Do You Feel Incapable Of Making Decisions? 13 Methods To Overcome Analysis Paralysis

Why might we experience analysis paralysis? What to do when faced with an inability to make decisions? Methods to overcome this situation and stop suffering from this paralysis.

Why analysis paralysis happens

When making a decision, especially one considered especially important, most people take time to evaluate each of their options. Having doubts or taking days to know what the best step is is completely normal. But, when people spend a lot of time thinking about all the decisions they could make and end up not making any decisions, the paralysis by analysis What does it entail and how can we deal with it?

What is paralysis by analysis?

The paralysis by analysis It involves overanalyzing or overthinking a situation in such a way that you never reach a concrete decision or take action. In these cases, the people who perform this analysis suffer from paralysis because they get stuck looking for a ‘perfect’ solution.
The problem behind analysis paralysis is that it leads us to a situation that ends up being harmful to the person who suffers from it. That is, we lose more if we get stuck than by making a decision, even if it led to a ‘bad experience’.

Why does this inability to make decisions occur?

People who suffer from this paralysis by analysis They can do so according to the following common causes:

  • Fear of making mistakes: Every day we must make dozens of decisions, some that can be considered more important and others less relevant. Despite their degree of impact, all decisions generate some anxiety. The fear of being wrong can cause people to end up suffering from analysis paralysis.
  • Too much information: Nowadays, we have so much information that take decisions It can be quite a challenge. In fact, it has been shown that the more options a consumer has, the less likely they are to purchase and the longer it will take to make a decision. What happens in these cases is that we begin to overanalyze all the sources of information too much and in the end end up exhausted and frustrated, which reduces our decision-making capacity.
  • Tendency towards perfectionism: On other occasions we get stuck going around in circles a lot because we pursue perfection, that is, we want to evaluate all the details before making a decision to have a perfect result.
  • Opportunity cost aversion: Opportunity cost is a concept used in economics to designate a value of the option not chosen. That is, it refers to what we lose by choosing another alternative. Therefore, losses blind us and we forget all the benefits and gains of the other option.
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In most cases, people who suffer from a paralysis by analysis They end up making excuses to explain this event. In these cases it is important to be aware of the causes of this event and act to resolve all doubts.

Causes of paralysis by analysis

How to overcome paralysis by analysis?

In order to end this inability to make decisions we recommend the following:

  1. Set deadlines: If you have to make relevant decisions, Setting a deadline and sticking to it will help you take the step. To do it correctly, you can determine a reasonable amount of time both to inform yourself and to make the decision.
  2. Curb your curiosity: Normally in cases of analysis for paralysis The desire to go deeper and deeper into each piece of information you discover can undermine your decisions. At a certain point you need to stop because this desire will always take you to certain points where you will no longer be able to know more about it.
  3. Don’t look for perfection: If you insist that everything be perfect, you will end up falling victim to decision paralysis because it is impossible to control all the details.
  4. Take the step: Rather make a final decision, you can also try one of them and correct as you go. Taking these small steps will allow you to feel more comfortable and secure, and will also help you get out of this state of analysis and paralysis.
  5. Limit the number of options: In cases of paralysis by analysis By reducing the number of options, it is easier for people to make a decision.
  6. Add or remove emotion: Sometimes emotions can make our decisions more difficult and other times they can help us take the step. The best decisions are those thought out objectively but validated through intuition.
  7. Prioritize the most important decisions: When we started overanalyze too many options, it is normal that we end up worn out and frustrated in the process because we have to make too many decisions in too little time. Therefore, it is important to structure your day in such a way that you can make the most important decisions with a fresh mind.
  8. Think about the causes of overthinking: It is often helpful to understand why you have problems making decisions Knowing the why can help you focus your efforts on what is really the source of this problem. How to overcome analysis paralysis
  9. Avoid letting decision making consume you: Overthinking may seem like the best way to arrive at a correct answer. In reality, prolonged thinking can end up increasing our anxiety, posing more obstacles to this process.
  10. Work on self-confidence: The only person who really knows what the best decision is is yourself. For this reason, if you suffer from a paralysis by analysis you should try to know yourself more and trust yourself.
  11. Trust your instincts: Not everyone finds it easy to trust their ‘instinct’. But, instincts generally relate less to logic and more to our experiences or emotions.
  12. Practice acceptance: Sometimes paralysis by analysis It occurs due to the little acceptance we have in the face of uncertainty. In order to combat it, we must tolerate it and try to stop the thoughts that may arise when we make a decision over another.
  13. Go to therapy: In many cases the paralysis by analysis It occurs as a response to anxiety. In fact, the inability to make decisions can trigger a cycle of worry, fear, and rumination that can be very difficult to interrupt. In these cases, going to a professional psychologist can help you get out of this loop.
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Making decisions, especially if they are important, is something that we all have to face at one time or another. For this reason, overcoming the paralysis by analysis It must be a priority. Not deciding is also making a decision that can harm you emotionally and professionally.