters is their synthesis. Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan amino acid while dopamine is synthesized from the tyrosine

2. Emotional states

Dopamine plays an important role in energetic emotions such as motivation, pleasure, excitement or euphoria, while serotonin plays the opposite role, producing feelings of calm therefore a deficiency of this hormone is related to the appearance of anxiety and depression.

3. Pleasure and happiness

Although the presence of these two neurotransmitters in our body gives off positive sensations, dopamine has been associated with sensations of pleasure while serotonin has been related to happiness

4. Low levels

There are differences between both in the consequences that are seen in our body when faced with a deficiency of these substances. In the face of a dopamine deficiency, alterations in memory, learning and concentration, in the movement and inhibition of sexual desire. While serotonergic deficits cause irritability, insomnia and a high sensitivity to pain

5. Body function

Although it has been pointed out that the two neurotransmitters have an involvement in body movements, dopamine deficiency has been clearly related to appearance of stiffness in the extremities or the onset of Parkinson’s disease, while the role of serotonin in body movement has not been defined.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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