Dolphin Assisted Therapy: Acoustic Waves That Heal

The dolphin is a peculiar animal characterized by its intelligence, its sociability, its character, its creativity and its lifestyle. But this cetacean is not interesting simply because of its iconic appearance or its ingenuity.

Among all its particularities, the transmission of acoustic waves (sonar) stands out, used to “see” what is around it, to communicate… and, for some time now, also to offer therapy. Specifically, something called Dolphin Assisted Therapy.

    Dolphin sonar

    Acoustic waves have been carved by the evolution of dolphins to allow them to interact with an environment in which the naked eye has access to a very limited amount of information due to the lack of light.

    These waves are used by dolphins to see, as they interpret the echo produced by the objects hit by these waves. But sonar is also essential in communication, and its sound-producing device uses frequencies 4.5 times higher than those of humans and emits 4 times more information per unit of time than we do.

    These animals produce both whistles to communicate and clicks to orient themselves. This entire range of sounds is known as echolocation and is what makes them unique therapists.

    The therapists of the sea

    The Florida-based Aquatought Foundation has been researching the consequences of sonar application on patients for years. Its founder, David Cole, offers a scientific explanation for the physiological changes that these waves produce in humans.

    It reveals that the sonar is of such power that it could cause a phenomenon known as cavitation (formation of cavities filled with vapor within a moving liquid). These bubbles form in the sea and are very fleeting, but they reach certain temperatures. of 5500 ºC, this manages to alter the membrane potential of the terminals of nerve cells in humans, producing changes in our cells and tissues.

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    The results of their research indicate that the effect of these waves in contact with the human being produces a synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres (which begin to emit waves of similar frequency and phases) and a neurological response similar to that which occurs in states of anesthesia. That is, brain activity appears in which alpha waves predominate, as occurs in states of relaxation. On the other hand, when in a state of concentration, the electrical activity produced by the brain is mainly beta waves.

    The specificity of this effect and its benefits have led to various attempts to artificially reproduce its therapeutic impact. Musical productions have been developed that try to imitate the echolocation of the dolphin, and they have also gone one step further by creating a device called cyberfyn, which through virtual reality aims to copy the effect of sonar.

    Dolphin Assisted Therapy

    The therapeutic session revolves around the application of sonar to different parts of the body. This is complemented with various activities between the child and the dolphin that improve their relationship and create a bond, such as feeding the dolphin, performing motor exercises or playing with hoops and balls.

    To apply the sonar, the patient remains floating in the water (a life jacket and the collaboration of a trained therapist are used), while the dolphin applies its sonar to different parts of the body.

    Children are the ones who benefit the most from this experience since their brain structures are more plastic and modifiable than those of an adult. Sonar emits electromagnetic sound waves that produce stimulation throughout the central nervous system, connecting neurons that are less active than normal. This effect It is crucial in the treatment of autismone of the disorders to which this therapy has been applied the most.

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    It has also been used in patients with a chronic and/or terminal illness because it improves immune activity and causes the release of endorphins, which act on pain and mood.