Do Bipolar People Make Things Up?

Do bipolar people make things up?

Changing moods can bring more than one headache. In this sense, there is a lack of information about bipolar disorder, a clinical condition that must be studied in depth in order to find practical solutions that relieve both the person who suffers and those closest to them. In effect, we are talking about a clinical condition called bipolarity.

On many occasions, it is not known exactly whether the speech they utter is true or false, given that there are situations that lend themselves to confusion. In this PsychologyFor article we will answer your questions about whether bipolar people make things up.

Do people with bipolar disorder make things up?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to highlight that one of the most important characteristics of this disorder is the presence of manic and depressive episodes alternately. In depressive episodes, great sadness and lack of motivation to take any action can be seen.

On the contrary, during episodes of mania it is common for the person to have unbridled ideas without any type of limit about. This is when it could be considered that people with bipolar disorder invent things, given that the themes they display are not connected to aspects of real life. However, it is important to highlight that this does not correspond to a conscious attitude of the person with a specific purpose. If you want to know more about it, in this article you will see things that bipolar people do.

Do bipolar people make things up? -Do people with bipolar disorder make things up?

How to know if a bipolar person is not telling you the truth

In order to provide greater clarity to the topic we are discussing, it is essential to know that bipolar people share some specific criteria in life. Below we show you the most important behavioral characteristics:

  • Depression: Although this clinical condition usually occurs over a longer period of time, depression affects bipolar people and produces an abrupt lack of interest through various marked episodes.
  • Mania: the opposite of depression. In other words, it represents those moments in which a person has a level of excessive physical and mental energy that does not have any type of limit.
  • Flight of ideas: Taking into account the lack of limits, the flight of ideas consists of a type of accelerated thinking that has no stopping.
  • Impulsiveness: faced with the difficulty of having control over life, the person who suffers from this clinical condition has a lack of body registration that can lead to unfavorable behaviors. This could include situations such as the consumption of toxic substances, unplanned sex, verbal and physical fights, among others. In this article you will see how to stop being impulsive: effective techniques and strategies.

From these indicators we can understand that bipolar people They may omit the truth if they are going through a depressive or manic stage. Likewise, the presence of the flight of ideas and impulsivity also negatively conditions life.

Do bipolar people make things up? - How to know if a bipolar person is not telling you the truth

How to act if a bipolar person lies to you

The behaviors of bipolar people often have unfavorable consequences for the environment around them. In the absence of a record of these actions, it is possible that they lie to manipulate situations and obtain what they are looking for. For this reason, it is necessary to understand certain guidelines to take into account when being in contact with someone who is going through a crisis.

In this section, we explain how to act if a bipolar person lies to you:

  • See a mental health professional: Seeking professional help should be the first option to choose when treating a bipolar person. This includes contact with psychologists and psychiatrists who work in an interdisciplinary manner to develop appropriate strategies that improve the patient’s quality of life. This also includes the acquisition of tools by family members to know how to act in the face of crises that could occur during certain periods of time.
  • Do not confront: Although it is known that people with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder have a tendency to lie, it is important not to fall into confrontation since they could engage in harmful acts. For this reason, it is advisable not to occupy a place of authority since they have difficulty accepting limits.
  • Appeal to a third party: It is a good alternative to act against these pictures. In short, this idea consists of letting the person know that the action or idea they want to carry out will have negative consequences, since there is an external authority that can sanction it. In this way the use of the limit is avoided. Likewise, the person can also be asked to develop strategies to alleviate the discomfort they cause.

Do bipolar people make things up? - How to act if a bipolar person lies to you

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Do bipolar people make things up? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.
  • Ramírez Vargas, X., Arias Leal, ML, Madrigal Zamora, S. (2020). Bipolar affective disorder update. Sinergia Medical Magazine, 5 (9), 1-15.

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