Eproctophilia: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


In the repertoire of sensations that wind provokes in us are disgust, shame and, let’s also admit it, a little humor.

But there are people for whom flatulence causes great excitement, so much so that it is essential in their sexual life. They need their partner to throw it in their face or, on the contrary, they need to be the one to throw it at someone else.

It may be the smell, the sound, or the sensation of something that has been inside someone that turns them on, all tastes belonging to the fart paraphilia, eproctophiliaand then we are going to delve into it.

What is eproctophilia?

Eproctophilia is a type of paraphilia in which sexual arousal occurs in the presence of gases.. In other words, the person with this particular paraphilia only feels sexual pleasure when someone, either he or his sexual partner, farts.

It normally occurs in heterosexual men, attracted by the flatulence of the women they sleep with, although there are all kinds of testimonies from homosexual eproctophiles interested in the farts of other men. There are even curious cases of men who claim to be heterosexual but feel real excitement when another man produces wind.

There is some debate about how to classify this paraphilia. In some circles it is considered a mild form of coprophilia, the sexual attraction to human excrement. However, many people with arousal from farting claim that they have no interest in human feces and may even take away sexual arousal completely. Be that as it may, as with all paraphilias, eproctophilia It should only be considered pathological when it makes farting the only way a person can enjoy sexual relations..


The main feature of paraphilias is the association that the person makes of sexual pleasure with the object or situation of their obsession. In this case, the main symptom of the eproctophilic person is getting excited when he or she finds himself in a situation in which there is flatulence in the way, whether someone farts on him, whether he or she is the one who farts on his or her sexual partner, or both.

We should not confuse a person who shows a simple interest in human flatulence, even if it is an extravagant taste, with someone who would present eproctophilia. Although there are no criteria on how to diagnose this condition, what can be said is that an eproctophilic person could be considered someone whose association between pleasure and gas is so great that it interferes with their sexual life. This situation can become extreme, so much so that the affected person is unable to enjoy sex at all unless he is exposed to his partner’s gases.

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In fact, this is the most important indicator of any type of affiliation, that is, that you only feel sexual arousal from a single practice or situation. As a consequence, all kinds of personal and relational problems can occur, because one is unable to enjoy a conventional sexual relationship and, as a general rule, there are few potential sexual partners who can express the same interest in flatulence.

Specific practices of eproctophilia

The way in which this paraphilia occurs can be very variable from person to person, although always with the presence of flatulence as a background.. For example, there are eproctophiles who say they feel aroused when they see an attractive woman letting out flatulence, because it is a breach of social norms.

There are also cases that say that smelling another person’s flatulence is seen as sexually exciting because they consider it to be a kind of sign of affection and trust. Those who argue this say that, as a rule, you don’t know what other people’s farts smell like, and when you deliberately release them, they interpret it as if you were opening up to them. They also see it as a gesture of social relaxation, a way to break the ice when meeting someone whose presence is intimidating.

There are extreme cases in which the person with eproctophilia is unable to become aroused if his sexual partner does not fart, or also if that same partner is not in favor of receiving it. As in the case of many other paraphilias, the obsession of the affected person tends to focus on increasingly specific situations, to the point that it is truly difficult and complicated to achieve excitement. In the case of eproctophilia, there may come a time when not only does the patient need his partner to fart, but he will only feel arousal if that fart makes a particular sound and smell.

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Symptoms of eproctophilia

Causes of this paraphilia

Eproctophilia is a poorly studied paraphilia. This is not because there are few eproctophiles, but rather because there are few who dare to admit that they feel aroused by smelling foreign gases or throwing them at another person. It is not a behavior that can be considered socially well accepted and, for this reason, scientific research to find out what the causes behind this particular sexual attraction are is rather scarce. However, several possible causes have been proposed to explain why eproctophilia appears.

Let’s look at some of the theories that try to explain why eproctophilia occurs.

1. Behaviorism: classical and operant conditioning

Some concepts from behaviorism have been used to try to explain the origin of certain paraphilias, including eproctophilia. This branch of psychology maintains that all our habits are formed through learning, associating pain and pleasure with specific practices.. This association can occur in two ways:

Relating it to eproctophilia, the explanation would be that the person associates sexual pleasure with his or her sexual partner’s gas after he or she has farted on several occasions when they have had sex. If it had happened so many times, it would reach the point where the person could not feel sexual arousal without farting during intercourse.

2. Psychoanalysis: childhood traumas

Psychoanalysis has its own explanation for the origin of paraphilias. In this case, it is believed that paraphilias arise as a consequence of trauma occurred during childhood that remain recorded in the subconscious. These childhood traumas would almost always be the result of sexual abuse or deaths of important loved ones, especially parents and caregivers, which were handled very poorly or were not managed appropriately.

According to psychoanalysts, it would be these highly disturbing situations that would profoundly alter the way in which the child and, later, adolescent, discover their sexual pleasure. As a result, as he grew older he would begin to show all types of abnormal behaviors and attitudes towards sex that could be diagnosed as paraphilias. It should be said, however, that although this explanation makes some sense and has many followers, there is not much evidence to support it.

3. Neurobiology: neurotransmitters

More and more scientists have become interested in studying the role of the brain and neurotransmitters in sexual arousal.. There are substances, such as testosterone and dopamine, that play a very important role in determining what turns us on.

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Some theorists have hypothesized that, when a person is addicted to pornography or sex, they may end up developing tolerance to dopamine, a very important neurotransmitter when it comes to regulating sexual arousal. The greater the tolerance, the more difficulties the person will have in feeling arousal and will need to be exposed to increasingly extreme situations or hypersexualized objects and people.

Extrapolated to people with eproctophilia, What would happen is that initially your brain would be flooded with dopamine and testosterone when you hear or smell flatulence.. Little by little, they would become more dependent on farting, feeling the dopamine rush only when someone releases gas or they do it themselves. As time went by, he would develop a tolerance for that same condition, requiring that the farts be released in a very specific way or that they smell a certain way in order to feel sexual arousal.

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Paraphilias are patterns of sexual behavior, not necessarily mental disorders., so their treatment will depend on how serious they are or how they interfere with the life of the affected person. In general, the treatment of the most serious paraphilias is not simple and requires a multidisciplinary approach, but with the understanding that there may be several origins behind the appearance of abnormal sexual behavior.

Since it is a problem related to sex, It is essential that the person with eproctophilia go to a sexologist to be able to learn new, less particular sexual practices. and healthier. This professional will work with the patient on his sexual flexibility, in the sense that he can be more open with respect to the practices that give him pleasure and thus not depend so much on a specific situation occurring to feel sexual arousal.

If there is one, it would be necessary to treat the addiction to porn or sex and, thus, progressively reduce the tolerance to dopamine. In this way, the patient, in a completely natural way, will become more sensitive to the most everyday sexual stimuli, which will significantly improve their sexual life as a couple or with casual encounters.