Do Narcissists Self-destruct?

Although not all narcissists are self-destructive, some may face challenges and negative consequences due to their behavioral patterns and problematic interpersonal relationships. While some people have specific diagnoses linked to personality disorders that put the lives of those around them at risk, there are other groups that cause permanent harm to themselves.

In order to help those who suffer, it is essential to know effective and practical methods that lead to significant relief. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about whether narcissists self-destruct how they do it and how to help them in these cases.

Does a narcissist self-destruct?

The idea that narcissists self-destruct is not always true in a literal and direct way. However, the behavioral patterns associated with narcissism can lead to negative consequences for the person who exhibits these traits.

Some aspects that could contribute to a form of “self-destruction” in individuals with narcissistic tendencies are:

  • Problems in interpersonal relationships: Narcissists often have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. Their lack of empathy, constant need for admiration, and tendency to exploit others can lead to alienation and the breakdown of important relationships.
  • Social isolation: Due to their behaviors and attitudes, narcissists may find themselves increasingly socially isolated. Lack of meaningful connections and social support can have a negative impact on your emotional well-being.
  • Work and professional problems: In the workplace, narcissists may have difficulties working as a team, as they tend to seek admiration and individual recognition. This can result in conflicts with colleagues and superiors, negatively affecting your career.
  • Emotional difficulties: Despite their apparent security, some narcissists may experience underlying insecurity and feel threatened by criticism or failure. These feelings can contribute to emotional problems and, in some cases, self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse.

How a narcissist self-destructs

Although it is not always evident, there are different behavioral patterns that can be associated with self-destruction. Next, we will mention how a narcissist self-destructs:

  • Self-deception: Although narcissists often maintain an inflated self-image, some may experience episodes of self-deception. Ignoring the reality of your actions and deteriorating relationships can contribute to internal conflict and a feeling of dissatisfaction.
  • Maintaining a strengthened image: Faced with the pressures he receives from his environment, it is common for there to be a collapse and mental exhaustion. Consequently, narcissists self-destruct by isolating themselves socially.
  • Avoidance of reflective moments: Instead of questioning beliefs and mandates imposed during life, the narcissist tries to forget the mistreatment he has received in the past. This allows him to develop an arrogant and destructive attitude with close people, which prevents him from knowing his true thoughts about life. It should be noted that this is a defense mechanism that gives you an arrogant and hostile personality.

Do narcissists self-destruct? - How a narcissist self-destructs

How to help a self-destructive narcissist

Helping a self-destructive narcissist can be challenging, as these types of individuals can often resist seeking help. However, here are some suggestions that might be helpful:

  • Foster empathy and understanding: When narcissists self-destruct, one way to help them is to help them reflect on their own actions. Provide a safe space for them to express their thoughts and feelings. Show empathy without judging, acknowledging their internal struggles.
  • Seek professional help: Although narcissists may resist going to therapy, the assistance of a specialized mental health professional can provide tools to prevent them from self-destructing. It accompanies the idea of ​​seeking help as a valuable step towards personal growth.
  • Avoid direct criticism: Avoid direct confrontations and criticism that could trigger a defensive response. Communicate your concerns in a respectful and constructive manner.
  • Support overall mental health – Encourages healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep. Provides information about the positive impact of these practices on mental health.

It is important to remember that, despite your efforts, real change ultimately depends on the individual’s willingness to seek help and make changes in their life. In this article you will find information about whether a narcissist can change.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Do narcissists self-destruct? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Fernández Theoduloz, G. (2022). Narcissistic personality disorder. A comprehensive approach based on Young’s Schema Therapy. Faculty of Psychology, University of the Republic.
  • Serra Undurraga, J.K. (2016). The diagnosis of narcissism: a relational reading. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 36 (129), 171-187.

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