Differences Between Psychologist And Psychiatrist

Differences between psychologist and psychiatrist

On many occasions, when a person begins to have mental discomfort, they do not know who to turn to, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or if both are compatible. It is a fairly common doubt that can hinder the person’s start of treatment, or, if started, they often start on the wrong side, thus not obtaining the help that would be needed.

Next, in PsychologyFor, you will be able to see what a psychologist does, as well as a psychiatrist and the main differences between the two so that, in this way, you can get a better idea about who to go to and what to expect when you are going to have your first session. This information can also help you take the step and reduce the completely normal nerves when starting psychological or psychiatric treatment. Let’s see the 7 differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist and also the similarities between psychology and psychiatry.

What is and what does a psychologist do?

The psychologist is that professional who is dedicated to investigation of human behavior and/or the solution of problems related to human behavior. That is, these professionals, understanding the reasons for the (generally problematic) behaviors of one or more people, devise an action plan on the causes in order to modify said behaviors. This way of approaching this main objective varies depending on the field of psychology you are in since it is a science that has multiple branches. For example, in these articles you can see types and areas of psychology such as clinical psychology, organizational psychology, forensic psychology or humanistic psychology.

The functions of a psychologist could be summarized as follows:

  • Orientation. Guide patients in groups or individually once their problems have been evaluated in order to help them deal with them by reinforcing the patient’s strengths and improving their weaknesses.
  • advisory. Evaluate the different individuals in a given company in order to provide them with the position most appropriate to their characteristics and interests.
  • Prevention. Promotion and implementation of healthy habits in order to prevent future damage.
  • Education. Students are taught to learn by showing them the best method of studying, planning and organizing, making schedules, etc.
  • Promote cognitive well-being. Work on the different skills related to memory, learning, attention, among others, in order to improve them or prevent or delay their deterioration in the case of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

What is a psychiatrist and what are their functions?

A psychiatrist is a doctor who focuses on the study and treatment of mental illnesses. Its function is to provide medication appropriate to the patient’s situation, which is reviewed periodically in order to regulate the amount of medication.

On some occasions, many psychiatrists decide to specialize in some psychological therapies in order to provide some additional support to the patient in the sessions to review their situation. Furthermore, you can be a psychologist and psychiatrist at the same time.

7 Differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist

We have already seen that psychologists and psychiatrists are dedicated to behavior and the mind, although in different ways. What is the difference between psychology and psychiatry? Below we will see the differences and similarities between a psychologist and a psychiatrist:

1. Training

The first difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that a psychiatrist is a doctor and has had to complete a career in medicine, however, a psychologist is a separate discipline so he is not considered a doctor. This, in turn, allows the psychiatrist to prescribe medication while the psychologist does not have this power.

2. Strategies used in treatment

The psychologist helps the person understand the reasons for their actions, their emotions and feelings and provides them with the tools they need to solve for themselves the problems that appear in their life. For his part, the psychiatrist provides relief from the discomfort suffered in adverse situations through psychotropic drugs.

3. The approach

The psychiatrist usually has a biological approach to the situation, that is, they focus on the levels of the different chemical substances in our brain and, through medication, regulate them. A psychologist, for his part, has a broader approach in which he takes into account, in addition to biology, the context in which the person is, their experiences, among others.

4. The seriousness of the issues they deal with

Although it is true that both can treat mild cases and serious cases, it is more common for a psychiatrist to become necessary once the situation becomes more serious and urgent to solve. In this article you will find the signs that indicate when to go to the psychologist.

5. The duration of the sessions

Another difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is the duration of the sessions. Although it may vary depending on the circumstances, it is common for a session with a psychiatrist to last no more than 15 or 20 minutes, while with a psychologist at least half an hour is necessary, with 45 minutes or an hour being the usual amount.

6. The frequency of sessions

Another difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is the frequency of sessions. It is necessary to undergo treatment more often with the psychologist, ideally once a week at first. For its part, in the psychiatrist, such frequency would not be necessary. This will depend on the situation, but it is not usual for it to be more than once a month.

7. Depth of interventions

Due to the greater time that can be spent with the patient and their need to understand the problem in a broader way, problems are usually discussed more with the psychologist. This may collect information about the patient’s childhood in order to treat him or her in the best possible way. A psychiatrist, in general, only informs himself about the patient’s emotional state and her behavior in recent weeks in order to readjust the medication.

In this article you will find other aspects and differences between psychology and psychiatry and other signs that will help you know if you need a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Differences between psychologist and psychiatrist we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • FEDA (2003). Clinical psychology and psychiatry. Roles of the psychologist24(85), 1-10.
  • Sales, P.P. (2013). Qcross-cultural psychology and psychiatry. Desclée de Brouwer.
  • The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (2017). Psychiatrists and psychologists: what’s the difference? Your Health in Mind.
  • Torrente, F. (2006). Collaboration between psychiatrists and psychologists: literature review. Vertex. Argentine Journal of Psychiatry17(68), 278-284.

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