​Drinking Alcohol As A Couple Helps You Stay Together Longer, According To Study

Being in a relationship is one of the most incredible sensations that a human being can enjoy, and knowing that the person you love will accompany you in the good and bad times is something to feel lucky. Unfortunately, not all relationships end well.

But what is the secret of lasting couples? According to recent research,
The secret of long-lasting couples is in the bar counter To have a few drinks together. Well, this research affirms that couples who share the habit of drinking alcohol last longer and are happier.

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Alcohol helps you stay together and happy longer

Strange as it may seem, Couples who share the habit of drinking enjoy a healthier marital relationship At least this is what a recent study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychology Series showed. But before jumping in with your partner for some mojitos or abusing alcohol with them, stop for a moment to think about what this result means.

Because the conclusions of this research could provide key data to understand what keeps us happy as a couple. And it may not be the use of alcohol itself that is the cause, but rather Sharing pleasant experiences with the other, having moments to remember and feeling deep emotions, could help you be closer to your partner

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Study data

This research analyzed the responses of 4,864 subjects married between 2006 and 2016. The participants answered questions such as “what they drank, how many days a week they drank, and how many drinks they consumed on those days.” In addition, they also answered questions that referred to the quality of their marriage and their level of satisfaction, and whether their partners were very demanding, critical, irritable or altruistic.

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In summary, these are some of the results of the study:

One of the authors of the study, after observing these results, suggested that when the woman stops drinking, the husband should also stop drinking for greater satisfaction in the marriage.

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The key could be in the similarity of lifestyles

But is alcohol really the culprit or do these results have to do with the similarity between the lifestyles or tastes of each person? If we look at the study data, it is possible to deduce that sharing activities or tastes is one of the reasons for these results. Let’s imagine a couple in which both members like to go out for a few beers every afternoon. You will surely spend some pleasant moments together between beers and tapas. Now, if one of the two has a rather healthy lifestyle, and the other lives for and to be at the bar counter. They will surely argue at the first opportunity.

But this doesn’t just apply to drinking. But couples who share activities and tastes are likely to have more pleasant moments s. For example, if both members of the couple are passionate about surfing or if they share musical tastes.

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Dr. Kira Birditt, author of the study and researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, reached the same conclusion. Speaking to Reuters, she said: “We are not sure why this is happening. But if couples share activities and spend leisure time together, they may have greater marital satisfaction.”

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Alcohol makes us more attractive

Did you know that alcohol makes people more attractive? This confirms other research that concludes that the more alcohol we consume, the more attractive we perceive the people around us, especially if we have a high predisposition to flirt.

The study was carried out by the universities of Glasgow and Saint Andrews, and its data revealed that both women and men found individuals of the opposite sex 25% more attractive when they had consumed alcohol compared to subjects who did not drink.

Do you want to know more about this research? To delve deeper into these results, you just have to visit our article: “Why do we find people more attractive when we drink alcohol?”