Environmental Psychology: Definition, Applications And Approaches

In recent decades, the popularity of environmental psychology, which analyzes the relationship between people and the environment, whether natural or human-created, has greatly increased. In this article We will define environmental psychology and describe its main applications and approaches theoretical and practical.

Environmental psychology: definition and object of study

Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary theoretical and applied field that deals with studying the interaction between human beings and the environment in which they find themselves The main focus is the psychological and behavioral variables that are associated with this relationship.

The object of interest of environmental psychology is broad, as can be deduced from its definition. Any context can be analyzed from the perspective of the relationship between people and the environment, such as the effects of the design of a school classroom on academic performance or the creation of programs to promote sustainable consumption.

Environmental psychology seeks to find ways to predict how certain variables of people and the physical environment will influence the interaction between the two with the aim of optimizing it. Although in many cases this discipline It has an ethical component and is aimed at solving global problems has many possible uses, such as the business environment.

The fact that this field of study includes many different (and often opposing) sciences and interests has made its unity difficult. Although different ideologies and points of view about what shared objectives should be coexist in any discipline, conflicts of this type are especially notable in environmental psychology.

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Applications of this discipline

The relevance of environmental psychology has been increasing due to the growing need to increase awareness and collective and institutional action against the deterioration of the planet. This is why in the last 50 years There has been an intense relationship between environmental psychology and environmental movements

Another application of environmental psychology is the design of architectural environments that enhance the psychological well-being of the people who find themselves in them or that promote certain behaviors. For example, there are both urban designs focused on stress reduction and shopping centers that promote consumption.

From the point of view of improving people’s well-being, Environmental psychology can be useful to the population, especially in the public sector, in which planning and investment in social projects is more possible. In this sense, both urban planning and other environmental aspects, such as transportation or educational centers, are relevant.

In the field of organizations, the knowledge obtained by environmental psychology can be used to maximize the productivity or well-being of workers Modifying work environments is one of the most common applications of environmental psychology, which is a good example of the breadth of this discipline.

Theoretical and practical approaches

In environmental psychology, different methodological and conceptual approaches coexist, although in general they are complementary. Let’s see what the characteristics of these theoretical-practical orientations are.

1. Resolution of environmental problems

The most common action scheme in the field of environmental psychology begins with the identification of problems in a specific environment, often but not necessarily with a particular focus on the role of the human being. A plan to solve the problem is then developed, implemented, monitored, and errors are corrected.

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This field is closely related to movements that defend the environment. Some of the problems in which we intervene most frequently are the improvement of living conditions in disadvantaged environments, control of environmental pollution levels in urban centers and prevention of forest deterioration or other means.

2. Systems perspective

Environmental psychology focused on systems analyzes the relevant social and psychological factors in a specific area; It is frequently used in social integration programs. In this context, systems can be understood as human groups but also include other elements that are in the same environment.

3. Spatiotemporal orientation

This approach focuses on determining How certain factors from the past influenced problems that occur in the present in a specific place. It is also common to analyze the evolution of one or more variables over time, as would happen when studying the relationship between population density and air pollution.

4. Interdisciplinary approach

The knowledge and methods of environmental psychology are integrated with those of many other disciplines, both within and outside psychology. Thus, we can highlight the relationship of this field with organizational, cognitive or developmental psychology, as well as with architecture, interior design, sociology, economics or politics.