Emotional Exhaustion: How To Overcome The Consequences Of Self-demand?

Do you feel like you are always tired? Do you think your fatigue is affecting your daily life? Discover the symptoms of emotional exhaustion and how to deal with it through psychology.

How to combat emotional exhaustion?

He emotional exhaustion or emotional exhaustion They usually arise due to a period of excessive stress that can be due to either a time of too much work or personal pressure. When people experience emotional fatigue they may feel exhausted, overwhelmed and very tired. This is why the majority of individuals who suffer from burnout and its symptoms end up being harmed in their personal and work environment.

What is emotional exhaustion?

He emotional exhaustion It is a state of overload in the face of stress. We are not only talking about professional demands, but also the burden of assuming conflicts, responsibilities or emotional or cognitive stimuli.

He emotional exhaustion or mental exhaustion It doesn’t appear overnight. It is a process that develops slowly until it reaches a point where it collapses, and that is when its consequences appear.

Although he emotional stress It is experienced as mental fatigue, it can be accompanied by great physical fatigue. When it arises, the person may feel a feeling of heaviness, an inability to continue moving forward. You fall into an inertia that is difficult to get out of.

What are the causes of emotional exhaustion?

It arises when there is an imbalance between what we give and what we receive. People who suffer are generous, they give everything they can at work, at home, in their relationship or in any other area of ​​their life. In many cases the causes of mental exhaustion or emotional exhaustion They can be the following:

  • Working with a high risk of dismissal.
  • A family whose members have many problems and need attention.
  • A relationship that is conflictive or has great difficulties.
  • Go through significant life changes
  • Be a caregiver
  • Experiencing financial stress
  • Parenting
  • Not having adequate space as a home
  • Living with a chronic illness
  • Work long hours
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The person who suffers from this emotional stress He has no time for it and does not receive sufficient recognition, affection or consideration: he is expected to always be present, as if he had no needs or problems. In this way the individual is perceived as if he were stronger than everyone else and could endure anything. In many cases, psychological exhaustion can be due to the self-demand that the person themselves exert to give more of themselves.

Symptoms of emotional exhaustion

Symptoms of emotional exhaustion

The indices suggest the appearance of emotional exhaustion These are signs that, in general, are given little importance even though they would allow us to handle the situation in time.

  1. Physical exhaustion: The person who experiences emotional exhaustion or emotional exhaustion she feels permanently tired. When she wakes up, she feels that the day will be a mountain to climb. In this way, mental and emotional fatigue has an impact mainly through physical symptoms.
  2. Insomnia: The person has difficulty sleeping because they always have problems that revolve around their head and prevent them from sleeping. The exhaustion symptoms They tend to be more affected due to insomnia.
  3. Irritability: When you suffer from physical and mental exhaustion The person becomes angry and loses control of himself repeatedly. The person is in a bad mood and sensitive to any criticism or gesture of disapproval.
  4. Lack of motivation: The person that suffers from emotional exhaustion He acts mechanically, as if he continues doing what he does all the time. Loss of interest and enthusiasm for activities that were previously appreciated. In many cases, this emotional imbalance and its symptoms are usually accompanied by a general lack of motivation in different areas of life.
  5. Emotional distancing: Emotions are becoming flatter, as if we feel fewer and fewer things. He mental fatigue and its symptoms They usually end up with social isolation on the part of people with their closest circle.
  6. Loss of memory: A saturation of information and/or stimuli leads to frequent oversights. The person easily forgets little things. The emotional fatigue and psychological exhaustion They can cause those who suffer from it to end up having mistakes that end up affecting them on a personal level.
  7. Difficulties thinking: The person is easily confused. Lighter activity requires more time than before, and he reasons more slowly. When the physical and mental exhaustion Concentration both on hobbies and in one’s own work environment can intervene.
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If you suffer from most of these symptoms of emotional exhaustion It is vital to try to work on each of these aspects both with a professional psychologist and with the advice that we show you below.

How to overcome emotional exhaustion?

How to end emotional exhaustion?

There are a series of activities and actions that we can follow to be able to cope with emotional exhaustion that ends up affecting a person. Mainly we can work on the following.

  1. Take a moment to rest: The best way to overcome emotional exhaustion It is, obviously, rest. It is important to find free time to relax and be calm. For example, people who occupy a lot of their time can go years without taking vacations. This is something that under no circumstances should you do because fatigue will arrive sooner or later and it may do so in the worst of its forms. The first thing to do is take a few days to rest.
  2. Change your attitude: In many cases the mental and emotional fatigue It can be linked to a negative thought towards the surroundings. Thus, one solution is to work on having a different attitude toward daily obligations. Each day should include time spent on commitments, but also time to rest and engage in rewarding activities. It is essential to learn to let go of perfectionism or the obsession of wanting to control everything.
  3. To be aware: It is very important to be self-aware. For this, the ideal is to take a little time each day to be alone: ​​breathe, reconnect with yourself, with your desires. It is essential to develop an attitude of understanding and kindness towards oneself in order to be able to confront emotional imbalance and its symptoms If we don’t do it, sooner or later we won’t be able to continue.
  4. Reduces stress: In every area you can, you will have to try to slow down and slow down any of the sources that generate some stress. So much so that in many cases to combat the emotional fatigue We will have to analyze how we feel in our daily lives and prioritize what is really important to ourselves.
  5. Practice a healthy lifestyle: Performing physical exercise and having a healthy diet should be a routine in your daily life. In many cases the emotional exhaustion It goes hand in hand with a life full of unhealthy habits for the person who suffers from it.
  6. Enjoy the free time: The hobbies and activities that you enjoy should have a place in your week and even in your routine. When a person does not have time for themselves, they usually end up suffering from emotional stress
  7. Foster social relationships: He psychological exhaustion It usually leads to a situation of social isolation. For this reason, it is essential that to treat burnout and its symptoms we must try to practice or go to certain events with our friends and family.
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If you feel emotionally exhausted, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist if you think you need to work on your mental and emotional fatigue In order to give the most of yourself in your life you must have good emotional health.