Education In The 21st Century

Education in the 21st century

It is often said that, if we want a positive future that addresses the great challenges of humanity (and even more so with the circumstances we are experiencing), one of the bases to rely on is education. We must talk about EDUCATION in capital letters. Most experts in this matter agree that current education, as it is proposed, does not offer solutions to the great challenges of the present century. Education continues with many approaches from the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century today totally outdated.

It is not only the issue of school failure, it is increasingly evident that our children and young people are bored at school; As was said not long ago, they consider her “a brownie.” This should force us, society as a whole, to look for the necessary formulas to prevent this from happening and being taken as normal. The 21st century is a period of challenges, transformations and profound changes

Adapting education to the 21st century

In short, we are in a change of era, and when that happens a kind of Big Bang occurs in which all structures, systems, organizations… seem to jump through the air until everything returns to relative stability Therefore, education cannot remain apart from this social revolution that is taking place. In this sense, perhaps some bases of an educational system could be the following.

Holistic education

For many years we have focused on preparing future generations in matters related to the world of technology in every sense of the word. It was a preparation for the world of work However, academic structures do not fully understand and adapt to the changes that have occurred in recent decades.

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On the other hand, there has been talk for some years now that along with this excess of technology, there is a total lack of emotional learning ; Many educational professionals even speak of emotional and sentimental illiteracy. In present and future education, these aspects are necessary and essential to prepare generations that understand the world around them and the society of which they are part.

Without losing sight of the need to learn and know the great lessons of life: literature, language, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry… it is necessary that they go opening gaps to new realities

Some basic knowledge of basic economics, how to work cooperatively (I like this meaning better, instead of teamwork), mastery and control of one’s own and others’ emotions, learning to debate, expression and communication… new techniques that are necessary to face our new society with guarantees. And do it in such a way that they are not subjects as such, that they are not part of the curriculum, that they are not designed to pass an exam, but that they are developed through the logic of experimentation and play, allowing students to find their own paths. . I believe that by promoting these new learnings in their execution, more resources will be found to address the usual ones.

Authorities, schools, parents…

It is not seen that the necessary steps are being taken in the direction of removing education from the political debate. We cannot wait for a great idea from the Government of the day with its Star Educational Program that is going to change many things.

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We must create ambitious, long-term projects (perhaps 15 years from now) we must invest R&D&i in Education, collaborating and listening to all the parties involved in the subject. Investment in Education is always profitable, and if we cannot remember the phrase of the Swedish writer Derek Curtis: “If you think that education is expensive, try ignorance.”

Education and parents

On this delicate topic Fathers and mothers take on special importance, who seem to have renounced an essential part of their responsibility: choose the type of education they want for their children and get involved in it. Ideology should not exist in education, we are preparing the present and the future of our society; If we want a more just, more equitable, more real society, we must start by achieving these issues in school.

And parents must understand and work hard to assume that the first education begins at home, with the behaviors and actions they carry out, which are the best example and motivation they will give to their descendants. Or the opposite.

It is also very necessary for educational professionals to make their voices heard once and for all; They are the ones on the front line, the ones who know what is going on in the classrooms, the ones who know better than anyone what the current deficiencies are. They probably have to put in extra effort on various types of updates that they need to make, but much of the success or failure of it all lies in their hands.

Perhaps it is time to allow the schools themselves greater freedom to differentiate themselves in their educational values ​​and not try to do everything in such a standardized way. Excellence must be sought, and this can only be achieved through effort, imagination and differentiation. It is an issue that involves all levels of society, because an authentically formed and educated society will be a freer society with a greater future.

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Perhaps the best way to understand the importance of education is with a phrase from John Dewey:

“Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself.”