Dysania: What It Is, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Dysania: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

After a long night of sleep, the alarm clock suddenly rings. It’s time to get up to start our activities, a long day of work awaits us. We move in bed and try to get out of it, but no matter how hard we try, there is no point. Sleep overcomes us and it seems that there is a more persistent force that invites us to continue sleeping despite all the responsibilities we have on a daily basis.

It may have happened to you at some point or you know someone who has. These types of problems are related to sleep disturbances and we must know their main characteristics to know how to address them. Do you want to know more about this? In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about the dysania: what it is, what are its symptoms, causes and treatment.

What is dysania

Dysania and sun Sleep disorder in which they are presented great difficulties waking up and start daily tasks. It is important that we can differentiate this condition from the listlessness that we may feel when we wake up in the morning and think about everything we must do during that day, since dysania represents a inability to get out of bed.

Likewise, the person who suffers from this disorder understands that the time has come to wake up and leave sleep behind but still continues to sleep. This fact is transcendental to identify this pathology because it is not a lack of will.

Symptoms of dysania

There are some characteristics What should we consider to identify cases of dysania. Next, we will describe the main symptoms of dysania:

  • Confusion about the state of sleep and wakefulness.
  • Slight awareness regarding the facts of reality.
  • Lack of physiological reactions to auditory stimuli, for example, an alarm, a watch or a mobile phone.

The presence of these symptoms does not necessarily imply that we are dealing with dysania. He Diagnosis must be made by a health professional since he will be in charge of evaluating the patient’s characteristics taking into account age, sex, family history, pre-existing diseases and clinical history.

For these reasons, if you notice any of these symptoms, it is necessary to visit a specialist and avoid self-diagnosis.

Causes of dysania

In order to correctly address dysania, it is extremely valuable that we know the most relevant causes that originate it, since this will allow us to find an appropriate treatment that is compatible with the person suffering from this sleep disorder. Knowing this, we will mention the main causes of dysania:

  • Everyday stress situations.
  • Depressive episodes. In this article you will see how to help a person with depression.
  • Periods of irritability.
  • Difficulty establishing social relationships.

In general, we can note that the origin of this disorder is linked to everyday life situations that produce different unpleasant emotions in us.

Dysania treatment

How to get out of bed? Despite the inconveniences that dysania can bring us in our daily lives, fortunately we have some treatments that are highly effective in addressing this pathology. We see them below.

Psychological therapy

There are different types of therapies that can help us treat dysania:

  • Long-term therapies: They place the causes of dysania in the past to understand the reason for certain problems we have. This can bring us relief, as the symptom may disappear after understanding the causes.
  • Short-term therapies: They are focused on conflict resolution. The person is exposed to various situations that generate fear and/or anxiety to modify their behavior. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that the person has to find other ways of acting in the face of an event. In the case of dysania, we work on the ideas that a person has at the moment of waking up in order to modify and solve them.

Perform sleep hygiene

How to overcome laziness to get up? Sometimes sleep-related difficulties come from bad habits. Thus, one of the treatments for dysania consists of establish a proper sleep routine. This means suppressing those activities that generate high levels of anxiety. This can have a direct influence on when it is time to wake up in the morning.

In this article, we tell you how to get up early without being lazy and sleepy.

Physical activity

Doing sports carries a large number of benefits for human beings. One of the most important is that it reduces stress levels. Thus, be in contact with pleasurable activities It can be useful to improve our quality of sleep and wake up more willing to face the day. In this article you will find more information about how to manage stress and anxiety.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Dysania: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Agudelo, M., Andrés, H., Franco, AF, Vinacci Alpi, S., Tobón, S., Bonifacio, S. (2008). Sleep disorders, health and quality of life: a perspective from behavioral sleep medicine. Suma Psicológica Magazine, 15 (1), 217-239.
  • Carrillo-Mora, P., Barajas-Martínez, KG, Sánchez-Vázquez, I., Rángel-Caballero, MF (2018). Sleep disorders: what are they and what are their consequences? Magazine of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.

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