Dyslexia In Adults: How To Know If You Are Dyslexic And Learn To Deal With It?

Do you think you may look like dyslexia? How do you know if you are dyslexic? How to detect it? Discover how to detect dyslexia in adults and learn to deal with it.

How to treat dyslexia in adults?

There is little information on the networks about the dyslexia in adults It is talked about as if it were a problem for children or adolescents and no one else, but let’s not forget that dyslexia is for life. We do not stop being dyslexic with age and many adult people have never been diagnosed but suffer from it without knowing it.

What is dyslexia?

The dyslexia It is a learning disorder that is characterized by difficulty when reading, breaking words into syllables, joining sounds or writing. It is not a question of low IQ levels and it is not due to attention or hearing problems, it is simply a difficulty when “translating” what one thinks into normative language.

When talking about dyslexia in adults, it is assumed that people who suffer from it have often had to work through dyslexia on their own. In these cases, despite the degrees of dyslexia that individuals who suffer from it may have, they have tried to endure it without obtaining help for the dyslexia since it has not yet been detected. These people usually have some consequences because despite detecting the dyslexia symptoms They have not been able to treat her properly.

How do you know if you are dyslexic? Symptoms of dyslexia in adults

How do you know if you are dyslexic? In order to determine if you really suffer from dyslexia in adults, in many cases it is essential to try to detect the main signs of it. Mainly we can identify the following symptoms of dyslexia.

  1. Reading difficulty: Since I was little, reading was a martyrdom. Not necessarily because you didn’t like it, but because you read very slowly and often made mistakes when reading. This meant that you did not understand well what you had read and, consequently, memorizing something written was difficult for you. All of this continues to happen to you in adulthood. Maybe you are a person who reads little and it is difficult for you to memorize what is written, but if you listen to it verbally or see it in images, it is not difficult for you at all. In some cases you could even read sentences backwards or you would get dizzy with the letters. This is one of the symptoms of dyslexia in adults or in children who are more evident in suffering from this type of pathology.
  2. Development difficulties: Dyslexia in adults is not only diagnosed by confusing words or confusing left with right, but there are other factors to determine if you really suffer from it. It was difficult for you to learn to hold a pencil and perhaps you still use it in a different way than is usually taught in school. You probably turned some letters or numbers and wrote as if you were looking at them in a mirror. You may also have confused some letters or phonemes (“d” with “b” for example) and developed reading and writing skills later than your peers. Furthermore, you were not very good at sports and coordination with ball sports or dancing were not your strong suit.Adult dyslexia symptoms
  3. You make a lot of spelling mistakes: You are able to write the same word in the same sentence in several different ways. It is difficult for you to understand spelling and you do not remember how to spell many words. Also, your vocabulary is not very extensive. You usually use the same words and have a hard time finding synonyms. This is one of the symptoms of dyslexia that most go unnoticed during childhood and adulthood. In this way, one of the ways to detect how to know if you are dyslexic is to detect this difficulty with spelling. So much so that these effects or causes of dyslexia They end up producing effects on the self-esteem of the person who suffers from it. Therefore, it is essential to detect it and intervene in dyslexia in adults.
  4. Left and right confusion: It is difficult for you to differentiate left from right and when you have to give directions you first have to think with which hand you hold the pencil before saying whether to turn to one side or the other. Obviously with GPS you tend to make mistakes if you don’t look at the map and just listen to the “After 400 meters turn left”. The latter can be effective to detect with dyslexia exercises for adults
  5. You find it difficult to manage time and organize yourself: You have difficulty arriving on time for appointments, either you arrive very early or you arrive late, but you have trouble being punctual. Furthermore, organization is difficult for you and you do not know how to distribute your tasks in order, so you tend to be a person who is perceived from the outside as chaotic. Very significant disorganization may indicate that you may be suffering from dyslexia in adults
  6. You have developed tricks to adapt to dyslexia: You have memorized the words and instead of reading when you see a word that looks a certain way, you say it by heart. In addition, you tend to perform tasks that involve little reading (probably your work will be more mechanical or manual than reading) and you avoid anything that has to do with reading or writing. In this way you have tried to overcome confusing words, reading sentences backwards, change the order of letters when writing or confuse left and right through little tricks you’ve learned through experience. In these cases, people have been able to work on dyslexia along with their ingenuity and insight in the face of adversity.
  7. You stand out in other areas: That you can have the symptoms of dyslexia in adults It doesn’t mean you’re not intelligent. Spatial thinking is usually the strong point of dyslexics (interpreting maps for example) and they tend to be good engineers or architects. In addition, they have very well developed social skills (they are very glib when it comes to speaking, they are good salespeople) and they have no difficulty when it comes to interacting with others.
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If you identify with these symptoms of dyslexia, it is very likely that you may suffer from it. In this case, it will be essential to ask for help from a professional psychologist to know how to treat dyslexia or even learn certain ways to treat it through exercises for dyslexia

How to treat dyslexia in adults?

How to treat dyslexia in adults?

There are a series of language exercises for adults or dyslexia activities that can help you overcome all your symptoms. Depending on the degree of acquired dyslexia, psychologists recommend taking the following actions to mitigate all its effects.

  • Do not be alarmed: Maybe detect that you have dyslexia in adults It makes you feel bad or insecure about it. You have been able to get by in life until now, so don’t worry, having dyslexia is not bad at all and you have great skills that you have been developing on your own. There is a lot of help for dyslexia that can help you understand more about this condition and learn to improve your strengths despite it.
  • Consult with a professional: Before diagnosing yourself with dyslexia, it is essential to try to really check if you suffer from any of the types of dyslexia There are tests and tests that can be done to diagnose dyslexia. Go to a psychology center that is dedicated to this if you want to clear up your doubts. Anyway, I am in favor of not labeling and maybe you don’t need to do all these tests. In short, you have already found a way to survive these years and you have gone through the most complicated moments, which are those of school age.
  • Develop your skills more altered: The more you practice, the better you will get at something. So if you find it difficult to read, start with books that attract your attention and spend some time reading daily. If you have trouble with motor coordination, sign up for a dance and work on it. It is never too late to improve something, and if you put effort into it, you will end up achieving your goals. A good one intervention in dyslexia It may mean trying to improve in each of the aspects in which you present a difficulty that makes your personal and vital development more difficult.
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Exercises for adult dyslexia

  • Play an instrument: Different studies have shown that music has very positive effects on the dyslexia in adults and children In many cases one of the most effective exercises for dyslexia is learning to play an instrument. If music is not your thing, you can also develop another art such as painting or learn a new language since it also has good effects on acquired dyslexia.
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem: To coping with dyslexia in adults It is essential to have a good attitude towards it. In this way, the best exercises for dyslexia or the most effective dyslexia treatment will be to have a good predisposition to events. Take care of yourself inside and out, this will be vital to facing being a dyslexic and its meaning.

Remember that because you sufferr dyslexia in adults You are not a weirdo, you don’t have to feel bad for having dyslexia; In fact, you should feel proud of having been able to move forward without knowing what was happening to you. Nowadays, children diagnosed early have more help and support to overcome their difficulties and finish schooling. Although dyslexia cannot be cured, you can go as far as you want despite it.