Emotional Management And Assertiveness For Young People

Emotional Management and Assertiveness for Young People

In a world that is constantly changing, and in which not everything goes as we would like, emotional management and assertiveness have become basic skills for young people and their families. Emotions play a crucial role in our daily lives and can influence our decisions, relationships, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore why emotional management and assertiveness are essential for young people, their families and for society in general.

The importance of emotional management and assertiveness

Emotional management refers to the ability to recognize, understand and regulate our emotions. This skill is particularly important for young people, as they are at a stage of development where they experience a wide range of intense and often disconcerting emotions. Learning to manage these emotions in a healthy and assertive way can make a difference in terms of your well-being in a world that is not entirely human and quite disconnected from human nature itself, like the one we live in today.

Assertiveness, on the other hand, is the ability to express one’s thoughts, feelings, and needs in an honest and respectful manner. without harming others or suppressing oneself This skill is essential for setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and building healthy relationships. The construction of assertiveness is linked to many other processes such as self-knowledge or rather self-feeling (or being connected to oneself), therefore, it can take time and can be improved throughout life.

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For families, understanding emotional management and assertiveness is not only valuable for supporting their children, but also for strengthening family bonds. Effective communication, empathy and assertiveness are key components of emotional management and building stronger family relationships, thus accepting the rapid changes in our society and culture, and adapting more easily to them. If people in the same community had more assertiveness, knowledge and sensitivity, it would probably be a community with healthier ties, more effective and without a doubt, this factor would help increase their well-being.

In any case, to have good emotional management, sometimes it is necessary overcome our fears and relive old traumas to give them new meaning and that they do not continue to affect us in the future; so that we obtain a feeling of freedom and therefore self-control of our own life. Eliminating ghosts that sometimes we don’t know are there and taking the reins of our own lives in a rewarding but painful process at the same time.

Benefits of emotional management and assertiveness

It is important to highlight the benefits of emotional management and assertiveness in the daily lives of young people and their families:

1. Improvement in well-being and/or emotional well-being

Effective emotional management and assertiveness can reduce stress, anxiety and depression promoting greater emotional well-being.

2. Better family relationships

Assertive and empathetic communication skills strengthen family relationships (and other relationships outside the family) and foster a supportive environment with more mutual understanding and therefore without mutual harm.

3. Making better decisions

The ability to make decisions based on reflection rather than impulsivity is a key advantage of emotional management and assertiveness and for achieve what can realistically be achieved

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4. Personal development

Emotional management and assertiveness promote self-knowledge and personal growth, which is valuable throughout life. After all, one of the best ways to improve this world and at the same time be better, is by working psychologically on yourself.


Emotional management and assertiveness are pillars of well-being for young people and their families. Understanding and developing these skills not only improve quality of life of young people, but also strengthen family ties and promote a healthier and more balanced future. Emotional management and assertiveness are a key part of one’s own and others’ well-being.