Does Quitting Smoking Make You Gain Weight? The Link Between Smoking And Weight Gain

Quitting smoking makes you fat

On more than one occasion we will have heard or read that quitting smoking makes you fat something that can make many people doubt the idea of ​​​​quitting this harmful habit.

In fact, it has been observed that gaining weight is one of the concerns most often reported by people who want to quit smoking. Without a doubt, this makes it an aspect that is of great interest to investigate and about which doubts may arise as to whether this is true or not.

In this article we will see what is true in the belief that quitting tobacco makes you fat, in order to help determine if we are facing reality or an urban legend, why it happens or if we can do something to avoid it.

Does quitting smoking make you gain weight?

Regarding the fact of whether quitting smoking makes you gain weight or not, the truth is that various studies carried out seem to indicate that, in effect, quitting smoking promotes weight gain in many cases finding an increase that can be up to four and a half kilos.

Now, there are many factors that influence whether or not you can gain weight, including our eating habits and the levels of physical exercise we do

It is also important to keep in mind that weight gain does not occur continuously or exponentially, but is usually very limited to a stage or interval after cessation of consumption. Specifically, on average weight gain tends to occur mainly during the first three months after quitting tobacco, after which weight gain for this reason is usually minimal.

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Regardless of this possible weight gain, different studies also indicate that The benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh both this gain and other discomforts in addition to returning life expectancy to normal (which tobacco consumption can reduce by up to ten years) and actually favoring that in the future we can lose weight more easily, by reducing the level of fatigue and increasing lung capacity (something which would allow us, for example, greater physical capacity and the performance of sports).

Why is this happening?

As we have just mentioned, quitting smoking has been correlated with an increase in the possibility of gaining weight (although generally to a lesser extent than is usually thought). But why does this occur?

There are several elements that can explain this trend many of which are not directly related to tobacco but to the habit of smoking.

1. Slowing down of metabolism

Nicotine is a stimulant type substance, like, for example, caffeine, something that makes our brain and our body in general accelerate. This also affects the metabolism, and the heat emitted by our body.

When you stop smoking, this metabolic acceleration generated by nicotine decreases, something that can translate into the body spend fewer calories in the same time than before Now, this factor, although existing, is not the most relevant of all, although it does participate in a possible weight gain if other conditions are met.

2. Increased appetite

Another consequence of cessation of nicotine consumption It has to do with its anorectic effect And like other substances, nicotine has the property of reducing appetite and hunger.

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Quitting smoking, then, generates an increase in appetite something that, together with the increase in anxiety and irritability typical of withdrawal, encourages eating more.

3. Regeneration of taste and smell

Nicotine consumption tends to generate a slight atrophy of our ability to perceive the aroma and flavor of food.

As we stop smoking, little by little these senses return to normal. This means that the food will seem more appetizing, since it has a more noticeable aroma and flavor. And while this is good, it can lead to us eating more.

4. Withdrawal and anxiety

Probably the most important factor when it comes to explaining why there is a tendency to gain weight after quitting smoking is found in the fact that the smoker is accustomed to functioning with a substance to which he is dependent, in such a way that its disappearance (and especially if you quit cold turkey) usually generates increased anxiety levels as a consequence of abstinence.

Faced with this anxiety and based on the previous points, many smokers resort to increasing the number and quantity of their intakes, eating more and more often as a way to reduce this anxiety. And this increase in intake results in weight gain.

What to do to avoid it?

It is possible that quitting smoking promotes weight gain, but it is also true that this gain It is not something inevitable and that we can carry out different strategies and activities to avoid gaining kilos.

Firstly, one of the simplest, most general and effective indications would be to increase the level of physical activity. Practicing sports helps reduce the calories we could be gaining and helps reduce the level of anxiety.

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Besides, Exercising also allows you to see one of the many advantages of quitting smoking: Our lung capacity will increase compared to when we smoked, and little by little we will see how it is less difficult for us to make physical efforts. In this sense, in addition to not gaining weight, it also increases the perception of self-efficacy and helps maintain abstinence.

Another fundamental aspect is taking care of your diet. In this sense, we will have to reduce the consumption of high-calorie foods, especially if we are talking about pastries and sweets, since it is the type of food that is usually preferred when we are anxious.

It is advisable to plan meals and include mainly healthy foods, such as those typical of the Mediterranean diet. We must also maintain moderation regarding the quantities we eat, not increasing them. Now, controlling yourself does not mean going hungry (something that would otherwise be counterproductive).

Using gum (whether nicotine or not) can reduce the level of anxiety and occupy the mouth in order to avoid trying to compensate for anxiety with food or drink.

Finally, we can also use the services of professionals such as nutritionists, personal trainers or specialized psychologists to reduce or eliminate this possible side effect of quitting smoking.