Environmental Anxiety, What Is It And How To Deal With It?

Environmental Anxiety

Autumn no longer exists, the poles are thawing and the salmon are dying. We hear about climate change and its disastrous consequences almost every day. The media and the scientific press are responsible for letting us know that these consequences will be increasingly closer if a solution is not sought and implemented at a global level.

It is not easy to be constantly exposed to this type of catastrophic (although realistic) news and information. Therefore, in recent years more and more people are talking about environmental anxiety ; the experience of anxiety and its behavioral and emotional consequences due to the anguish caused by climate change and the current environmental situation. In this article, we will expand the information on what environmental anxiety is, in what ways and associated with what it occurs, and what we can do to face it in a healthy way without falling into obsession and developing dangerous behaviors for our health and well-being. .

What is environmental anxiety?

Environmental anxiety, at its core, is an emotional and psychological response to the growing awareness of environmental problems facing our world. It manifests itself as a persistent and often overwhelming concern related to issues such as climate change, deforestation, pollution and the loss of natural habitats. This anxiety is not limited to a specific geographic region, as environmental problems transcend borders and affect people of all ages and social conditions.

In everyday life, environmental anxiety can manifest itself in various ways. From constant worry about the future of the planet to feelings of helplessness in the face of the magnitude of environmental challenges, those experiencing this anxiety often face a significant emotional burden. Furthermore, overexposure to negative information about the state of the environment through the media and social networks can intensify these feelings.

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It is essential to understand that environmental anxiety is not simply an irrational fear; rather, it reflects a valid emotional response to the tangible threats facing our environment. Environmental anxiety can be highly paralyzing and disabling, influencing the decisions we make in our daily lives and the situations and environments in which we face. Recognizing this phenomenon is the first step in addressing its ramifications and working toward effective solutions.

Causes of environmental anxiety

Environmental anxiety finds its roots in a complex web of factors ranging from global changes to individual perception. It is important to understand that the climate problems we face permeate practically every aspect of our lives and, therefore, people who experience environmental anxiety can find a stressful or anxious stimulus practically anywhere.

1. Climate change

Climate change, as an omnipresent force, represents one of the main causes. Extreme phenomena, such as uncontrolled forest fires, floods and increasingly intense weather events, generate a palpable sense of crisis that contributes to anxiety. Feeling the possibility that all these problems will get worse if you don’t find a possibility aggravates feelings of anxiety and helplessness.

2. Loss of biodiversity

The accelerated loss of biodiversity also plays a crucial role. The extinction of species, many of which we have not even fully discovered, fuels a sense of irreparable loss. Besides, Air and water pollution, along with soil degradation, threaten the health of ecosystems and, therefore, our own quality of life. Feeling that at any moment your health will be compromised by the global catastrophe and constantly thinking about this immediately activates anxiety and its psychophysiological responses.

3. Negative and catastrophic information

The omnipresence of negative information in the media and social networks acts as an amplifier of environmental anxiety. Shocking images of environmental destruction and apocalyptic projections create an information environment that can be overwhelming for many. Receiving this information from all media outside your own can be very distressing as you feel that there is no hope or possibility of a positive approach to this problem.

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4. Lack of action and helplessness

It is crucial to recognize that environmental anxiety is not only fueled by external factors; The lack of concrete action and the perception of helplessness also contribute significantly. When people feel like they can’t do anything to change the situation, anxiety can intensify. In turn, constantly experiencing anxiety can make it more difficult to commit to different causes or activities that seek to improve environmental problems.

Health consequences

Environmental anxiety not only impacts emotional well-being, but also leaves a profound mark on the physical and mental health of those who experience it. On an emotional level, constant worry about the state of the environment can lead to symptoms of generalized anxiety, stress and, in more serious cases, depression. Uncertainty about the future of the planet can generate a sense of hopelessness that affects the quality of life.

On a physical level, environmental anxiety can manifest itself through symptoms such as sleep problems, headaches, and gastrointestinal disorders. Chronic stress associated with concern about the environment can weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to disease. The connection between mental health and the environment becomes even more evident when considering the loss of the relationship with nature. Environmental anxiety often leads to avoidance of natural environments, exacerbating disconnection and depriving people of the therapeutic benefits of nature.

How to deal with environmental anxiety

Facing environmental anxiety involves adopting strategies at both the individual and collective levels. Below are some suggestions to manage these feelings and contribute to the well-being of the planet:

1. Awareness and education

Being informed about environmental problems in a balanced and objective way can help dispel irrational fears. Environmental education provides the tools necessary to understand the complexities of the challenges and inspires informed action.

2. Individual actions

Making lifestyle changes can have a positive impact. From reducing plastic consumption to adopting sustainable habits, every individual choice counts. Planting trees, participating in local conservation projects and supporting companies with ecological policies are actions that reinforce the feeling of contribution.

3. Mindfulness practices

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Connecting with the present, practicing meditation and consciously enjoying nature can counteract the negative effects of environmental anxiety.

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4. Social support

Sharing concerns and experiences with friends, family or community groups can provide a supportive space. Creating networks of people who share similar goals can strengthen emotional resilience.

5. Active participation

Getting involved in community initiatives or joining organizations dedicated to environmental preservation provides the opportunity to contribute in a more meaningful way. Collective action can create real impact and provide a sense of purpose.

6. Controlled disconnection

If overexposure to negative information contributes to anxiety, setting limits on news and social media consumption may be beneficial. Consciously staying informed, without falling into despair, is essential.

7. Professional consultation

In cases of severe anxiety, seeking help from mental health professionals is essential. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of psychological support can offer tools to effectively manage environmental anxiety.

The role of education and awareness

Education and awareness play a vital role in managing environmental anxiety. Environmental education not only provides knowledge about the challenges facing our planet, but also fosters understanding of solutions and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles.

The inclusion of educational programs on the environment from the initial stages of education contributes to cultivating environmental awareness in future generations. These programs not only inform about problems, but also promote values ​​of respect and responsibility towards the environment.

Collective consciousness is equally crucial. As more people become aware of the interconnection between the health of the planet and their own well-being, it creates a collective momentum for action. Awareness campaigns, community events and active participation in environmental discussions on digital platforms can amplify awareness and mobilize society towards positive changes.


Addressing environmental anxiety involves a combination of awareness, action, and connection. Education and awareness are essential pillars, enabling individuals to understand and address environmental crises. Adopting personal changes, participating in collective initiatives and seeking social support are key to mitigating anxiety and building a path towards sustainability. By joining forces, we can forge a future where planetary and human health are harmoniously intertwined.