Emotions That Men Live And Rarely Express

Emotions that men live and rarely express

Men experience certain emotions and situations that are not easy to express To do this, it is important at all times to evaluate emotions, accepting them for what they are, and above all to know methods to be able to get those emotions out.

6 emotions a man goes through and rarely says

These are several experiences that men tend to externalize less due, in large part, to gender roles.

1. Anxiety

Some people describe anxiety as a state of nervousness, restlessness, tremors, or tachycardia in some cases. However, anxiety is often accompanied by depression; a state of mind that can be defined as sadness, anger, and crying for no apparent reason.

How to combat this discomfort? Going for a walk helps a lot for oxygenation of the brain; It is basic and essential to take at least 30 minutes a day to go for a walk at a not so fast pace, this helps reduce the restlessness experienced in the anxious state.

2. Frustration

It is a feeling of being stuck, of not going anywhere, feeling that you want to achieve something and you can’t or it is very difficult, everyone has felt frustration at some point in life.

Frustration is combated by having a life project and making it viable and achievable Most people who feel frustration find themselves stuck in their present moment and towards their future, either because they are filling themselves with too much work, or because they have not achieved what they want in the time they wanted it.

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3. Sadness

State of mind where you feel like doing things, discouragement, disinterest, sometimes there is apparent crying, and in some cases, anger.

People who feel sadness without having a reason could be suffering from some biochemical deficiency. However, feeling sadness is normal. To get out of it, the person is asked to bring to mind a moment in which they were very happy and to touch their shoulder once. Once you have said image, this is to use an NLP technique called anchoring, and it serves to “anchor” the image in association with a memory; Therefore, this image will cause serotonin to be secreted in the brain, making the person feel happy.

It should be noted that the emotion of sadness, as well as some others, are normal when they fall within the normality curve; When these are already out of the curve, it is said to be abnormal and must be treated in a different way

4. Tiredness

The fatigue can be physical or/or mental, if it is physical there is also mental fatigue. However, if there is mental fatigue, there is not necessarily physical fatigue; either of the two are stressors.

Physical fatigue is different from mental fatigue Therefore, we will treat it differently; Physical fatigue can be combated with a nice bath, a rest, a nap, taking deep breaths, going for a walk, eating.

And mental fatigue, in addition to the aforementioned, also helps to read, drink tea or coffee, go out to see the sunset, take a vacation, to name a few.

5. Shame

Shame is something that hardly a man could express, it is a feeling of shame where one does not know how to get out of the situation; However, a certain emotion is not usually accepted for some complexes that they come to have.

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It is normal to feel shame and we can combat it when we are aware of it.

6. Disillusionment

Many men have felt disappointment, and despite this They don’t recognize it because they feel they are less than in front of other people

You combat it by doing a deep analysis of who you are and having security and self-esteem.


It is not that there is any difference in the emotions of men and women, emotions are emotions and they feel very similar, however values, beliefs, prejudices cause the emotion to be experienced in one way or another.

Emotions are part of human life and as such they help develop people’s minds. We can feel emotions throughout the day, and all the time we are oscillating between emotions, thoughts and behaviors; This is a cycle that never ends since it is the way in which body and mind relate.

It is worth mentioning that healthy emotional development is important, because the others mentioned above depend on it, however if there is a deficiency in any of the above there will also be a deficiency in the emotions.